I think having an outsider's viewpoint is interesting and good, especially for a comedian.

As much experience, education and awareness as one can attain is important for a comedian.

I was a stand-up comedian for 10 years, if you can believe it. And I gave it up at age 22.

If Jay spent as much time studying as he does trying to be a comedian, he'd be a big star.

Every person you look at, you can see the universe in their eyes, if you're really looking

If I want to keep working as an actor, I'm going to become a comedian who does fart jokes.

A comedian is not a person who opens a funny door - he's the person who opens a door funny.

Like the burlesque comedian, I am abnormally fond of that precision which creates movement.

Any comedian who tells you how dark and dangerous they are, they're not dark and dangerous.

I wanted to be a comedian, and this is what I'm doing. If I can keep this going, I'm happy.

I wanted to do a show based on what my life would be like if I had never become a comedian.

The only difference between a comedian and someone else? We need to make people laugh more.

I'm a dirty, filthy animal and I'm a dirty comedian, but I got a lot of charisma and charm.

All of us black comedians are trying to be mainstream, but you don't want to lose the edge.

I wanted to be a director and comedian and my plan was to go to NYU. I wanted to be in UCB.

I've wanted to be a comedian since I was a kid, and my parents were very supportive of that.

I might've been witty, but I didn't have a shtick. So, I never considered myself a comedian.

I'm a comedian. You have to understand that my brain doesn't work like a politician's brain.

For aspiring comedians? Don't listen to me. Just go on stage and do what you think is funny.

You can't really label me as a musician, a comedian, or a rapper - you know, it's different.

I was so keen to become a comedian that actually doing the comedy itself almost came second.

My interest in magic was kindled by Steve Martin, the comedian I'd gone to high school with.

I want to show people that there's a side of myself other than just the outrageous comedian.

Comedians have a huge carte blanche and the ability to get away with saying a lot of things.

I've never tried to pass myself off as anything more than a comedian who wrote a dating book.

If you can't write your own material, you have very little chance of making it as a comedian.

Many comedians - both male and female - do have an "I will never date another comedian" rule.

I'm not a professional comedian. Nobody comes to my comedy shows. That's just a little hobby.

I don't consider myself a comedian because I don't really concern myself too much with jokes.

A comedian needs more than just a sense of humour. He needs to observe everything around him.

I wanted to be a comedian. And I did that so much in high school, I couldn't get a girlfriend.

What happens after you die? Lot's of things happen after you die - they just don't involve you

I'm glad I'm a comedian. Otherwise, my life would just be a series of undocumented low points.

I like seeing what the comedian thinks is funny, not just what they think I'll think is funny.

I’m a ridiculous person. If you take anything any comedian says seriously, then you’re stupid.

A comedian's a comedian. They're a very kind of cynical bunch. I guess that's why I like them.

It's always impressive when talented comedians are easy laughers or generous with their laughs.

I'm a comedian because I want people to like me. That's really why all comedians are comedians.

If you make a bad movie about stand-up, then comedians will mock you for the rest of your life.

I think the greatest gift your parents can give you if you want to be a comedian is good taste.

Comedians and people in general have a cultural right to talk about their own culture and race.

I never wanted to be a magician. I never wanted to be a comedian. I never wanted to be onstage.

I was influenced by every comedian I ever saw work. That's the only way you learn how to do it.

I'm not a comedian. I don't make things funny if they're not funny. I don't invent funny stuff.

I don't do too many jokes about current affairs, because almost every comedian always does that.

Harold Lloyd was not a comedian. But he was the finest actor to play a comedian that I ever saw.

A comedian can only last till he either takes himself serious or his audience takes him serious.

My dad loved comedians, especially George Jessel, and he loved Henny Youngman and Buddy Hackett.

I can be a bit movement-orientated and flamboyant because, essentially, I'm a physical comedian.

Ultimately, an audience wants to laugh. That's who they like, the comedian who makes them laugh.

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