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In Colombia, education is sometimes considered a luxury, not a human right. And it's not a priority in the agendas of many leaders.
Children must be considered in a divorce considered valuable pawns in the nasty legal and financial contest that is about to ensue.
There is a phenomenal amount of pressure on women in this industry: they are considered vintage by the time they hit their mid-30s.
Engineering is treated with disdain, on the whole. It's considered to be rather boring and irrelevant, yet neither of those is true.
I considered obesity a disease. It can destroy you from within. It almost destroyed me, and I do not want that to happen to anybody.
I have always considered reunions to be a way to make a quick buck, and it sells short my own experience of it the first time around.
I grew up in a world where a woman who looks like me, with my kind of skin and my kind of hair, was never considered to be beautiful.
If one considered life as a simple loan, one would perhaps be less exacting. We possess actually nothing; everything goes through us.
My passions were all gathered together like fingers that made a fist. Drive is considered aggression today; I knew it then as purpose.
China more than two milleniums ago had already considered the idea of democracy, but at that time she could not put it into operation.
And, so I set my goals on astronaut because, as a military aviator, it was, I considered that to be about the peak of a flying career.
To be honest, it's considered very late to start acting at 11 and a half, for the industry. Most kids are doing it from toddlerhood on.
Every man should be considered as having a right to the character which he deserves; that is, to be spoken of according to his actions.
I also like the whole idea of fairy tales and folk tales being a woman's domain, considered a lesser domain at the time they were told.
The higher up you go, the more mistakes you are allowed. Right at the top, if you make enough of them, it's considered to be your style.
I have always considered it as treason against the great republic of human nature, to make any man's virtues the means of deceiving him.
I also found child's play - stuff that was not considered serious, but goofy - was the stuff I liked to do, so I still do it as an adult.
It is necessary to work, if not from inclination, at least from despair. Everything considered, work is less boring than amusing oneself.
In this society, if a man is called a woman, that's the biggest insult he could get. Is that because women are considered something less?
Even from a very early age, I knew I didn't want to miss out on anything life had to offer just because it might be considered dangerous.
I've been told I've done a lot of flop movies. And I think, 'Wow, I've never considered them flops!' I've loved every character I played.
I considered moving to New York or Los Angeles, but they're two of the hardest places to move to when you're just starting out in a band.
The poverty of a man of benevolence is not to be considered as poverty but only as his temporary inability to exercise his inherent duty.
I've always considered myself to be just average talent and what I have is a ridiculous insane obsessiveness for practice and preparation.
The political object is the goal, war is the means of reaching it, and the means can never be considered in isolation from their purposes.
We're uncomfortable about considering history as a science. It's classified as a social science, which is considered not quite scientific.
Tourism, human circulation considered as consumption is fundamentally nothing more than the leisure of going to see what has become banal.
Doubts raced through my mind as I considered the feasibility of enforcing a law which the majority of honest citizens didn't seem to want.
I find it extraordinary that this purpose which drove how we viewed the world is now considered to be something that has no effect upon us.
I want to question what the outside is and who defines it. I often find those that are considered to be on the outside extremely inspiring.
Eating a tuna roll at a sushi restaurant should be considered no more environmentally benign than driving a Hummer or harpooning a manatee.
I never felt ostracized or made to feel strange by obsessing over 'The Onion' or 'Calvin and Hobbes.' That was considered completely normal.
Every time I show up to do something here it's considered a comeback. If I came into town and they didn't call it that, I'd be disappointed.
Bob Dylan's first couple of records in the 60's weren't considered cover records, but he only wrote one or two original songs on each album.
Hans Zimmer and I considered 'Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows' to be a steampunk genre; our inspiration came from Sherlock's own travels.
If you say 'anti-aging,' how anti would it have to be, really? My guess is not much. Any amount of sunscreen could be considered anti-aging.
I am still attracted to stories about people who are considered to be on the outside of society. I still seek inspiration from those stories.
I considered myself very lucky after 'Baghdad Cafe,' and I have 'The Shield.' In every genre, I've kicked butt at some point. I'm real happy.
I always wondered if you clone your wife and have the cloned wife on the moon and the real wife down here, would that be considered cheating?
I led a comfortable life, went to good schools and was privileged in many ways, but my father worked hard. We never considered ourselves rich.
I think I would like to be a monk. I really considered Catholicism a few years ago, but there were some things that I just couldn't reconcile.
I was considered as a jazz man rather than as a blues player. There were no blues players-you played one sort of jazz of another sort of jazz.
It was considered that you were stepping down by doing television. I almost turned Cybill down because I so wanted to remain a theater actress.
I want to make clothes that are beautiful of course, but also clothes that are interesting and considered and intelligent and not out of place.
I don't really listen to pop-country, but I like really, really old country that's closer to folk. Like Johnny Cash, who is considered country.
I don't ever balk at being considered a Motown person, because Motown is the greatest musical event that ever happened in the history of music.
The one reason why I got into cooking was because I wasn't good at anything else - not that I was good at it, but it was considered honest work.
We're poor black kids from Akron, Ohio. When you tell stories about people like us, sometimes it's going to be considered a social-impact story.
President Jimmy Carter was a citizen soldier. Ironically, he was considered weak because he didn't kill anybody and he didn't get anyone killed.
I came very close to quitting my job for the Bush-Cheney '04 campaign. I seriously considered packing up my office and heading home to Colorado.