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I used to devour a lot of stand-up comedy in my cousin's basement. He had cable and I didn't, so I went there and saw all the comedians.
There was a story saying I didn't like contemporary comedians, but it's completely untrue - a lot of them are very dear friends of mine.
I dropped out of school when I was 14 and I was hanging out with comedians in their thirties. I moved out of home and had some real lows.
There is nothing bad about this job. Comedians have nothing to complain about. That doesn't mean I'm not constantly moaning and worrying.
Whatever talent I had, I'm sure it helped that my parents were in the business and that I grew up around actors, comedians and directors.
There are probably about 50 comedians who would come to my 50th birthday party but I'm not sure how many of them would come to my funeral.
You shouldn't listen to us at all if you're looking for information. We don't take ourselves seriously on any level; we're just comedians.
I'm very adamant on social media about recommending comedians to people if they don't know them. I think it's so important to go see them.
The demand for standup in the eighties was created by how easy it was to exploit 'comedians' and create very cheap television programming.
When I came to America, it was Dave Chappelle and a lot of comedians on ComicView. That was my first exposure to stand up comedy, actually.
Comedians still make fun of Bill's out-of-control appetites, but with Hillary, the mockery is about how she lets nothing be out of control.
The optimum frequency with which comedians should do a series is every year. I do one every three years. My audience is literally dying off.
It is utterly asinine that people continually go to comedy shows without bothering to see if their sensibilities line up with the comedians.
I'm a comedian, and the other comedians are played by comedians, the same way that in 'Once' there are the musicians that hang out together.
Other comedians got love for me. But don't get it twisted - I'm not a clown, I'm a comedian and work hard as an artist. Clowns go to college.
I wasn't even a big comedy nerd. A lot of the comedians I know - a lot of my friends are comedians - they knew a lot about comedy growing up.
I like the ironic pomposity of a stand-up comedian. Like all those comedians thinking they can bring down Coca-Cola. They forget to be funny.
I classify myself as a comedian, but I'm one of those comedians who also acts so that I can split the difference and feel insecure about both.
A lot of comedians want people to listen to them. I don't think we've ever been that bothered about whether people would want to listen to us.
I feel like a lot of comedians do have that deep, dark thing. I have my stuff, but I don't go to that dark place. Things are just way too good.
There are comedians who focus on everything that is external. They focus on politics and the news, what's going on in that city and that night.
When you're a comedian, you're another race. You're friends with all these comedians who are white, black and brown. It's us against the world.
It's our hope MySpace Comedy will serve as a launch pad for up-and-coming comedians and as an attraction for the biggest names in the industry.
I remember being captivated by Steve Coogan and Eddie Izzard and wanting to do what they did. That generation of comedians was my main influence.
I'm not interested in being one of those comedians who wants to look good and be this 'cool' funny person. I don't care how weird or ugly I look.
The default position now is that comedians do Twitter but I don't know why. Every bad story you see about a comedian has a connection to Twitter.
In the comedy world, there's always been one woman to five men. I think that's changing, that we're being respected more as writers and comedians.
I think a lot of comedians make the best dramatic actresses because they have a facility. They're very vulnerable. They're very open, like clowns.
I would say most comedians have a very cynical worldview of the way the world can work. It's almost like if you didn't, you couldn't be a comedian.
I've found nothing but support and generosity from older comics. I think comedians are a lot nicer than the stigma is, at least from my experience.
Coming from the Midwest, I didn't know about stand-up as an art. I just thought stand-up comedians were old men in suits talking about their wives.
As comedians, we are all laughing because life is so horrible. Life is so difficult, and I cope with it by making jokes about absolutely everything.
If you like standup and decide that it's overtaking your life and want to hate it, watch 1,000 standup comedians who are trying to get on a TV show.
For some reason, comedians are still children. The social skills somehow never reach us, so we say exactly what we think without weighing the results.
I thought comedians were the funny guy in the common room, not understanding that the flaws in my personality were actually the funny things about me.
Growing up, I always looked up to males or comedians such as Dustin Hoffman and Robert De Niro. I also love Lucille Ball, from the show 'I Love Lucy.'
If you want to see what stage comedians did to get laffs a century ago, watch the 1910 'Wizard of Oz.' I hope you have a high tolerance for pratfalls.
The best comedians and the best rappers can make you laugh and can make you cry... I believe I've been blessed with that gift to make you do just that.
Comedians and impressionists used to be two different showbiz animals entirely, but now there's no such thing as a comedian who doesn't do impressions.
I think I'm accidentally funny more so than thinking of it as a craft. I'm in awe of those comedians that know how to hit it again and again and again.
Comedians are sometimes resentful of their writers. Probably because it's hard for giant egos to admit you need anyone but yourself to be what you are.
People want their actors to do comedy, too. They don't want any comedians next to the actor. They want one solo hero and want to see everything in him.
Canada has been a breeding ground for great comedic actors, sketch artists and stand-up comedians. We grew up with a different perspective on the world.
When I started, I was doing all the good comedians I'd ever seen. Then I developed my own voice. My routines are my natural way of looking at the world.
Comedians who aren't screenwriters are telling jokes that they themselves think are funny. They're expressing their own view of what they think funny is.
There are so few jobs for comedians on networks, that taxi TV and elevator TV and all this stuff are what I and every other comedian now are gunning for.
When I entered the industry in 1984, I was welcomed, no one pushed me away. I want the younger comedians to experience the same. They should feel wanted.
I don't know why, but it seems to be a common story for actors and comedians to have a tendency to be bad students and have difficulty focusing on things.
A lot of people who claim they're political comedians are just comedians who have opinions. But they stop being funny the minute they give their opinions.
I grew up watching 'Big Train,' these collectives of comedians who knew each other, and as a comedy fan you knew who was going out, who were best friends.