The reason I call myself a documentary photographer is the idea of how photographs contain and participate in history.

All my stories are webs of style and none seems at first blush to contain much kinetic matter. For me style is matter.

I remain deeply interested in the transformation of the American healthcare system to improve quality and contain costs.

The reason bubbles are spherical is that a sphere is the smallest, most economical form possible to contain a given volume.

How do we take the bad out of fracking? How do you contain the water? How do we make a profit out of that? Get there early.

I'll tell you what I love doing more than anything: trying to pack myself in a small suitcase. I can hardly contain myself.

In my experience, there is only one motivation, and that is desire. No reasons or principle contain it or stand against it.

The possibilities are infinite with new writing; every time you open a new script, there's no limit to what it might contain.

There is no pop category, let alone any infinitely gene-sliced genre name, to contain the lead in Rihanna's voice in 'Needed Me.'

It is a commonplace by now to say that the urban school systems of America contain a higher percentage of Negro children each year.

Is there any purpose to translating poetry? A poem does not contain information of importance, like a signpost or a warning notice.

The overwhelming majority of theories are rejected because they contain bad explanations, not because they fail experimental tests.

A family is too frail a vessel to contain the risks of all the warring impulses expressed when such a group meets on common ground.

Shapes that contain no inner components of positive/negative relationships will function better with other shapes of the same nature.

Every man's closet must contain a trench coat. It's hard for any gentleman not to look dashing when clad in this swashbuckling style.

The undiscovered places that are interesting to me are these places that contain bits of our disappearing history, like a ghost town.

The off spinner's job is to contain; for me, leg spinners need to have a bigger heart than anyone else because it is easy to blame them.

Different viral species contain nucleic acids that differ not only in length and nucleotide sequence but in many unexpected ways as well.

Soups are a great way to introduce a lot of vegetables to kids. Stir-fries, too, because they contain so many different shapes and colors.

The fact is that most crime novels contain a good many punchlines. They are just rather darker than the ones you might hear in a comedy club.

To me, both the Declaration of Independence and the Communist Manifesto contain underlying truths, but the West doesn't permit a middle road.

Samurai films, like westerns, need not be familiar genre stories. They can expand to contain stories of ethical challenges and human tragedy.

Some versions of crab cakes are mostly crabmeat lightly bound with egg, but I'm a firm believer that a crab cake should contain bread crumbs.

Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams - they all have different names, but they all contain water. Just as religions do - they all contain truths.

To me, there is spirit in a reed. It's a living thing, a weed, really, and it does contain spirit of a sort. It's really an ancient vibration.

I don't even read positive reviews unless they are absolutely certified by eight different people to not contain one thing that could upset me.

Incentives and infrastructure should encourage development and that development needs to contain the right types of housing in the right places.

Most scholarly books we read for the information or insight they contain. But some we return to simply for the pleasure of the author's company.

Most sets of values would give rise to universes that, although they might be very beautiful, would contain no one able to wonder at that beauty.

I do love fish, and I thought it was healthy without understanding the high mercury levels that fish like tuna, swordfish and halibut can contain.

My whole thing is, I collect what I know I want to read, and I have certain bookshelves in my bedroom that contain all the books I haven't read yet.

My food villain is salt. I'd love to be have the odd ready meal as a lazy treat, but some contain 33% of your salt intake! i just cant do it to myself!

You see teams buy a lot of batsmen for a lot of money because they are good batsmen. But you also need good bowlers to get them out or contain the runs.

The drama is complete poetry. The ode and the epic contain it only in germ; it contains both of them in a state of high development, and epitomizes both.

The Federal Reserve has a responsibility to ensure the safety and soundness of financial institutions and to contain systemic risks in financial markets.

If adolescent pregnancy prevention is to become a priority, then our strategy, as advocates, must contain two key elements: civic engagement and education.

If he's averaging 25 points and I can contain him to 17, then I've won the battle. If he averages 12 assists and I kept him to seven, I'm winning the game.

Warrior Writer workshops have sprung up across the country, and of the ones I've attended and participated in, most contain at least one or two star writers.

In India, we never distinguished between history and myth. Our Puranas as well as Itihasas contain fantastical tales. They are lies that convey deeper truths.

If I ever wrote a book on preaching, it would contain three words: Preach the Word. Get rid of all the other stuff that gets you sidetracked; preach the Word.

I know terrorism is real. And I know fear of it distorts public judgment. Terrorism is like a chronic illness. We have to learn to contain it and live with it.

The thing about performance, even if it's only an illusion, is that it is a celebration of the fact that we do contain within ourselves infinite possibilities.

Bearing in mind that homeopathic remedies are generally so diluted that they contain no active remedy, it seems obvious they can be nothing more than placebos.

What is terrifying is the ability, through mass brainwashing or propaganda, to change normal human instinct, which does not necessarily contain very much hatred.

The human diet, for millions of years, did not contain any added salt - only the sodium present in natural foods, adding up to only about 1000 mg sodium per day.

There are selves too big for one person to contain. You cannot call them selfish. There is nothing -ish about such selves. They are the self, as it were, itself.

Bodies which contain a greater proportion of water than is necessary to balance the other elements, are speedily corrupted, and lose their virtues and properties.

'To Kill a Mockingbird' represents Hollywood at its very finest, when a popular film could truly contain a message. It has one of the most moving scores of all time.

All of the books in the world contain no more information than is broadcast as video in a single large American city in a single year. Not all bits have equal value.

Ribosomes contain RNA, messenger RNA provides the information, transfer RNAs brings the amino acids; so the protein-making machinery is an RNA machinery, completely.

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