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He moves smoothly and slowly, carrying his concentration like a brimming cup.
The Philadelphia region does have capital, but there's no concentration of it.
I want to concentrate on work and won't do anything to divert my concentration.
Concentration is not staring hard at something. It is not trying to concentrate.
The magic of the pen lies in the concentration of your thoughts upon one object.
If dictatorship is the concentration of power, freedom consists in its diffusion.
Difficulties will assail you only when you lack in concentration and persistence.
Without the concentration of the mind and the will, performance would not result.
...I would like to live a little bit longer in this beautiful concentration camp.
When there are four or five tables going on it is hard to keep your concentration.
What's dangerous is the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few individuals.
Concentration is a part of life. It is not the consequence of a method of education.
It is my belief there is too much concentration of power and spending in Washington.
Being fit helps me improve my concentration, my will power and even my determination.
It is all about concentration, and the more games you play, the more you concentrate.
Concentration, Full Confidence, Pure Will. With these 3, what cannot be accomplished?
No fine work can be done without concentration and self-sacrifice and toil and doubt.
I am full of fire and passion. I am not ready yet for great concentration and passion.
Ninety percent of my game is mental. It's my concentration that has gotten me this far.
When I play, I become entirely absorbed in the game. It may be a form of concentration.
I have always maintained that my concentration is only on my career and on nothing else.
Within the silence, expansion, and sustained day by day concentration, I grow permeable.
If you are humble, your concentration will be very high. That's the way to go in sports.
Humility is throwing oneself away in complete concentration on something or someone else.
If you lose your concentration singing harmony, then it's lackluster and no fun to watch.
People deal with the concentration needed to do well in a two-hour race in different ways.
The concentration of the elite athlete is akin perhaps to the concentration of the writer.
Success in any endeavor requires single-minded attention to detail and total concentration.
If you are a professional and have confidence, then I would advocate lots of concentration.
Mitochondrial DNA is in higher concentration, lasts longer, and can be extracted from bones.
If you are full of motivation as a player, if you are full of concentration, I am open arms.
The Champions League is very difficult and you need to keep your concentration at all times.
Of all the words in all languages I know, the greatest concentration is in the English word I.
In the German concentration camps, Jews wore yellow stars while homosexuals wore pink lambdas.
Golf is difficult to get your personality over because you are such a bottle of concentration.
It's always been my weakness that my concentration tends to go when I get into scrappy frames.
Concentration is the ability to think about absolutely nothing when it is absolutely necessary.
Mere experience, if it is not matched by deep concentration, does not translate into excellence.
Writing requires the concentration of the writer, demands that nothing else be done except that.
The essence of the stage is concentration and penetration. Of the screen action, movement, sweep.
The problem in this world is to avoid concentration of power - we must have a dispersion of power.
The best advice I ever came across on the subject of concentration is: Wherever you are, be there.
When I don't get enough sleep, I am cranky, vulnerable to headaches, and my concentration is poor.
As long as I'm communicating and staying in the game, my concentration is always going to be there.
If there is Predestination, then God is the devil. by Remy, Ravensbruck concentration camp survivor
I say my greatest strength is my speed, and I think that I could use some work on my concentration.
Before a match, I need to be alone. I need to reach concentration and focus on the game ahead of me.
As Polish society we cannot live with the term 'Polish death camps' or 'Polish concentration camps.'
Ability is the result of mental and physical toughness, resourcefulness, and powerful concentration.
Then I realized that to be really good at this requires a lot of energy and concentration and skill.