In Nigeria they convict by law, not by the truth

Convicts are the best audience I ever played for.

I don't like hiking with convicts carrying machetes.

I'm the only convict who couldn't get into Australia.

It isn't true that convicts live like animals: animals have more room to move around.

My suspension was a long-planned move... and was done to protect would-be convicts in Romanian politics.

Most of today's black convicts have come to understand that they are the most abused victims of an unrighteous order.

People tend to say Christians are always judging, but the word of God convicts Christians and urges them to obey God's commands.

If I play a cop, it's always a racist cop or a trigger-happy cop or a crooked cop - but by and large I play cowboys, bikers, and convicts.

He who confesses magic or sorcery shall do penance for the time of murder, and shall be treated in the same manner as he who convicts himself of this sin.

Technology is neutral: It convicts and finds innocents. We must make it a regularized part of the system, giving defendants access to DNA testing and evidence whenever it might be relevant.

It is shocking how much a day-care center is like a prison. They both have security cameras with walled exercise yards. Prisons are permanent day cares for people permanently in time-out - convicts.

Steady, firm, and kind government of prisoners is the truest humanity and the best exercise of duty. It is with convicts as with children: unseasonable indulgence, indiscreetly granted, leads to mischiefs which we may deplore but cannot repair.

I believe the best mode of aiding convicts is so to apportion their tasks in prison as to give to the industrious the opportunity of earning a sum for themselves by 'over-work.' A man usually values that most for which he has labored; he uses that most frugally which he has toiled hour by hour and day by day to acquire.

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