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As Stephen's fame began to take off in a big way, and because he was so immersed in physics, it was becoming more and more difficult to communicate with him.
If someone is interested in medicine and also in physics and they like working with people and communicate well with others, I would strongly encourage them.
I thought there was something intrinsically fascinating about people who communicate for a living and are incapable of communicating in their personal lives.
Fashion and style are a language - they helps us communicate with each other in a creative way. Style is one of the most important methods of self-expression.
Even within the last three or four years, I have a greater ability to communicate, I think. I have more courage to show the stuff... And it does take courage.
They know what my standards are. They know what I need and how to get it to me, and they know how to communicate with me if for some reason they can't get it.
Fathers need to be made aware of their responsibilities - and that's up to all of us to communicate, as parents, as politicians and as members of a community.
I still remember the first acronym I learned, BLUF: Bottom Line Up Front. I still try to communicate that way. No reason to dance around getting to the point.
Your ability to communicate is an important tool in your pursuit of your goals, whether it is with your family, your co-workers or your clients and customers.
It's good-bye to public life in the way that you try to communicate with an audience playfully, like we're friends, beyond the work you are actually paid for.
The attraction, and my particular participation is in being able to communicate with my fans, answer their questions, get a feel for how they respond to Vader.
Even in China. Children there, next to the Great Wall, who had never seen Mickey Mouse responded. So the studio did have that skill to communicate with images.
I played a lot of games at a young age and I feel like I'm an older player in the side now. I communicate a lot more on the pitch and in the training room now.
It was quite nice meeting up because we went through a lot together and we haven't really seen each much other to communicate one to one for quite a long time.
Benitez is a coach with high expectations of his players, he demands a lot and I like that. He knows how to communicate with his players and he is intelligent.
Music can make the cerebral accessible, the subconscious hummable. It communicates our shared needs and desires as sentient beings better than any other medium.
I am a fashion graduate, and I try to make a fashion statement which defines my individuality, as clothes are not just what you wear, but they also communicate.
The instruction we find in books is like fire. We fetch it from our neighbours, kindle it at home, communicate it to others, and it becomes the property of all.
I've always really been interested in observing people's postures, the way they speak with their hands, the way they communicate things with their body language.
With the growing availability of commoditized encryption, it is becoming easier for common criminals to communicate beyond the reach of traditional surveillance.
I had to struggle with the language. I can understand Hindi now, but I still can't communicate. And things get lost in translation; I feel rejected all the time.
I am very straightforward. If I have something to communicate about dance steps, I just go up to the actor and tell them my thoughts. Language is never a problem.
There's no way a director can communicate with every single person on the set and yet they need to motivate and instill an ambition to want to do their best work.
Learning Japanese was certainly a task, but my passion for the culture, as well as my will to communicate with fans and friends, always encouraged me to continue.
Human vocabulary is still not capable, and probably never will be, of knowing, recognizing, and communicating everything that can be humanly experienced and felt.
'Instagram' Direct is a really interesting feature because it's grown significantly since we launched it. People continue to use it to communicate more privately.
Start with good people, lay out the rules, communicate with your employees, motivate them and reward them. If you do all those things effectively, you can't miss.
It doesn't matter if you can't speak the same language. If you have pictures, or better still, if you can draw things, then you can communicate anything to anyone.
But every time our ability to access information and to communicate it to others is improved, in some sense we have achieved an increase over natural intelligence.
I ran away from home when I was a senior in high school, and it came out of all the conflicts that happen between parents and their children who can't communicate.
Film has always been a really good tool for me to communicate emotion about why I create a collection. I'm probably one of the first designers to make short films.
I think the coaches are trying to push me and get me out of my comfort zone in being able to communicate with my teammates and being more of a leader on the floor.
The job of an elected official is to communicate, to talk with constituents, to talk with the people of America, and I think Alexandria is excellent at doing that.
The language that photography has is a formal language. Any photographer is doing something formal. If it's formal, then it must be an aesthetic way to communicate.
Early on, QVC was the most appealing medium for me because it allowed me to share the stories behind my products and directly communicate the features and benefits.
People regard Yahoo as a platform for essential services, and it's had a profound impact on the way people obtain information, communicate, and their entertainment.
I'm trying to unify us internally so that we can - instead of firing on each other - fire on the Democrats and communicate a message and start talking about issues.
I don't start with a design objective, I start with a communication objective. I feel my project is successful if it communicates what it is supposed to communicate.
My cell phone is the number one way for me to communicate with my fans. I love the direct connection I can make via social media whether I am on the road or at home.
A manager sets objectives - A manager organizes - A manager motivates and communicates - A manager, by establishing yardsticks, measures - A manager develops people.
If we want children to learn to tend the land and nourish themselves and have conversations at the table, we need to communicate with them in ways that are positive.
Your paradigm is so intrinsic to your mental process that you are hardly aware of its existence, until you try to communicate with someone with a different paradigm.
I wasn't in NXT for very long, but what I learned there was very valuable once I got onto the main roster - how to communicate to a larger audience, stuff like that.
I had one companion. He was a teacher from the Ukraine who spoke English so we could communicate a bit. I learnt a few Russian words, but it was hard to concentrate.
You have to be able to communicate the vision to the people in your organization so that they know where and how they should direct themselves on a day-to-day basis.
Relationships survive on trust, and if that is broken at any point, it's pretty much the end of the relationship. Besides, inability to communicate leads to problems.
Anyone with a computer and a design program can create a page layout. But unless you're trained in design, it won't look very good and it won't communicate very well.
I think jamming is the way we begin to communicate. In the old days, people actually wrote notes on paper and sent them to each other. I guess that's how they jammed.
I have travelled all over the world and one thing that amazes me is that I can communicate with people. My story may be different but emotionally we are all the same.
I chose the Xperia based on its functions. Apart from using the phone to communicate, I also use it to take pictures. The image quality with this cell phone is great.