Sometimes I am worried by the thought of the effect that life in the city will have on coming generations.

I do think people of good will can have different opinions but still be coming not from a place of malice.

I don't think people really understand how hard it is to be black. Especially when you coming from nothing.

It was the best job I ever had. I just left because my whole team was leaving and the new guys were coming.

I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.

We are going to see a steady stream, I predict, of Nobel prizes coming out of chemistry and given to women.

'Boomerang' is all about coming back from the hate and not listening to the hate. It really tells a message.

To be suspicious is not a fault. To be suspicious all the time without coming to a conclusion is the defect.

When a politician uses the word 'folks,' we should brace ourselves for the deceit, or worse, that is coming.

We want to be better players than we do a pest, but you have to find something to do coming into the League.

I know a lot about cars, man. I can look at any car's headlights and tell you exactly which way it's coming.

I just want to thank all my fans for their loyalty and support-for coming out to the shows and buying the CDs.

I think you have to improve every day a little bit so you don't have one day where there's a big thing coming.

Often have I wondered with much curiosity as to our coming into this world and what will follow our departure.

Coming from an Asian culture, I was always taught to respect my elders, to be a better listener than a talker.

When you see a good horseman, you're unable to tell where the instruction is coming from. It's like telepathy.

I am travelling half the year around the world, every year, so coming home is one of the most beautiful things.

Writing is probably one-fifth coming up with the stuff, and four-fifths self-editing again and again and again.

Don't bother me while I'm eating, or when I'm coming out of the crackhouse or something. Just let me get going.

In any merger, when you have large organisations coming together, there will be challenges in terms of culture.

I think life is what you live every day, and it just keeps coming at you. You never know what it's going to be.

And if you don't believe the sun will rise, stand alone and greet the coming night in the last remaining light.

When the ideas are coming, I don't stop until the ideas stop because that train doesn't come along all the time.

The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That's real glory. That's the essence of it.

Profitability is coming from productivity, efficiency, management, austerity, and the way to manage the business.

The Titanic hit the iceberg not because they could not see it coming but because they could not change direction.

Change is the only constant, and to turn one's back and pretend that it is not coming is an exercise in futility.

I am a businessman. This is what I do each and every day. I love it. I love coming to work. I never have a bad day.

I was just coming out of prison, I was married, and I had a kid, and I didn't know what to do, so I tried stand-up.

If coming events are said to cast their shadows before, past events cannot fall to leave their impress behind them.

I wanted to get people to feel where I'm coming from and connect with people who are feeling the same way that I am.

I am glad that 'Lust Stories' is coming on Netflix as opposed to the kind of commercial release it was going to get.

There are things that are hard about coming from a divorced family, but having two houses is not one of those things.

Nobody notices me. Nobody thinks I'm me. But then I look less like me than most of the people coming to our concerts.

Drones don't stop people from coming across the border, they merely tell you that someone is coming across the border.

If you see ten troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you.

Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred.

With TV, the pace is so fast, the scripts are coming at you, the directors are firing things at you, it's breathtaking.

I love coming home, sleeping in my own bed, seeing my own family and friends again. It feels like a big comfort for me.

I appreciate all the devices the Windows people are coming up with, but the operating system... I just want to smash it.

I have total recall. I remember being born. I remember being in the womb, I remember being inside. Coming out was great.

Punk was never about one particular clean-cut imagery... it's about many, many individuals coming very loosely together.

At Christmas, 'It's a Wonderful Life' makes me cry in exactly the same places every time, even though I know it's coming.

It has always been my private conviction that any man who puts his intelligence up against a fish and loses had it coming.

You gotta flex. You gotta look good, bro. Especially coming from the outskirts and wanting to take over the whole Atlanta.

The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.

God never gives us more than we can handle. Everything that comes our way is coming our way so that we can grow and evolve.

I want people to experience what it's like being from Haiti, coming to America, being Wyclef - multicultural, multilingual.

I'm driving my dad's old ute. So it's a manual ute. It's massive, so when people see me coming, they just kind of run away!

Coming down the 18th, your heart's pounding, and the hair is sticking straight up on your arms - there's no feeling like it.

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