My goal is to connect the young teachers to the old, to reignite their sense of struggle.

I also think a Hot Mom is someone who can connect with what's current in her kids' world.

I enjoy female rappers, not because they're female but because I can connect to them more.

One of the reasons I connect to the Super Bowl is that I approach my shows like an athlete.

People don't just want a mindless flick with a superstar; they want to connect more deeply.

Seek art from every time and place, in any form, to connect with those who really move you.

As CEO, I had a standing 30-minute meeting every Monday to greet and connect with new hires.

Every being has flaws; the potential is always there to connect to the light or to darkness.

I connect to humor really deeply, so I feel really comfortable just being in funny projects.

I don't connect much with the present. I have more of an affinity for what came in the past.

I connect to SpongeBob in a way; like, that's the homie. He can chill on the corner with me.

Now, we connect via Skype or Google+ Hangout and see our friends' and loved ones' faces live.

I think when you're telling a story from inside of you that's genuine, people connect with it.

When you're improvising, you connect with people in a way you don't in normal life, strangely.

I like Philip Larkin an awful lot; I really like his view on life, and I really connect to it.

I love people who are fearless, and I'm a spiritual guy, so I connect with people spiritually.

Jennifer Lawrence is so talented and so lovely. She has a real ability to connect with people.

Ever since I was a little girl I've had this affinity to connect with spirits and talk to them.

Any good teacher knows how important it is to connect with students and understand our culture.

You can never connect on a deeper level if you idolise someone - you don't see the real person.

The more horrible the truth that you admit, the better you connect. You have to tell the truth.

For us, creativity means thinking about the lives of our audience and how to connect with them.

I don't believe that life is linear. I think of it as circles - concentric circles that connect.

Everybody needs to find their own path and the best way for themselves to connect to this world.

My singing really seemed to connect with people, and it ended up as my main career, which I love.

Realtime ads are the perfect way for an advertiser to connect with users in a social environment.

What makes a story is how well it manages to connect with the reader, the visceral effect it has.

You've got to use the skill set God has given you, and I have the ability to connect with people.

What the interconnected age in which we live allows us to do is instantly connect with each other.

When I make art, I think about its ability to connect with others, to bring them into the process.

My dream is to try to reach as many kids and readers who might need an unlikely hero to connect to.

I make music for people to relate to and to connect with me. I want to tap into different emotions.

I feel like it's very important to connect with the people who are passionate about what I'm doing.

A literary journal is intended to connect writer with reader; the role of the editor is to mediate.

It was a big deal to me to play characters and feel things and connect to somebody in a fake world.

Miss Universe is someone who communicates her thoughts effectively and is able to connect to people.

I do not connect fashion to elegance. Elegance is in the wilderness, and fashion is in the domestic.

The reality is that we connect through food, and we have the opportunity to do it three times a day.

You can't pick up the telephone and say, 'Connect me with someone else who has a kid with leukemia.'

I love Twitter. As an entertainer, it's a way to connect with the fans, and I think that's important.

The biggest abuses in society happen when people are not able to communicate and not able to connect.

Something happens when two people from the same country, sharing the same heritage, meet and connect.

As long as you tell the best story possible, you can trust that people will be able to connect to it.

Flowers are divine, they have divine qualities that I adore. And they also connect me with femininity.

Sports stars connect with youth. So, Viacheslav 'Slava' Fetisov's coming to Ladakh was a natural thing.

I'm not an isolated person. The more I connect to people, the more I have the feeling that things work.

I've always loved yoga because you get to connect to a deep religious truth while stretching your legs.

I really connect to strong feminist writers that make their ideas accessible for the rest of the world.

I do believe that music has an intense power to connect us together, to inspire us to become ourselves.

I don't think of anyone as a 'groupie.' People who connect with my music are just inspiring and amazing.

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