When I retire, the only thing that concerns me is that no one can say that I was a bad team-mate or disrespectful or self-important.

Environmental concerns and feminism are locked together. Generally, women have closer connections to the organic nature of our lives.

As a Christian, there is no other part of the New Right ideology that concerns me more than its self-serving misuse of religious faith.

One of the big concerns is the increasing disrespect for the scientific method and for policies that aren't based on facts and evidence.

When millions of kids are missing out on school, delivering educational services becomes an issue that concerns the humanitarian system.

What I found when I became Secretary of State was a lot of doubts and a lot of concerns and fears from friends, allies, around the world.

Eavesdrop and write it down from memory - gives you a stronger sense of how people talk and what their concerns are. I love to eavesdrop!

When I travel throughout the district speaking with families and educators, I frequently hear of concerns with our K-12 education system.

I want our party to step up its efforts to reflect and champion the concerns of everybody who has reached the second half of their lives.

If I had to summarize, most broadly, my concerns as a writer, I'd say the question 'How then must we live?' is at the heart of it, for me.

One of the things that concerns me is that so few people who go and get an education elsewhere... feel any real... pull for returning home.

Life is not a matter of place, things or comfort; rather, it concerns the basic human rights of family, country, justice and human dignity.

Prenatal testing is a complicated decision for many women, forcing us to confront concerns about a disabled child and risks of miscarriage.

I couldn't relate to kid stuff. 'Jimmy doesn't like me!' Who cares? I was worried we didn't have gas money or food. Those were my concerns.

The present hardly exists, after all-it becomes the past even as it happens. A tricky medium, time - and central to the concerns of fiction.

My work sometimes can be abstract and appear not to have a direct relationship to Afro-American concerns, but, in fact, it is based on that.

All of the things I used to obsess over, I'm no longer as obsessed with. I have new concerns but they're a little more existential or cosmic.

I have lots of concerns at working with Russia going against ISIS until we have agreements in terms of what Russia's behavior is going to be.

I take ISIS at its word. When they said, in their words, 'We'll use and exploit the refugee crisis to infiltrate the West,' that concerns me.

There are sometimes concerns about being respectful with a gay character, and you either end up with a tiptoeing quality or an all-out cliche.

Mistreatment of al Qaeda members and their friends and hangers-on is something I number among my moral concerns. But it's number 1,000,000,001.

I like to go to the subway and hear what people are thinking and feeling and what their concerns are. You learn so much that way. You really do.

My concerns have been about myself and not about giving something back and putting something in, even though that's been in the back of my head.

No one respects the First Amendment more than I do. People have a right to express their concerns and their hopes and dreams to their government.

As Huawei and ZTE aggressively work to expand their footprint in Europe and around the world, substantial national security concerns are emerging.

I don't think that Iran with a nuclear capability will be just the problem of the state of Israel. This is a matter that concerns the whole world.

I've been pushing for the longest time that you get the votes easier and with more enthusiasm when people feel like you're addressing their concerns.

It is a virtual reflex for governments to plead security concerns when they undertake any controversial action, often as a pretext for something else.

I'm on my phone 24/7 replying to every Instagram comment and message to try and understand how people are seeing us, and their questions and concerns.

People ask, 'Do I have trust issues?' I wouldn't say I have trust issues. I have trust concerns. It's valuable for me to trust a person in particular.

I never want to sound preachy about youth and feminism, but I feel like there aren't enough young people coming out about their concerns and opinions.

With oil prices plummeting in late 2015 and early 2016, Gulf states have taken the unusual step of issuing sovereign bonds to ease budgetary concerns.

A lot of people don't feel heard. I want to take their concerns to MPs. If I have to stand seven times before I'm elected, I will. Call me Jack Farage.

I can no more separate my serious concerns about the world from my cockeyed way of seeing it than I can keep apart my personal and professional selves.

Consumers, unlike voters, expect an immediate response to their concerns; and companies, unlike governments, do not have the luxury of a mid-term lull.

I'd come back after having served as ambassador to New Zealand and found that I had real concerns about the direction in which this country was headed.

I supported Bob Schaffer's three races for Congress. But we all had concerns about whether he could win statewide. Then my wife suggested that I get it.

I believe very strongly that corporations could and should be a major force for resolving social and environmental concerns in the twenty-first century.

Obviously when you come into competition with other schools and you become aware of anything that concerns you, you have an obligation to say something.

Journalism, as concerns collecting information, differs little if at all from intelligence work. In my judgment, a journalist's job is very interesting.

ESG investing poses particular concerns under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, or Erisa, the federal law governing private retirement plans.

There is nothing wrong with listening. You can listen to people; you can hear people's concerns. You can keep an open mind and still be perfectly strong.

An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.

The first act of religion, therefore, concerns those things which are communicated to us from God. The other concerns those things which we yield to God.

People are fed up with the way things are. There is a lot of bitterness out there, a lot of anger about a lack of jobs and concerns for the next generation.

Trump is surrounding himself with so many climate sceptics and when he himself says he thinks climate change is a Chinese hoax then there are real concerns.

The first martial art my son learnt aged around ten was jiu-jitsu so he can already wrestle. I'd have no concerns about Christopher boxing someone from MMA.

But you know, there's always a danger nowadays that films are gonna be brought up to Canada for budget reasons. And that's something that really concerns me.

The movie, if I recall, didn't have to do with the television show because there were concerns from everyone that they didn't want it to be like the TV show.

The millions of people in our country with severe health-care needs needed to know that many of us in the House and Senate have those kinds of concerns, too.

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