As connected as we are with technology, it's also removed us from having to have human connection, made it more convenient to not be intimate.

Your own creations are your own children; you gave life to them, so you'll always have, if not more passion to them, more connections to them.

Green business is not about tie-dyed T-shirts. It's about transforming the industrial system itself into one that looks at all the connections.

Every physical quality admired by men in women is in direct connection with the manifold functions of women for the propagation of the species.

In nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it and over it.

Yet in this global economy, no jobs are safe. High-speed Internet connections and low-cost, skilled labor overseas are an explosive combination.

We will continue to invest in our people and technology to help provide a safe place for civic discourse and meaningful connections on Facebook.

We formed in 1993 to make it clear that we don't take our marching orders from anyone overseas, we have no connection to the Muslim Brotherhood.

I do feel like I have a direct connection with God for some reason; always have since I was a little kid - I would talk to God, talk to the sky.

The connections are very important with the fans, with the journalists, with the people. The Portuguese like to do this - it's a characteristic.

DNA is the messenger which illuminates that connection,handed down from generation to generation,carried,literally,in the bodies of my ancestors.

Writing is, of course, a solitary occupation. But for many writers, myself included, it's through writing that we make certain vital connections.

They're pushing me to do Howard. Howard's a trip. My friend made me watch the Lesbian Love Connection and I was like, Oh God, get me out of here!

For most women, the language of conversation is primarily a language of rapport: a way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships.

Now anyone can move anywhere. I've made deep connections with people around the world since I tour everywhere that I will simply never see again.

Ever since I started painting, I have tried to get the fluidity and surprise of image connection, the simultaneity of film montage, into painting.

I'm glad I took that time to work really hard on the music. I feel the effects of that now in a positive way with my connection with the audience.

People are so much more interested in making connections, and finding common ground, and sharing experiences than sometimes their governments are.

My family had no money or social connections with the music industry but I came to London and had some success that continues to influence my life.

I haven't stopped making music since I started at 16 and throughout the years I made a lot of different connections and had a lot of opportunities.

She can't just be a face, a body; there has to be more than that, some kind of connection. And I can't connect, don't want to connect, with anyone.

You really have to prove yourself and prove your worth. I didn't come from family that had been here for generations and had all these connections.

Our connection to nature grounds us, it makes us more spiritually aware. We must keep the legacy of nature materially alive for future generations.

Do I believe in God? I don't know what that really means. I don't know what my personal connections with G-o-d are. But spirituality is soulfulness.

Our brains have the ability to reorganize themselves by forming new neural connections throughout our lives. This ability is called neuroplasticity.

Something like 'Much Ado' happens, and even 'Avengers' happens because of the years of building connections and doing the work and proving yourself.

I have family connections with Salisbury through my godmother. Her sister lived there, so I have very fond memories of visiting the city as a child.

Stand-up will always come first. I've been doing it for 22 years, and nothing compares to that connection you have with the audience. It's euphoric.

I'm very attached to my family and protective of them and miss them, and that situation, my connection with that can make me become very vulnerable.

It's strange that the newspapers don't see a connection between their false revelations about my private life and my need for seclusion and security.

I've thought hard about my psychological connections and I think I've managed to separate out the psychological from the legal, moral, and political.

No theater could sanely flourish until there was an umbilical connection between what was happening on the stage and what was happening in the world.

I think when you look at religion, you look at where Christianity came from. You know, my mom delved deeper into that. And she felt a deep connection.

I have a lot of connection to Pataudi. I have spent a lot of time there and I love the place very much, but at no point, do I consider myself a Nawab.

Knowing what I do now, I don't know if I'd ever have the balls to go to film school, with no connections and no knowledge of the business side at all.

Self-realisation means that we have been consciously connected with our source of being. Once we have made this connection, then nothing can go wrong.

It's the rare happening when actors get together and you have chemistry, connection, just something that works, that's bigger than what's on the page.

People everywhere in the world have Russian connections. There is nothing wrong with having Russian connections as long as you're transparent about it.

The connection between art and Christ is like the connection between sunlight and the sun. It is, in fact, the connection between Sonlight and the Son.

History creates comprehensibility primarily by arranging facts meaningfully and only in a very limited sense by establishing strict causal connections.

Sometimes there is nothing to obey, the only thing to do is to maintain a vital connection with Jesus Christ, to see that nothing interferes with that.

Sometimes they're nothing, sometimes they're something, sometimes there's a connection that years later may show up. All of this information is useful.

Absolutely everything I've done - my research, my training, my book - was made possible due to Harvard opening doors and providing me with connections.

Well, I think that there is a connection between being a lawyer and a doctor and an actor. They kind of, in some ways, have the same appeal, I suppose.

We hope to find more pieces of the puzzle which will shed light on the connection between this upright, walking ape, our early ancestor, and modern man.

WeWork has always believed that we are better together, and a large part of that is learning from others through meaningful connections and experiences.

You can't solve many of today's problems by straight linear thinking. It takes leaps of faith to sense the connections that are not necessarily obvious.

Sir, if you ever presume again to speak disrespectfully of General Grant in my presence, either you or I will sever his connection with this university.

When I severe my connections with the A.I.A. I do so with my own self respect, as a matter of pride and I am sure within your knowledge of my character.

The dog, on the other hand, has few or no ideas because his brain acts in coarse fashion and because there are few connections with each single process.

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