The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.

It consists entirely of people who are not related by blood, many of whom can't stand each other.

The Godhead consists of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is a material being.

Most of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get their work done.

Blessedness consists in the accomplishment of our desires, and in our having only regular desires.

Science consists exactly of those forms of knowledge that can be verified and duplicated by anybody.

With the greater part of rich people, the chief enjoyment of riches consists in the parade of riches.

My breakfast consists of skimmed milk, a scoop of whey protein, and granola with dry fruits and oats.

Most of our so-called reasoning consists in finding arguments for going on believing as we already do.

The true spirit of conversation consists in building on another man's observation, not overturning it.

The happiness of the creature consists in rejoicing in God, by which also God is magnified and exalted.

Wise living consists perhaps less in acquiring good habits than in acquiring as few habits as possible.

America is not anything if it consists of each of us. It is something only if it consists of all of us.

My diet consists of a lot of salads - I liberally include a lot of fruits and vegetables in every meal.

Our down time at home consists of hikes and video games and trying to cook - because we are awful at it.

The great and admirable strength of America consists in this, that America is truly the American people.

Some information is important, and some is not, and intelligence consists in knowing one from the other.

True politeness consists in being easy one's self, and in making every one about one as easy as one can.

Baseball consists of a million threads of dullness, on a loom of ennui, woven into a tapestry of tedium.

Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit.

But active programming consists of the design of new programs, rather than contemplation of old programs.

Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do. Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do.

My writing process, such as it is, consists of a lot of noodling, procrastinating, dawdling, and avoiding.

Perfect valour consists in doing without witnesses that which we would be capable of doing before everyone.

Wit consists in knowing the resemblance of things that differ, and the difference of things that are alike.

Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable.

The truth, the absolute truth, is that the chief beauty for the theatre consists in fine bodily proportions.

It is proportion that beautifies everything, the whole universe consists of it, and music is measured by it.

Democracy consists of choosing your dictators, after they've told you what you think it is you want to hear.

Most of American life consists of driving somewhere and then returning home, wondering why the hell you went.

The Philippines consists of different beautiful islands, so my Filipino fans are as beautiful and passionate.

The interior of Mexico consists of a mass of volcanic rocks, thrust up to a great height above the sea-level.

True scholarship consists in knowing not what things exist, but what they mean; it is not memory but judgment.

The art of doing mathematics consists in finding that special case which contains all the germs of generality.

Journalism largely consists of saying 'Lord Jones is Dead' to people who never knew that Lord Jones was alive.

True realism consists in revealing the surprising things which habit keeps covered and prevents us from seeing.

Sanctification consists of the daily realization that in Christ we have died, and in Christ we have been raised.

Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person.

The only security men can have for their political liberty, consists in keeping their money in their own pockets.

I'm trying to be one of the greatest players, so whatever level that consists of is where I want to take my game.

Life consists not simply in what heredity and environment do to us but in what we make out of what they do to us.

I eat steak primarily. That's pretty much what my diet consists of. Sometimes I supplement that with other steaks.

The overwhelming majority of my rated wealth consists of investments in companies that produce goods and services.

It is in this power of saying everything, and yet saying nothing too plainly, that the perfection of art consists.

The art of politics consists in knowing precisely when it is necessary to hit an opponent slightly below the belt.

Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong.

I always said life consists of love and work. I tried to balance it 50-50. And, of course, now I'm so happy I did.

Man's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done.

Courtship consists in a number of quiet attentions, not so pointed as to alarm, nor so vague as not to be understood.

The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service.

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