I ain't no quitter: I'm a competitor.

You're only as good as your dumbest competitor.

My mom says I'm a fighter, a fierce competitor, and I think I am, too.

You should learn from your competitor, but never copy. Copy and you die.

I'm a competitor. I'm going to compete each and every day to get better.

I am a competitor, I am a Virgo, and for me, I would never quit anything.

If you're a competitor, you want to win. That's enough to play for, simple as that.

You build your own strategy. You don't define it by what another competitor is doing.

You can call it what you want: bad attitude, immature. You can say, 'He's a thug.' But I'm a competitor.

I'm a competitor and a very proud man. If a guy beats me once, he'll have to do it again to make me believe him.

The biggest losers from international trade are always those whose skills have a cheaper competitor in a different market.

The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time.

It didn't work out for me at Golden State, in terms of wins and losses. Still, I tried to exhibit what a competitor is all about.

I just always expect the best because I'm a competitor and if I'm competing, then obviously I'm trying to be better in everything.

The ultimate sports figure. The ultimate competitor. Great person. I consider him my friend. I wouldn't be that good if I was Michael Jordan.

I'm more of a purist competitor, and I enjoy the fighting aspect of it, but people enjoy my personality, and they enjoy that I tell the truth.

My attitude is good because I'm a fierce competitor and I have all the confidence in the world that I can beat everybody else. That's my attitude.

If you're competitor-focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer-focused allows you to be more pioneering.

You define yourself by either what your clients want or what you believe they'll need for the future. So: Define yourself by your client, not your competitor.

I'm a competitor; I'm in here talking - come at me. If you score on me, I'm gonna tap you on your butt. You got the best of me - but you got to do it every time.

When you think you've made it, you need to keep pushing because the person next to you or your competitor is also getting better, and you need to be able to stay ahead.

I'm a competitor. I want the ball when it matters. But I came to Houston because I wanted to play with Chris Paul (a guy I've been close with since we were kids) and James Harden.

I always say my biggest competitor is myself because, whenever I step out there on the mat, I'm competing against myself to prove that I can do this and that I am very well trained, prepared for it.

We had a couple of minor coups that made a big difference. We snared away from a competitor a correspondent already on the ground in Afghanistan. That was an enormous help to us, because there we were.

That's what I think most players want to be remembered as, being a good competitor. Not being a guy who makes excuses. There are a lot of guys who make an excuse before the game why they're not going to win. And those guys are losers.

Although the flagship brand, Pepsi-Cola, has always been second to Coca-Cola, the Frito-Lay division is ten times larger than its largest competitor, Diamond Foods, Inc., of San Francisco. Its products take up whole aisles at Walmart.

When you think about it, if the fittest always won, all forests should be completely homogeneous. One species should supplant all others as the most superior competitor. But it doesn't happen that way. Nor does it happen that way in the marketplace.

The greatest competitor was Bob Gibson. He worked so fast out there and he always had the hood up. He always wanted to close his own deal. He never talked to you because he was battling so hard. I sure as hell don't miss batting against him, but I miss him in the game.

When I started running, the pain barrier was very familiar to me, and I had no problem pushing beyond the pain. When for your whole life, every single workout, you are programmed to push beyond belief, it's really hard to just turn that off and kind of just be a social competitor.

It became clear to me by 1984 that Microsoft was likely going to be the big winner in the PC software apps and operating system category, partly because of the dynamics of owning and controlling the operating system: that gave you enormous power, and I came to see Bill Gates was fierce competitor.

Google likely never cared if Google+ 'won' as a competitor to Facebook (though if it did, that would have been a nice bonus). All that mattered, in the end, was whether Plus became the connective tissue between all of Google's formerly scattered services. And in a few short years, it's fair to say it has.

It is not up to me whether I win or lose. Ultimately, this might not be my day. And it is that philosophy towards sports, something that I really truly live by. I am emotional. I want to win. I am hungry. I am a competitor. I have that fire. But deep down, I truly enjoy the art of competing so much more than the result.

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