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I think the appropriate response for a physicist is: 'I do not find the concept of God very interesting, because I cannot test it.'
The whole concept of the travel agent is absurd. They appear to be agents of the traveller but are actually agents of the airlines.
Rock and Roll is still asking people like me to live up to the old guard's concept of what success is but it doesn't mean anything.
Most of the time, feelings just seem to get in the way. They're a luxury for the idle, a bourgeois concept. Feelings are overrated.
I don't think a Jewish or Christian or Islamic state is a proper concept. I would object to the United States as a Christian state.
Law is vulnerable to the winds of intellectual or moral fashion, which it then validates as the commands of our most basic concept.
From an early age, I understood the concept that, if you're not the star, then your job is to not pull attention away from the star.
I clearly understood the concept of wise use before I ever heard the actual words, for my father wouldn't allow us to waste anything.
I discovered I was passionate about the creative process, the product development, creating a concept around a fragrance or lipstick.
Gershwin inspired me very much. The concept of 'That Lucky Old Sun' was inspired by 'Rhapsody in Blue' - not influenced, but inspired.
If the concept of the Enterprise crew meeting the Legion of Super-Heroes doesn't appeal to you, there may be something wrong with you.
I was 12 when my parents told me we were moving to Lebanon. I remember thinking, 'Leba-who?' I had absolutely no concept of the place.
Nothing could be more insulting to me than the concept of civil rights. It means perpetual second-class citizenship for me and my kind.
The concept of two people living together for 25 years without a serious dispute suggests a lack of spirit only to be admired in sheep.
The great opera composers were so good at their job, that the whole genre came to be built around the concept of the composer's vision.
I do not believe in the concept of good and evil in my personal life, in the real world. I just don't believe it. I never try to judge.
Balance is the secret for every team. There cannot be a defensive formation and an attacking formation: such a concept is a limitation.
I wish feminism wasn't so scary to people. It should be an evolving concept. I think it's an umbrella term to embrace conflicting ideas.
I feel as though maybe our concept of time and space is very limited. Maybe everything is all happening at once, if you know what I mean.
One of the reasons I got into musical theater was Anthony Warlow. I was obsessed with the 'Jekyll and Hyde' concept album because of him.
I think the concept of commercials, for example, I have had offers to do songs in different commercials, and it is not what I have liked.
I don't often reread my own books, unless I am going into another in the series and need to refresh my mood when originating the concept.
I used to really panic about finals. I didn't understand the concept of how you could have one test that encompasses the entire semester.
Some hotels have a lot of mirrors, chairs, you can't find the plugs, the music is complicated. But the Nobu concept is beautiful, simple.
The opportunity and the concept of merging music culture with actual boxing is exciting. It's bringing a younger demographic to the sport.
One concept corrupts and confuses the others. I am not speaking of the Evil whose limited sphere is ethics; I am speaking of the infinite.
'SCTV' was the concept of a group ensemble doing satirical things. 'Saturday Night Live's sketches were broader than ours, more universal.
The concept of disruption is about competitive response; it is not a theory of growth. It's adjacent to growth. But it's not about growth.
I think people like comedies and I think concept driven comedies seem to be working when it's a clear concept and you deliver funny stuff.
Indeed, our particular concept of private property, which deters us from exhausting the positive resources of the earth, favors pollution.
The self was a very strange concept to me until I came to America, and my child was born with that entitlement, and that just thrilled me.
The timelessness of a concept has to be woven into the running warp of dying time, vertical power has to be wedded to the horizontal earth.
My mother hated foundation; she hated having a mask on her face - and she pushed me to build my own vision and concept of beauty for women.
More and more - especially the younger generation - are functioning outside the binary concept of gender. That's just next-generation stuff.
Even if I make fun of him, I try to portray him as a human being. Sometimes because he's the great Jean-Luc Godard, we see him as a concept.
My concept of government's role in people's lives is that it is limited but legitimate, and essential when people have nowhere else to turn.
A wrong concept misleads the understanding; a wrong deed degrades the whole man, and may eventually demolish the structure of the human ego.
The word, and the concept of feminism, was a gift because it gave me a sense of identity and a way of defining how I wished to live my life.
It is one of the consolations of philosophy that the benefit of showing how to dispense with a concept does not hinge on dispensing with it.
I wanted to go beyond what K-pop is typically perceived as, and through 'Move' I was able to show a concept that's more edgy, more powerful.
My new obsession is 'Storage Wars.' I don't know how such a simple show concept can be so addicting, but I can sit and watch marathons of it.
Just the concept of personal freedom within a democracy, for instance, is a relatively young idea - only about 300 years old in this country.
Most of the Ten Commandments are negative. The purpose of law is not to mandate good behavior. That concept comes from the French Revolution.
Europe is a much more complex historical, cultural, and geographical concept than is envisaged in the reduced approach by the European Union.
What I haven't apologised for is the original concept of seeking to bring justice to all South Africans through the concept of nation states.
The constant monitoring of our emotional landscape and personal interactions is a bizarre concept. But it is one that could help many people.
There's a lot of American kids think their food comes from the grocery store and the concept of seasonality has no meaning to them whatsoever.
My concept of hitting the ground running and being an effective legislator is to focus on my district and having really good constituent work.
I have the highest respect for the concept of 'Advait' - the oneness of all humans - that is central to Indian culture, thought, and religion.
One needs a comprehensive concept that decides just how much debt states like Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy can sustainably bear.