The only thing that has ever consumed me is love from time to time. Feeling like, 'What is it? How do I get it?'

It is easy to dismiss the world as 'irrelevant,' or consumed by 'paranoid anti-Americanism,' but perhaps not wise.

I am consumed with the fear of failing. Reaching deep down and finding confidence has made all my dreams come true.

Donald Trump, who surely has lots of high-stakes issues on which to focus, is consumed with the appearance of women.

Celebrity is a pathological sickness of the culture. Narcissists on screen being consumed by narcissists off-screen.

From the first moment on the set I was consumed with curiousity about the technical side of shooting a sound picture.

Ever since I've been here [in Russia], my life has been consumed with work that's actually fulfilling and satisfying.

Much of my publishing life was consumed by the memoirs of movie stars - or by attempts to get them to write a memoir.

When he was on the streets, I was consumed with Nic. I was obsessed with him to the point that I could barely function.

And as the bullet ripped through his flesh, Ralston was consumed by a single thought: I never told her that I loved her.

Death is the great hope of all life; the desire to expend itself; to be used and consumed by its own longing for itself.

On one hand, I want to be successful and give my best to everything I do, but I don't want to be too consumed by anything.

I'm broken from the inside. The depression that has slowly eaten away at me has finally consumed me, and I couldn't beat it.

I don't like being consumed by work all the time. I consume myself so much when I do a part that I like to step away from it.

Winners live in the present tense. People who come up short are consumed with future or past. I want to be living in the now.

Most presenters are consumed with preparing their content rapidly, which makes the material about their own narrow perspective.

It definitely wasn't cool in junior high, when everyone else is trying out for cheerleading, to have a life consumed by ballet.

The Labour Party has become consumed by collective bile towards... the Liberal Democrats. That portrays a rather nasty arrogance.

Most of the energy consumed is for heating, cooling, and transport. By massively deploying green gas, we could decarbonize all that.

The Sandinista government became consumed with fighting a war of survival. They were up against the biggest superpower in the world.

I want to speak seventeen languages. When you think like that, you'll be consumed by failure. I'm haunted daily by what I don't know.

I became so consumed with trying to live up to what the public expected that I lost myself. I don't know of anyone else who can say this.

To be completely consumed by track, that might be a little bit out of my comfort zone. I kind of like having friends who are less tracky.

I don't think that my work is actually effectively dealing with history. I think of my work as subsumed by history or consumed by history.

You can't create a work without being aware that it will change dependent upon the context or the society where it is developed or consumed.

I had long ago become a creation, a public image made to be consumed, piled on top of a precarious shell of a little boy wanting to be loved.

If you're given a chance, and you're driven and obsessed and consumed when given the opportunity to prove people right, the sky is the limit.

Each generation takes the earth as trustees. We ought to bequeath to posterity as many forests and orchards as we have exhausted and consumed.

I just wish the crowd I was associated with was more passionate about what they were doing and less consumed with the commerce of the art form.

Trump is an erratic figure - seemingly fragile, consumed by his own unpopularity and desperate to somehow exceed Barack Obama in public acclaim.

Flowers die and wine gets consumed. Both are lovely. I appreciate both. Wine and roses. I actually had someone bring me a lobe of foie gras once.

Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence.

I've taught a college journalism course at two universities where my students taught me more than I did them about how political news is consumed.

Tolerating evil leads only to more evil. And when good people stand by and do nothing while wickedness reigns, their communities will be consumed.

2015 was simultaneously the year in which I consumed the most popcorn of my life and the year in which I received the most praise from my dentist.

What the mass media offers is not popular art, but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food, forgotten, and replaced by a new dish.

For years, I've felt an obligation to harvest an animal, since all my life I've so mindlessly consumed them. But that was from the safety of my desk.

About 60 percent of the oil consumed daily by Americans is used for transportation, and about 45 percent is used for passenger cars and light trucks.

I have been on an incredible journey with my body. One that began with me absolutely hating it every single day to the point that it had consumed me!

The artist must create a spark before he can make a fire and before art is born, the artist must be ready to be consumed by the fire of his own creation.

An anthill increases by accumulation. Medicine is consumed by distribution. That which is feared lessens by association. This is the thing to understand.

So, fortune cookies: invented by the Japanese, popularized by the Chinese, but ultimately consumed by Americans. They are more American than anything else.

So much of myself is consumed with earning my way, doing it myself, and never feeling like things are being handed to you. Growing up that way was humbling.

Anything that I'm naturally curious about, I get really into. Maybe it's O.C.D. I get really consumed by something until I absorb it, then I'm done with it.

I would define the poetic effect as the capacity that a text displays for continuing to generate different readings, without ever being completely consumed.

Because we're watching so many movies and are consumed by so many stories, science fiction lets you do something a bit fresh and that hasn't been seen before.

Culture in general wants to connect ethical issues with consumerism. And we can see that overflowing into something that is consumed so much, which is sports.

The thought of making work that's easily consumed and quickly forgotten - what's the point? I want my work to be cohesive, to age and improve like old leather.

I'm writing a film. With our access to these powerful media, we're going to take over, because it's really disgusting what is put out there now to be consumed.

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.

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