I have tried for much of my life to write as if I was composing my sentences to be read posthumously.

I was 7 years old when I began composing. I began composing, improvising at the piano, the usual story.

I have come up with very creative ideas that really didn't work with the song I was currently composing.

I was writing notes, but not composing poems. The Hunter began to develop out of this fragmented process.

I have not thought of pairing with somebody for music direction and will continue composing music by myself.

You might lose your spontaneity and, instead of composing first-rate Gershwin, end up with second rate Ravel.

When I sit behind that electronic drum, it dominates me; there is no innovation in composing music like that.

I consider composing music to the sequel of 'Ladies Tailor' which had music by Ilayaraaja as my biggest blessing.

I wonder if we are all wrong about each other, if we are just composing unwritten novels about the people we meet?

When I'm by myself - composing or writing film scores - it's very lonely. I'm just sitting by myself in the studio.

When I read something, I picture that scene in that detail. That becomes very similar to composing a photo in real life.

I've been composing music all my life and if I'd been clever enough at school I would like to have gone to music college.

If you see everything through the lens, you are constantly composing pictures. I think in pictures; I don't think in text.

I'm the only actor who has done everything, right from anchoring shows to composing and singing songs to theatre to movies.

If anyone has conducted a Beethoven performance, and then doesn't have to go to an osteopath, then there's something wrong.

I did a terrible job of composing myself. I was a spoiled brat from Long Island who benefitted from the energy of New York.

I run around so much that I finally reasoned that composing is the one musical endeavour which you can do anywhere, anytime.

It's not instant composing; it's not following any kind of a formula. All you do is hear music in your head and reproduce it.

My mother was a classical pianist and my stepfather was an industrialist who was passionate about composing contemporary music.

It's been thrown up to me most of my life: Why don't I just concentrate on conducting or composing or my own playing or on jazz?

I focused primarily on being an instrumentalist and studying music and on my primary means of expression: composing and playing.

I need to study more. I need to educate myself more - and not just in music, in everything - but especially in music and composing.

There will have to be times when I'm not conducting because I'm composing. I haven't solved that problem, and perhaps I never will.

I've lost so many gigs composing commercial or television music because I can't repress my inclination to work against conventions.

I love making music, I love composing on my computer, just making crazy ethnic slack orchestral tracks, that's one of my fun things.

Singing and composing come naturally to me, but acting does not. I have worked at it and attended several workshops to learn the craft.

I'm trying to focus on my job. I don't think that being famous is a job. My job is composing, singing, performing, but not being a star.

Since age seven, I've been composing and have never stopped composing, yet, the creative process is as elusive to me as it has ever been.

I have been working and composing music since 1986. Over the years, I have seen our music industry go through all kinds of transformation.

In composing, as a general rule, run your pen through every other word you have written; you have no idea what vigor it will give your style.

I knew I was going to be composing. It all makes sense in retrospect. But you don't know while you're in the process of improvising your life.

When I am composing, I try to clear my mind of having to publish, or having to sell a book or find readers. That kind of thinking gets in the way.

If composing music is like going to the gym in the morning, acting is like an additional session of yoga. They don't need to be mutually exclusive.

I enjoy what I do. The only burden is the deadlines. Plus, composing background scores is a thankless job; it is not perceived as a significant thing.

Nothing's ever easy about composing for other people's projects, but I like it. I've been lucky to have worked with adventurous directors who trust me.

I'd always loved poetry and I'd always loved writing music and composing music, but I hadn't thought of putting the two together until around that time.

I began composing works which were imitative of the music I was being told about. I was also very interested in translating the music into visual terms.

The songs of Bizet are by a French peer of Rossini. When Rossini stopped composing, he was living in Paris. He also wrote some beautiful songs in French.

I try not to observe myself in the process of composing a poem because I don't want to come up with a formula, which I would then be unscrupulous in using.

I was very committed to the process of composing, working at poems, putting things together and taking them apart like some kind of experimental filmmaker.

All of my acoustic playing came from my songwriting. All of the chords I've learned and all of the voicings I play them in are a direct result of composing.

I can play the flute. Music was my favourite A-level, and I used to love composing my and stylising my voice to sound like 90's singing sensation Tori Amos.

It is hard work composing a song for a film and showing it to makers: 50% of the tune remains the same, and the remaining 50% is changed to suit the script.

When I'm composing a scene for the first time, I try to imitate my character. The less critical distance the better - particularly when they're acting badly.

I used to do most of my composing at a little table in a cafe. Composing for 52 instruments, I had to figure out how to accommodate myself to the small table.

I enjoy the process of composing music. The first time I hear a song, it has to bring a smile to my lips. You have to tap your feet and be able to sing the song.

I think I've done more recording in the past 10 years than most people, but it's all been directed toward film composing and soundtracks. Just the same, it's been great.

Every day I lugged my backpack through the halls, waiting for the final bell. Then I'd race home and hole up in my room, playing the drums and the piano, composing music.

All these tales of people sitting down and composing symphonies just as though they were writing a letter are very much exaggerated; at least, it isn't that way in my work.

My mother also had us take piano lessons, and this had a similar effect. I hated those lessons, but I now play regularly for pleasure and have even tried my hand at composing.

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