We will trade freely with free nations and not spend our time chasing trade deals with predatory countries like communist China.

Jesus Christ was the biggest blight on the human race, he was. And all them socialists and communists - second rate Christianity.

Martin Luther King was not a Marxist or a communist, but his radical love leads him to put poor and working people at the center.

My first vote was for a communist in east London when I was a medical student. But I've voted Tory, Labour and Lib Dem in my time.

From a will: And to my communist nephew Oswald, I leave the sum of 10,000 pounds - to be shared equally with his fellow Britishers.

To be a member of the Communist Party is to have a taste of the police state. It is a diluted taste but is bitter and unforgettable.

Every movement of mine was under the control of the Vietnamese government, a communist country. I was just a prisoner without walls.

I'm often loose with my tongue. I may have said something about the NAACP being un-American or Communist, but I meant no harm by it.

I grew up pretty much prevented from knowing anything from Communist China except that they were the bad guys that stole our country.

An argument fatal to the communist theory, is suggested by the fact, that a desire for property is one of the elements of our nature.

When Communist U.S.S.R. was a superpower, the world was better off. The right-wing media is trying to marginalize the peace movement.

Of course, I do not believe in having everyone who is a liberal called a communist, or everyone who is conservative called a fascist.

I joined the RCP (Revolutionary Communist Party) in the early '80s. I'd be in it still but it was wound up at the end of the nineties.

On the face of it, China has won the Olympics. But it is not China that has won, but the Communist party. The Chinese people have lost.

Keynes, far from being a wholehearted lover of freedom, viewed with some sympathy the fascist and Communist ‘experiments’ of the 1930s.

When I became political and Communist, it was because they were the only people I had ever met who fought the color bar in their lives.

Although some Clinton biographers have been quick to label Alinsky a communist, he maintained that he never joined the Communist Party.

The American escalation of the war in Laos provoked a response by the Communist forces, which now control more of Laos than ever before.

I should like to underline: no people, no country, in which a Communist dictatorship has been established, ever found its way out of it.

Hungary was the only Central European country that was not able to create a new constitution after the collapse of the communist regime.

The Korean War, which China entered on the side of North Korea, fixed Mao's image in the United States as another unappeasable Communist.

Everything I did, all my actions, all of the problems I had I dedicate to God and to Chile, because I kept Chile from becoming Communist.

There was a joke in Czechoslovakia: The Communist Party dance, it's one step forward, two steps backward, and everyone is still clapping.

For dynamic energy, driving force, and discipline, the Russian Communist Party is unique the world over, perhaps even throughout history.

I myself hate the communist North Korean system. That doesn't mean I should let the people in the North suffer under an oppressive regime.

The pro-independence movement has all different social sensibilities - from left to right, including pro-liberal, socialist and communist.

My books were attacked constantly by the Communist Party for not hewing to the Party line. I have never hewed to a Party line of any kind.

I once dealt with a prima donna on a movie set. I won't say who, but his first name is a country. A communist country. Run by Fidel Castro.

Confucius would give his seat to an old woman. Communist cadres, on the other hand, took the best seats and called it a cultural revolution.

One strength of the communist system of the East is that it has some of the character of a religion and inspires the emotions of a religion.

Hungarian communists were the most talented. They convinced everybody that reforming the communist party was better than making a new party.

Also, when you escape a Communist regime, you treasure liberty and you understand that as government and state expand, liberty must contract.

To me, both the Declaration of Independence and the Communist Manifesto contain underlying truths, but the West doesn't permit a middle road.

I am a Maoist sympathiser. I'm not a Maoist ideologue, because the communist movements in history have been just as destructive as capitalism.

Only one more indispensable massacre of Capitalists or Communists or Fascists or Christians or Heretics, and there we are in the Golden Future.

The A.N.C. was established in 1912 and the S.A. Communist Party in 1921, and so there has been an overlapping of membership all along the line.

My son is 22 years old. If he had not become a Communist at 22, I would have disowned him. If he is still a Communist at 30, I will do it then.

The democratic world has come to a dead end; likewise, the communist world has come to a dead end. But the Unification Church is just beginning!

By 1967, J. Edgar Hoover had concluded that the Black Panther Party had replaced the Communist Party as the gravest threat to national security.

Certainly we disagree with the Communist Party, as we disagree with other political parties who are trying to maintain the American way of life.

In Czechoslovakia in 1968, communist reformers appealed to democratic ideals that were deeply rooted in the country's pre-second world war past.

The communist model does not work economically, we all realised that, but the capitalist model in the modern world also looks to be unsustainable.

The Communists at that moment were very strong in Italy, and the Italian Communist Party was the biggest Communist Party outside the Soviet Union.

While the 20th century saw the world divided between a Communist East and a free and democratic West, new and different struggles define the 21st.

Of course, I grew up in Communist Romania, but I am happy to say that now our country is democratic, and prospering, since the revolution in 1989.

I have decided to denounce communism, though I love the Communists. I don't find it to be right to preach the gospel without denouncing communism.

The race will find that capitalists and communists modify themselves so much during the ages that they end by being indistinguishable as democrats.

Of course the biggest mafia in Russia has always been the government; in Soviet times, the Communist Party, and now a circle of former KGB and FSB.

In Hollywood, you still have wonderful actors, but it's so hard to work there. To work becomes a Kafka nightmare - it's the last communist country!

The Communist regime didn't consider this to be a shining moment in history and assigned no heroism to it. They classified it as merely an accident.

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