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Bumble is a connecting company. It's your place to find connections, whatever that may be.
It's always just a great thing to see your kids connecting and you see the different stages.
Music is the subliminal connecting adhesive in film, or at least in narrative feature films.
Because knowledge changes so rapidly, knowledge flow is more important than knowledge stock.
I'm just trying to get kids motivated to be readers by connecting them with a book they like.
Anytime in radio that you can reach somebody on an emotional level, you're really connecting.
My music is really about people connecting with their identities, even if they aren't Jewish.
People are not just going to bars and meeting people; they're connecting through social media.
Music is about connecting with people on a personal level and doing that one set of ears at a time.
I'm always connecting with what society would label the outcasts and the weirdos and the lost souls.
Primaries are the place where you see whose message is connecting with the largest number of people.
When you’re truly connecting with wisdom, the more you learn, the more you realize the less you know.
Facebook takes it as a core truth that sharing and connecting is a force that will improve the world.
I think with movies I am really connecting to the Joseph Campbell idea of the collective unconscious.
I think technology gives the illusion that you are connecting with people, social media particularly.
I guess I always view movies as, in their best form, connecting us more to each other and to humanity.
The phrase that I use a lot is you've got to connect the dots and keep connecting them up to the finish.
Connecting with fans online can be the make or break or some artists, and I think that's a bit dangerous.
You can connect with an audience by being a conduit. I'm a big believer of connecting wrestling audiences.
I'd like to think my strengths are in connecting with people and the relationship aspect of this business.
I love writing songs and being a musician, but you can't really buy the feeling of connecting with people.
The important thing is that my music is getting a positive reaction and that people are connecting with it.
Art is about profundity. It's about connecting to everything that it means to be alive, but you have to act.
I have always tried to create bridges that are more than a connecting structure - places in their own right.
My music was about travelling a lot and connecting with other people, and English is the voice of travelling.
When I'm on stage, it's like a different world ... me connecting with the audience. It's a surreal experience.
I love being in the kitchen with my daughter right next to me on her step stool. It's sweet; we're connecting.
I think there is a difference between connecting with a character and supporting and believing their policies.
Connecting people to jobs and to each other is absolutely vital to a city's economy (and to the wider economy).
By cooking with your kids, you can help them understand that food is a powerful tool in connecting human beings.
If I spend time at the front of the process worrying about connecting themes, then I won't write the best songs.
The fact that I am not Jewish by religion does not prevent me from connecting to the Jewish nation's spirituality.
I don't like putting on airs; that's not my thing. I'd rather just be myself, just connecting to people genuinely.
As a community, we create a lot of space for fighting and pushing back, but not enough for connecting and healing.
The more social media we have, the more we think we're connecting, yet we are really disconnecting from each other.
I have the best and most loyal fans in the world, and they are used to connecting with me since the very beginning.
Once everyone feels love within them, we can start spreading it and connecting to other people that are love-minded.
The pure connecting factor is that those of us who describe ourselves as feminists want equal rights for all people.
I love sharing my stories and experiences with people and connecting to them on both a humorous and emotional level.
People thrive by focusing on the question of who they really are - and connecting that to work that they truly love .
The internet was supposed to homogenize everyone by connecting us all. Instead what it's allowed is silos of interest.
Connecting with Canadians isn't about what you say, it's about what you're listening to. It's about what you understand.
I read about some movie where they did everything on blue screen, and the actors were not even connecting to each other.
You win the presidency by connecting with the American people's gut insecurities and aspirations. You win with a concept.
I have a really hard time connecting to music that doesn't feel like I'm somehow solving a puzzle that applies to my life.
I feel like Soulja Boy was one of the smartest when it came to connecting with your fans and taking that to another level.
I think it's always a mistake when you start connecting a band to a personality. You begin to limit what you're able to do.
Whether people jump up and down when they see us or are completely quiet, it just feels really good that they're connecting.
You have to make sure that you and your child are connecting, and it does help when they are looking directly into your eyes.
I like connecting with people, and that's what good art is: a point of connection. There's nothing better, on stage or on film.