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I used to think I had ambition... but now I'm not so sure. It may have been only discontent. They're easily confused.
I am not a cop. Really. I've just been playing one on television so long that people get a little confused sometimes.
Sometimes I'm confused by what I think is really obvious. But what I think is really obvious obviously isn't obvious.
I am still confused because I still don't know who my father is. And so who is my mother? The feeling is still there.
I think that human beings, even the ones who are sometimes hurting you, are often very, very confused at their center.
Wild animals are just as confused as people are now. You've got toxins in the water, oil, sewage, all sorts of things.
My music - that's the one area I won't let myself be pushed around. But in other parts of my life, I'm a confused mess.
Fame, at one time, was associated with accomplishment, but in this day and age fame and notoriety have become confused.
Christ's peace can permeate any heart - hearts that are troubled, burdened with grief, confused, and pleading for help.
What is a decision? It's a tool to remove confusion! Are you confused? If so, then make the decision and let's move on!
A lot of people are confused by "hello." A lot of people are confused by a lot of things they shouldn't be confused by.
I will wear chinos and Vans, and sometimes people will get confused. They're like 'Are you sure you're here to perform?'
I'd never want to go back to being in my twenties or thirties. I was lost and confused and uncomfortable in my own skin.
It's a good thing we have gravity or else when birds died they'd just stay right up there. Hunters would be all confused.
We designers, we don't work in a vacuum. We need business people. We are not the fine artists we are often confused with.
As Christians, we often tend to get our Bible doctrine confused and start mixing truths that were never meant to be mixed.
This year, notoriety got confused with fame, and the devil is down hearted because there is nothing left for him to claim.
It finally happened. I got the GPS lady so confused, she said, "In one-quarter mile, make a legal stop and ask directions.
Only reform and opening up can develop China. We must not be afraid of any risks, and not be confused by any distractions.
I hate writing texts to girlfriends because you can't really see emotions in texts. You can get confused on what she says.
Don’t worry that you’ve wasted time. Each moment -- no matter how frozen or confused -- was a useful and necessary lesson.
I think sometimes fans or people kind of get confused. They think these athletes or superstars aren't human, but they are.
I'd rather you listen to my music with a confused face, you know? Rather than you just hearing a good flow to a good beat.
So much has been written about me, and people don't know what's right and what's wrong. I'd rather let them stay confused.
Jesus won't try to speak over the noise in our lives; love whispers so we won't be confused about who's doing the talking.
The surest way to become Tense, Awkward, and Confused is to develop a mind that tries too hard - one that thinks too much.
My generation had Doris Day as a role model, then Gloria Steinem--then Princess Diana. We are the most confused generation.
People get confused when they see my shows, but that isn't the intention. My intention is to destabilize the act of seeing.
The more vulnerable and the more confused the song is, the equal and opposite effect is how I feel after having written it.
The slaves who were ourselves had known terror intimately, confused sunrise with pain, & accepted indifference as kindness.
Growing up in New York City, I was always encouraged to question authority, and I think I confused patriotism with jingoism.
I had a confused early hippie phase, which was like a cafeteria tray of sloppy, semi-Marxist thoughts, absorbed second-hand.
Science is wonderfully equipped to answer the question 'How?' but it gets terribly confused when you ask the question 'Why?'
No matter how confused or deluded we may be at the moment, the underlying and essential nature of our being is clear and pure
I think what people get confused about is that they want to label me as this EDM girl, but a lot of this stuff is genre-less.
She confused him and hindered the flow of his ideas. Self-expression had never seemed at once so desirable and so impossible.
Muddled syntax is the outward and audible sign of confused minds, and the misuse of grammar the result of illogical thinking.
...there is a point when the unfortunate and the infamous are associated and confused in a word, a mortal word, les miserables
I have more experience than I care to have on what it feels like to be broke, confused, and frustrated when it comes to money.
Growing up, I was confused about my identity: I felt like I wasn't black enough to be black, but not white enough to be white.
Law-abiding citizens value privacy. Terrorists require invisibility. The two are not the same, and they should not be confused.
Until you are willing to be confused about what you already know, what you know will never grow bigger, better, or more useful.
Every human being is searching for a deep sense of meaning, and yet we're all chasing success. We've confused one for the other.
I've always been sort of confused by the trajectory my life has taken. I was supposed to be on an assembly line building Buicks.
Many Europeans are confused by the terms Roma and Romania. They wonder if it is an ethnicity or a nation of 22 million citizens.
I have played so many romantic roles that I don't know if I am really a romantic in real life. I get confused about the real me.
I never really liked Hollywood. I found it unreal - unreal and full of men and women whose lives were confused and full of pain.
Basically we get confused a bit about what retail is. It is really just buying things, putting them on a floor and selling them.
If women are breadwinners and men bring home the bacon, why do people complain about having no dough? I'm confused. Also hungry.
If a movie has more characters than an audience can keep track of, the audience will get confused and lose interest in the story.