Hope is the only good that is common to all men; those who have nothing else possess hope still.

I am going to provide school choice and put an end to common core and bring our education local.

My paintings and comedy have a lot in common. They are both improvisations based on observation.

The most common form of terrorism in the U.S.A. is that carried on by bulldozers and chain saws.

No brilliance is needed in the law. Nothing but common sense, and relatively clean finger nails.

Fear and faith have something in common. They both ask us to believe in something we cannot see.

It is the common wonder of all men, how among so many million faces, there should be none alike.

The one common denominator of all successful people is their hunger to push through their fears.

Society cannot share a common communication system so long as it is split into warring factions.

If we have a common currency, the main regulator for policy in the country is the fiscal policy.

Let us beware of common folk, of common sense, of sentiment, of inspiration, and of the obvious.

I believe the common denominator of the Universe is not harmony, but chaos, hostility and murder.

Our best theories are not only truer than common sense, they make more sense than common sense...

We may be joined these days more by the questions we have in common than by the answers we share.

Dignify and glorify common labor. It is at the bottom of life that we must begin, not at the top.

I make a list of what I have in common, and what I don't have in common, with someone I'm playing

Dorian Yates and I have nothing in common, physically speaking. He's a Volkswagen; I'm a Porsche.

Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done.

It is common knowledge that no man that women flock to boasts of his conquests. Those who do, lie.

There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed.

I came to Washington to work for God, FDR, and the millions of forgotten, plain common workingmen.

When the term "machine gun" enters common parlance, the word "machine" becomes much more sinister.

If your children don't fight, they won't love each other when they get older! It's a common thing.

I try to explore, in terms of the life I know best, those things which are common to all cultures.

Do not wonder if the common people speak more truly than those above them: they speak more safely.

love of truth, ordinary common truth recognizable to everyone, is the ruling passion of the novel.

When the term 'machine gun' enters common parlance, the word 'machine' becomes much more sinister.

As a storyteller I was influenced by the Moscow underground, where it was common to be apolitical.

Everyone has to contribute to the common good. To not do so can be described in one word: selfish.

For too long in this society, we have celebrated unrestrained individualism over common community.

What, in the name of common-sense, had I to do with any better society than I had always lived in?

The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception.

As a result of my study, I came to the conclusion that a common supreme authority was undesirable.

The fight against terror is a common imperative for democracies and must become so for all nations.

Tennessee Williams was a gifted talker with a beautiful accent and we had lots of things in common.

Common looking people are the best in the world: that is the reason the Lord makes so many of them.

Being informed is different from being formed, and the first is a common substitute for the second.

There is something that I have in common with every citizen of Russia, the love for our motherland.

To turn water into wine, and what is common into what is holy, is indeed the glory of Christianity.

It is so common to write autobiographical fiction in which your own experience is thinly disguised.

There are so many common occurrences in raising children that people just can't seem to figure out.

Greatness, generally speaking, is an unusual quantity of a usual quality grafted upon a common man.

The rule for traveling abroad is to take our common sense with us, and leave our prejudices behind.

That incessant envy wherewith the common rate of mankind pursues all superior natures to their own.

A stomach that is seldom empty despises common food. [Lat., Jejunus raro stomachus vulgaria temnit.]

There is a monsterous deal of stupid quizzing, & common-place nonsense talked, but scarcely any wit.

The failure to invest in youth reflects a lack of compassion and a colossal failure of common sense.

We must admit that it is quite common that people do have affairs with their leading ladies and men.

Gentelmen heve ever been more temperate in their religion than common people, as having more reason.

There are three masks: the one we think we are, the one we really are, and the one we have in common

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