When I was growing up, I was regularly involved in local activities such as food collections, food kitchens, and other initiatives.

For me, decorating perfection means eclectic styles and collections of beautiful things like pottery, pillboxes and match strikers.

Now it is much faster and cheaper to bring thedocument to the user, rather than ask the user to come to the document or collection.

In designing my bridal collections, I love mixing luxe fabrics, which give the most beautiful texture and dimension to my creations.

I lived in Calcutta for five months in 1999. While I was there, I read many journals, diaries, collections of letters and histories.

When deciding what shows to attend, I always choose collections that I can see myself wearing and that go with my own personal style.

Every time before a collection, I say, "I don't want it to come out. I want to cancel it. It's not good. I haven't achieved anything."

I am proud that my collections have received such praise, and I am even more proud to share the stage with so many talented designers.

You don't need money to look fabulous. There are so many awesome new designers, so many designers doing collections for mass retailers.

Winnie the Pooh was such a part of my childhood. My kindergarten was named Pooh Corner, after one of A.A. Milne's collections of stories.

I designed collections around whatever struck my fancy... fruits, vegetables, politics, or peacocks! I entered in with no business sense.

I find inspiration for my line of jewelry from traveling and from my lifestyle. I have three collections: New York, Palm Beach, and Paris.

Most publishers seem very reluctant to publish short story collections at all; they bring them out in paperback, often disguised as novels.

The older I get, and the more collections I do, the more I'm driven by real style and beauty. My aim is to reveal and not to display women.

I'm working 24 hours a day. I have had a house in Tunisia for 20 years, and I never have time to go because there are collections, fittings.

Each of our collections is like a movie. We write the script, and this Sicilian woman who has traveled around the world plays the lead role.

Since I was a child, my whole life has revolved around music. It's often while listening to a song that ideas for my fashion collections formed.

I had three older sisters whose record collections I borrowed, so I was listening to The Velvet Underground as well as Bach and brass band music.

We are always dying, all the time. That's what living is; living is dying, little by little. It is a sequenced collection of individualized deaths.

More people seem to know the Van der Graaf Generator material than my solo work - thanks, I suppose, to their parents' lingering vinyl collections.

I grew up with very elegant parents; their black and white photographs and style are still a huge source of inspiration in designing my collections.

For a long time, since story collections look almost precisely like novels, I presumed that they were meant to be enjoyed in the same way as novels.

I have a knife collection. I have my favourite black knife with me all the time. It's a switchblade. It relaxes me to flick it. I close it and open it.

Most of those who make collections of verse or epigram are like men eating cherries or oysters: they choose out the best at first, and end by eating all.

Designers have told me that their collections are so me, but I don't always recognise it because if you ask me what my style is, I'm really not that sure.

Cincinnati has one of the most diverse animal collections in the world, with more than 500 species represented. They also have a really good insect exhibit.

I was the kind of kid who liked omnivorously almost all kinds of science - rock collections, fossils - and I like leaves, I like plants, and I like biology.

The rest of my work, besides sketching and keeping a diary, which was the most troublesome of all, consisted in making geological and zoological collections.

The present fashion system is too hard - there are too many collections. The designers have no time to think! Money is too important. Schedules are too crazy.

I'm very interested in the idea of unusual museums, ones that are not necessarily contemporary art museums - more like historical collections or house museums.

Creating a bridalwear collection was a natural progression from my evening wear collections, which are well known for their softly draped and diaphanous silk gowns.

Just as a chariot is verbalized, in dependence on collections of parts, so conventionally a sentient being, is set up depending on the mental and physical aggregates

These small shows were decidedly a success. The exhibitions were not too large to be seen easily. It was not an effort, as larger collections of pictures usually are.

My collections are full of adaptable pieces: within the energetic lifestyle of L.A., they are able to take you from the beach in Malibu to the red carpet in Hollywood.

Creative burnout and physical burnout is real. I mean, there are moments when I get home - after overseeing, you know, almost 16 collections a year - where I can't move.

When you design a collection, you have to start with what you love and what you believe in. Unless you do that, you can't stand behind it, so there's no point in doing it.

You tell me, why would I make 'Housefull 4' if I had any doubts about the popularity of the series? In fact, the collections are better than the earlier films in the series.

The Metropolitan Museum has all of our collections online, all our scholarly publications and catalogues since 1965. We have online features like the timeline of art history.

My grandmother had a cupboard where she kept her collections and textile samples of all sorts of things. When I had good grades, I could take out one piece of work to look at.

I want to continue to strengthen Harvard's fabulous collections in old printed material, but at the same time, I want to help Harvard move into the world of digitized information.

There are so many projects on my Dream List. I have so many things in the works, just like little ideas or collections of things or things I write or even just a title of something.

People who have car collections - I never understood that. I always thought that was unnecessary. It's not beautiful, it's not creative. It's just showing how much money you've got.

Future historians trying to determine what it was like to be alive in fin de millennium America should read the last two decades of O. Henry and Best American short-story collections.

The earliest dictionaries were collections of criminal slang, swapped amongst ne'er-do-wells as a means of evading the authorities or indeed any outsider who might threaten the trade.

My mother was a very big inspiration. She loved fashion. I loved art in school, and I was very good at drawing. I could sit at the table forever and just dream up collections and draw.

MIDI made a natural transition to the PC. The MIDI messages that make up a musical composition can be saved as MIDI files, which are collections of MIDI messages with timing information.

Museums do not share their collections with other museums unless they get something in exchange. The Metropolitan will deal with the Louvre, but will they send their stuff to Memphis? No.

Mostly it was Mad magazine. And I did read a lot of - I had a subscription when I was little, but I also had access to some old collections, the little paperbacks of the really good stuff.

I wanted to work in the arts. My dream come true would be to be an architectural historian and work with the royal palaces and all the fabulous art collections. But I'm not committed enough.

I don't spend a lot of money on clothes, which is weird because I am a fashion model, but when it comes to the new collections coming out, I am just praying designers send it to me for free.

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