The comedians who I admire that are really good, they always take it to a deep psychological place.

I'd heard comedians working MySpace into their routines and giving out their URLs as early as 2004.

It's like cooks don't watch cooking programmes - I suppose maybe comedians don't watch comedy shows.

But I will say that most comedians are the saddest people I know. That is the biggest paradox to me.

It seems like when I first started, people got into comedy because they wanted to be good comedians.

Ever since I was a kid, I just loved those comedians on TV who would just have fun with the language.

I think people have a misconception about comedians and performers. All that stuff is serious business.

There are so many really good comedians, and I would never be as good as they are. It's not my calling.

The comic I can now never enjoy again is Bill Cosby. He was truly one of the first comedians I got into.

Old radio comedy makes me laugh, as well as 'I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue' and comedians like Paul Merton.

I don't like comedians who don't have conviction, and with stand-up, it is always best to have an angle.

It is important to understand that there is no distinction between comedians and actors. All are actors.

I sort of as a kid was fascinated with all the fat comedians, like John Candy, John Belushi, Benny Hill.

With most specials, even the best comedians will tell you they could have cut 15 or 20 minutes out of it.

Sure, the comedians who swear or use scatological humor can get laughs, but they're uncomfortable laughs.

There's a lot of theaters in New York. You can always go out and be around a lot of like-minded comedians.

I'm no way one of those comedians who want to do drama. I really do love comedies. I hope to go back to it.

Let's face it, the great comedians now that are handicapped in the looks department are tremendous writers.

Blacks on prime-time TV are only portrayed as comedians - and often in no better a light than 'Amos & Andy.'

No, I had not read any other comedian's book. Not that I don't enjoy other comedians; I'm just not a reader.

Pakistan hasn't been cast in the role of... interesting cultural place or, you know, land of great comedians.

That's why modern corporate movie making has become so laborious that comedians are kind of kicked out by 50.

Like most comedians, I have crippling low self-esteem, so I always think that what I've just done is rubbish.

Why are we casting all these stand-up comedians to do 'Breaking Bad,' one of the most dramatic TV shows ever?

Professional comedians, surprisingly, have a lack of humor. They're insensitive to the insanity of our times.

The secret of comedy is don't grow up. That's why some comedians are a nightmare, because they never grow up.

Stand-up comedians have a very important relationship to Twitter. For them, it's a place to try out material.

I don't think you get a lot of comedians who are homeopaths. Comedy is essentially about not being hoodwinked.

I try not to listen to the other comedians performing before me because they will probably be funnier than me.

Comedians are never really on vacation because you're always at attention... that antenna is always out there.

Aditi is a comedy superstar over in India. She's only one of three female English-speaking comedians in India.

My heroes - people like Woody Allen - were stand-up comedians. Therefore, I always felt I should give it a go.

The one thing that's depressing as a comedian to realize is that rock stars get groupies, and comedians don't.

It's interesting to talk to young comedians. I love it because it makes me go, 'Oh, that's how I can be funny.'

I spent seven years in clubs in England, Australia, etc. Not all comedians cross over to sell out in a theatre.

There should be comedians who perform only for robots - I'm saying human comedians that only perform for robots.

Comedians kind of write what comes to them. You can give yourself little assignments, but it's what inspires you.

I feel like a lot of comedians do have that deep, dark thing. I have my stuff, but I don't go to that dark place.

My grandfather was running Hillcrest Country Club, and that's where a whole group of Hollywood comedians hung out.

The thing about comedians is, we're generally pretty smart. So, if we can be smart and funny, that is the victory.

As far as I can tell, comedians are pretty serious people, and that's why they make fun of things all of the time.

Everybody kind of looks to comedians and comedy for relief and a fresh breath about what is going on in the world.

I'm a comedian. Comedians are supposed to be jaded, cynical, angry people. But I'm not: I'm a silly, silly fun boy.

Funny and sad are two sides of the same coin. I think that most comedians are able to tap into deep subject matter.

It's up to comedians to shine the light on what's wrong in the world, and we don't want things swept under the rug.

I wasn't funny as a kid. I remember enjoying comedians, but I never understood it was a job choice or a profession.

Something I always admire, especially in female comedians, is that they're willing to make themselves look terrible.

I've always said that musicians are the comics of my generations and comedians are the politicians of my generation.

The greatest thing about being a comedian is knowing other comedians. And you get to talk to them. Its the most fun.

There's an elusive element to comedy, but nobody gets it for free. That's why comedians seldom criticise each other.

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