I'm a nature girl. I grew up in Colorado and was always outside. I still am, even when I'm in the city.

Well, we have this place in Telluride, Colorado. Its somewhere I can just get away and relax and think.

I started out here in Colorado as a geologist. During a downturn, everyone in our company got laid off.

Well, we have this place in Telluride, Colorado. It's somewhere I can just get away and relax and think.

Nikola Tesla, one of Colorado's famous residents, always believed that the gasoline engine made no sense.

In 2016, you no longer have to be in Silicon Valley to launch a successful startup. Colorado is home to many.

I thought going to Colorado gave me the best chance to get to the league, and I wanted to play in the Pac-12.

Although I'd first seen Senator Hart in Aspen, Colorado, at a New Year's Day party in 1987, we hadn't talked.

The view of the Rocky Mountains from the Divide near Kiowa Creek is considered one of the finest in Colorado.

The overwhelming majority of Coloradans don't want Guantanamo Bay detainees in the United States or Colorado.

I'm so happy to be here and I want to bring championship football back to the University of Northern Colorado.

I am not someone who is different from Colorado. I am part of Colorado. I am like my neighbors and my community.

As a ski bum and someone who came up in a ski bum family, I understand the essence of what Colorado is all about.

Reforming PERA will strengthen and improve Colorado's all-important long term standing with credit rating agencies.

I shot part of 'Resurrecting the Champ' in Denver, and I spent a summer going to survival school in Colorado Springs.

I think the Colorado Plateau is the most scenic area in the world - let's begin with that. Not just the United States.

I don't want to, on behalf of the bureau, comment on Ohio law as opposed to Washington law as opposed to Colorado law.

In 2003, as a 21-year-old convert to Islam, I moved from Colorado to Cairo to see what life was like in a Muslim country.

I've lived out West some... I've always liked the High Plains areas - eastern Colorado, eastern Wyoming, western Nebraska.

I was born in 1999, just a few months after 13 people were left dead after a shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado.

I trust Colorado families and teachers way more than I trust D.C. central planners who think they know better than parents do.

My constituents include CU Buffs, ski bums, techies, artists, suburban soccer moms, and proud, hard-working Colorado families.

Colorado's majestic landscapes are one of our most valuable assets, and it's important that we work to preserve these treasures.

Make friends with pain, and you will never be alone.~Ken Chlouber, Colorado miner and creator of the Leadville Trail 100 mile race

If you like the outdoors, Colorado is a big adventure playground for adults: it's great for skiing, cycling, climbing, and hiking.

As Governor of Colorado, I will continue to transition our state away from fossil fuels to more clean, renewable sources of energy.

When you're a pitcher for the Houston Astros and a stranger notices you in a mall in Colorado, you know things have really changed.

Colorado cannot afford to become the next California, with skyrocketing taxes that hurt our state's economy and our quality of life.

I went to university in Colorado and studied art history. I did some photography classes there, although it felt really pretentious.

Since then I have held many jobs at museums in Colorado and Wyoming. I have also taught summer courses at the University of Colorado.

Colorado is an oasis, an otherworldly mountain place. I've played so many shows in Colorado that I think I'm the Colorado house band.

The reason it was so scary was that there was only one climber capable of rescuing us, and that was Layton Kor, and he was in Colorado.

I remember, when we moved out to Colorado, I was struggling. The mountains were so big, and I wasn't really prepared or used to it all.

Hemp has the potential to be a major boon to Colorado agriculture, giving farmers another viable and profitable option for their fields.

A new report says that last year Colorado collected $44 million in marijuana taxes. Unfortunately, they can't remember where they put it.

I've lived in Colorado longer than anywhere else in my life. All four of our boys were born and raised here. All of our friends are here.

I am proud to place Tercio Red River into a conservation easement forever protecting this spectacular landscape with Colorado Open Lands.

I'd like to see more of Colorado, Utah, and maybe go to Yellowstone. Oh, and I'd like to kayak down the Colorado through the Grand Canyon.

I am a Colorado native, and, no, I did not vote for the anti-gay amendment or the same-sex marriage ban, and I am not a member of a militia.

What's happening on the Colorado River is happening all over the world. The water is overused, overdammed, and it's polluted in some places.

My father, born in Colorado, met my mother, born in Switzerland, when he went into the finance company where she worked and asked for a loan.

As long as there's land available, single-family homes will be built, and Colorado residents will always go for a single-family over a condo.

You get a compound fracture in Colorado where I live, and you can probably be in a hospital within a matter of hours, certainly within a day.

In the old nuclear age, you could sit under a big screen under a mountain in Colorado, and you could see where the missiles were coming from.

Whenever I've met with businesses that want to locate in Colorado, the state's infrastructure for moving people and products is a top concern.

Joan of Arc is my namesake. I played her character while still in my teens, at a music festival held at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

I'm somebody who has a military background, grew up in Colorado Springs, and has been a Colorado resident basically since I was two and a half.

As Governor, I will demand that Colorado's government serves the taxpayers of Colorado, not special interest groups and government bureaucrats.

I came very close to quitting my job for the Bush-Cheney '04 campaign. I seriously considered packing up my office and heading home to Colorado.

I studied science and journalism at the University of Colorado and then got interested in experimental film there and started doing my own films.

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