I can play a man who's despicable. But I'll still look inside him to find a point of connection. If I can find that kernel, audiences will relate to me.

I wish someone had put a golf club in my hands, not skates on my feet. It is a really great game for business. It's a great game for making connections.

I invented nothing new. I simply combined the inventions of others into a car. Had I worked fifty or ten or even five years before, I would have failed.

Backup singers just bring so much more life to the situation. When a voice opens up, there comes the life.That's when it's a person-to-person connection.

The weather and my mood have little connection. I have my foggy and my fine days within me; my prosperity or misfortune has little to do with the matter.

I guess at it's very core love is connection that just makes so much sense you wonder how you used to live before you were lucky enough to experience it.

You stand in front of a great painting and your heart just opens and your mind expands about what's possible. That, to me, is a connection to what God is.

Sleep is a regenerative process where we heal and where our neurons build strong connections. It's like a fountain of youth that we dive into every night.

My own personal connection with God was not in a religious sense, so I wasn't really thinking in that way when I got the role and when I started doing it.

I think the industry finally gets it. They've lost the connection with the American public, and they've got to rebuild the trust with the American public.

I usually meditate and I call my spirit allies - anyone in the spirit world that I've got connections with. Even in the spirit world you need connections!

Evidence shows that having even weak social connections in a stressful situation is really good for your health and your ability to handle that situation.

Let yourself daydream sometimes... Allow spontaneous images to come and go. Capture one in a sketch. These images express connections with your inner self.

How quick are we to learn: that is, to imitate what others have done or thought before. And how slow to understand: that is, to see the deeper connections.

The man of culture finds the whole past relevant; the bourgeois and the barbarian find relevant only what has some pressing connection with their appetite.

There has been talk in Europe about American hegemony being somehow based upon the use of the dollar in the world. I just don't see that connection at all.

I'm just going to go out there, pop on my leather gloves, and constantly make connections outside the Octagon, and that will make me bigger in the Octagon.

There is critical mass with high-speed Internet connections, so video is a good user experience. And that means there can be critical mass for advertisers.

I didn't have a lot of independent film connections. It really took until the digital film revolution came along that I realized that I could do it myself.

Jim Morrison was a well-built boy, larger than average, and young enough to maintain the engorged silent connection right through the residue of chemicals.

For everyone that doesn't want to endorse Donald Trump or doesn't even want to support him, they should realize he actually has a connection to his voters.

The work changes the way your face changes and ages - it just does. Also, I have very little connection to anything I've written. I move on. We all move on

I can write a program that lets you break the copy protection on a music file. But I can't write a program that solders new connections onto a chip for you.

To "learn from experience" is to make a backward and forward connection between what we do to things and what we enjoy or suffer from things in consequence.

Patriarchy's chief institution is the family. It is both a mirror of and a connection with the larger society; a patriarchal unit within a patriarchal whole.

The sciences are said, and they are truly said, to have a mutual connection, that any one of them may be the better understood, for an insight into the rest.

There are few words in Russian for the Western concept of 'law,' but there are legions of words for connections, helping people from one's neck of the woods.

I want to use whatever connections to get a super-outstanding Basquiat in the White House. It could be one of mine. It could be something that a friend owns.

When you aimlessly shoot for lofty goals, with no personal connection to them, you loose sight of what really matters, and what will really make you content.

The only way to isolate specific back muscles - whether it is upper. or lower back - or make any progress is through the power of the mind-muscle connection.

The people that matter to me the most are the people that are in my life. That's who I really learn from, and it's always a very personal kind of connection.

It is essential for politicians to make a connection with us, as Franklin Roosevelt did, as Teddy Roosevelt did, as John F. Kennedy did, as Ronald Reagan did.

Companies in Mexico are not going to do well if they don't have some connection to not just markets, but also suppliers and technology from the United States.

Any stimulus package amounts to taking money from the pockets of some Americans and placing it in the pockets of others who have better political connections.

It's not necessarily what a family is typically supposed to look like. But it is what it is. It's about a connection and bond that everyone can identify with.

I live in the 17th century. I don't have a computer. I don't look at the internet. I use a cellphone, and that's about my only connection to the modern world.

The thing that makes me feel most alive would be when I'm hanging out with my family and feeling my connection with them and feeling safe and content in that.

Language is handy, but we humans have social and emotional connections that transcend words and are communicated - and understood - without conscious thought.

I was the girl of the chain letter, the girl full of talk of coffins and keyholes, the one of the telephone bills, the wrinkled photo and the lost connections.

The great irony to Dirk [Gently] is that he sees connections in everything, but the one thing he fails and struggles with most is connecting with other people.

Im always trying to find connections between things. That art is the juxtaposition of a lot of things that seem unrelated but add up to something recognizable.

We learn best with focused attention. As we focus on what we're learning, the brain maps that information on what we already know making new neural connections

I had some connections from the newspapers that I did work with up there, so there was a newspaper publisher in Hollywood, and they promised me work and so on.

Often people fail to start or complete a task because they don't see any connection between what they're doing and what they really want to accomplish in life.

Conflict is easy because weve all had conflict, but to really bond with someone and to have a genuine connection, it needs to come from a place by knowing them.

There's nothing better than going out there and performing and making that connection with audiences. Even after all this time I get the biggest buzz from that.

There was a certain feminine satisfaction in having the last word, delivering her line smartly, and breaking the connection between them quickly and decisively.

Arrows of hate have been aimed at me too, but they have never hit me, because somehow they belonged to another world with which I have no connection whatsoever.

If I go to Singapore, I have friends there. If they came to Zambia, they'd feel the same way. I've made connections, and I have friends in many, many countries.

What an argument in favor of social connections is the observation that by communicating our grief we have less, and by communicating our pleasure we have more.

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