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Everything I cook tastes better than yo' momma's nipples.
(In cooking), there is always room for careful tinkering.
An ounce of sequins can be worth a pound of home cooking.
Mum's cooking is still the best thing. It's very healthy.
If you're cooking food, you don't have to count calories.
I use the kitchen as a pathway to achieve this happiness.
Ive never gone to culinary school, but I do love cooking.
Romanian-Yiddish cooking has killed more Jews than Hitler
One can perfectly well philosophize while cooking supper.
I got food poisoning today. I don't know when I'll use it.
This has got to be the most expensive food ever laminated.
My two rules of cooking: keep it fresh and keep it simple.
Cooking certainly has some of the elements of an art form.
Men like to barbecue. Men will cook if danger is involved.
I've never gone to culinary school, but I do love cooking.
The secret of good cooking is, first, having a love of it.
The people who I enjoy cooking for the most are my family.
I like eating, cooking and shopping. It all goes together.
I had a passion for cooking, and I was a very bad student.
I was 32 when I started cooking; up until then, I just ate.
For me, cooking is very connected to my family and friends.
I love home cooking, and I'm not a great one for fast food.
Oh thrice and four times happy... those who plant cabbages.
All the vitamins needed seem to be found in plebian dishes.
Cooking skills aside, my mother is an exceptional nurturer.
I know my limit. I just keep passing out before I reach it.
Certainly, cooking for oneself reveals man at his weirdest.
American cooking is one of the unknown cuisines in America.
It was for bringing the cook tulip-roots instead of onions.
TRICHINOSIS, n. The pig's reply to proponents of porcophagy.
I do most of the cooking. I'm kind of domestic, untidily so.
Having examined three thousand haiku poems - two persimmons.
Cooking like everything else in France is logic and fashion.
Those from whom nature has withheld taste invented trousers.
Chicken may be eaten constantly without becoming nauseating.
If I can't have too many truffles, I'll do without truffles.
In the last analysis, a pickle is a cucumber with experience.
Abstinence is as easy to me as temperance would be difficult.
The world of wine is more creative than the world of cooking.
A genial hearth, a hospitable board, and a refined rusticity.
Gelatins are one of most unbelievable areas in cooking today.
The whole idea is to earn the flavor. No one gives it to you.
Food doesn't exist, but can only be invented. And reinvented.
I enjoy music and cooking and cartoons and many other things.
The stock market has spoiled more appetites than bad cooking.
When it comes to cooking, it's a skill you learn and develop.
...cassoulet, like life itself, is not so simple as it seems.
Cooking is one of the most zen things - you have to be there.
Cooking, you can keep. I've not the slightest interest in it.
And every day when I've been good, I get an orange after food.