It's coexistence or no existence.

The only alternative to coexistence is codestruction.

Germany wants peaceful coexistence of Muslims and members of other religions.

Each new generation needs to commit again to the foundations of our peaceful coexistence.

There cannot be peaceful coexistence in the ideological realm. Peaceful coexistence corrupts.

Nuclear arms and atomic power represent a technology in which coexistence with man is extremely difficult.

Poetry and beauty are always making peace. When you read something beautiful you find coexistence; it breaks walls down.

It's their choice, the choice of the people of Gaza, to create the real peace or at least to create conditions of coexistence.

India's history and destiny, India's legacy and future, are a function of coexistence and conciliation, of reform and reconciliation.

It is very important that the world know that there have been 500 years of peaceful coexistence in Turkey between the Jews and Moslems.

I firmly believe that the mission of religion in the 21st century must be to contribute concretely to the peaceful coexistence of humankind.

Wonder Woman is most definitely a feminist, or a humanist, in no uncertain terms. Her prime goal in life is to teach peaceful coexistence and equality.

The scientists who attack mainstream religion, rather than striving for peaceful coexistence with it, damage science, and also weaken the fight against fundamentalism.

We will maintain the city as a slaughter-free place to promote the dignity of animal coexistence. If Seoul slaughter activity occurs again, we will use all means to block it.

My priority will remain supporting those courageous individuals and organizations, among both Israelis and Palestinians, committed to bringing peaceful coexistence to the region.

For people who have no critical acumen, a state is a mythical entity, for those who think critically it is a rational fiction, created by man in order to facilitate human coexistence.

North Eurasia is one of the best examples of religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence of Islam and Christianity. This is a rare thing in today's world, even in its most liberal parts.

China has been committed to the independent foreign policy of peace and has developed friendship and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

I have a different idea of a universal. It is of a universal rich with all that is particular, rich with all the particulars there are, the deepening of each particular, the coexistence of them all.

What fascinates me about London is its multi-ethnicity, the coexistence of cultures and religions, but I do not see myself living here for very long. It's too big, too much stress, too much of a metropolis.

Profit at any cost is one extreme of the spectrum. On the other extreme is unselfish submission for the social good or, more accurately, charity. Somewhere in the middle is peaceful, and much required, coexistence.

Osama bin Laden's hijacked planes not only attacked the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. They also attacked Islam as a faith. They attacked the values of tolerance and coexistence that Islam preaches.

Prime Minister Sharon, Prime Minister Abbas, I urge you today to end the designs of those who seek destruction, annihilation and occupation, and I urge you to have the will and the courage to begin to realize our dreams of peace, prosperity and coexistence.

I enter negotiations with Chairman Arafat, the leader of the PLO, the representative of the Palestinian people, with the purpose to have coexistence between our two entities, Israel as a Jewish state and Palestinian state, entity, next to us, living in peace.

As recognized since ancient times, the coexistence of very rich and very poor leads to two possibilities, neither a happy one. The rich can rule alone, disenfranchising or even enslaving the poor, or the poor can rise up and confiscate the wealth of the rich.

The functional uses of machines and innovative computer programs is not to isolate us but, rather, to promote coexistence. If used properly, it brings us together, granting unimaginable opportunities, magnifying the most quintessential and exclusively human capabilities.

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