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I think there's a part, just a part of comedians, that is still childlike.
I've experienced harassment. I've had male comedians be very inappropriate.
With comedians, you have that understanding that we're trying to get laughs.
The women doing comedy do not even think of themselves as 'female' comedians.
Comedians are always hitting the topical notes that are on everybody's minds.
Comedians have to write to survive because you don't get cast for your beauty.
You know the quickest way to get comedians to hate you? Do Letterman at age 24.
'Nice' is not a common label for comedians, but it is for Canadians. I like it.
Most comedians are borderline psychotic. It's what makes their work interesting.
Comedians, we're just people who whine. But we happen to be funny when we whine.
I think comedians have a function in society, which is to make fun of our icons.
Comedians talk to other comedians the way jazz musicians can talk to each other.
I'm not a comedian, but I love the comedians who know when to get off the stage.
My biggest pet peeve, I guess, is other comedians criticizing Larry the Cable Guy.
Oftentimes, the funniest comedians are people who've gone through personal torment.
The comedians I always loved and respected the most were always filthy degenerates.
Having other comedians complimenting my work is the biggest accolade that I can get.
The real good comedians, like Chaplin, would make you laugh and a second later, cry.
The black comedians meeting? Oh yeah, we hold one every year at Eddie Murphy's house.
All comedians are, in a way, anarchists. Our job is to make fun of the existing world.
Many comedians have a dark side that lets them take a negative thing and turn it funny.
I think for comedians, acting is their natural progression. It's all about progression.
I've perfected the art of busting on people. That's how comedians show each other love.
Comedians are really writers who don't have pens and pencils about them, but they riff.
I find my fans are really funny people. Most comedians can't say that about their fans.
I'm sure there are comedians who make jokes about me, but say something funny, not mean.
When I moved to New York, I was wide-eyed. I was nice to everyone, which comedians hate.
When I started, there was no comedy community, no comedy industry; there were comedians.
I was up until all hours of the night, listening to stories, meeting great old comedians.
I don't know any astronauts. There are a lot of people who say they want to be comedians.
My favorite comedians are just presenting an argument, and they're doing it in a funny way.
I'd like to be remembered as good person and as one of the best comedians of my generation.
I've never felt any sense of kinship with other comedians; they've always seemed too needy.
Comedians have a huge carte blanche and the ability to get away with saying a lot of things.
I used to like writing for comedians - I enjoyed the challenge of making other people funny.
I've always found the world funny and enjoy laughing at it, and that's what all comedians do.
Sometimes, when comedians get success, they don't do as much weird stuff as they normally do.
50 Cent should stick to what he does best, rapping, and leave the funny business to comedians.
I spend much of my free time listening to podcasts of American comedians talking to each other.
It's always impressive when talented comedians are easy laughers or generous with their laughs.
I'm a comedian because I want people to like me. That's really why all comedians are comedians.
I'm probably not very good at rom-com, being funny on demand; I'll leave that to the comedians.
Performers often can be quite socially inept, you know? And even great comedians are like that.
My dad loved comedians, especially George Jessel, and he loved Henny Youngman and Buddy Hackett.
I'm such a comedy fan that I just love laughing and so admire comedians who have brought me joy.
Comedians are the monkeys of acting. When you go to the zoo, everybody loves the monkey exhibit.
If you think something's funny, go with that. Most comedians pull jokes from a place of honesty.
Comedy was never a scarcity in Kollywood. Comedians of great calibre have emerged from this land.
Comedians second-guessing themselves is scary. Poor taste is not a crime and we can't forget that.
Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke.