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I don't like to see any coach get sacked - not Lopetegui, not the Huesca coach, not the Granada coach, and, of course, not the Barca coach.
Any coach, any team in the NFL, if they had Peyton Manning healthy and ready to play, I think we all know who is going to play in the game.
The only thing worse than a coach or CEO who doesn't care about his people is one who pretends to care. People can spot a phony every time.
Sometimes you may not study and get a little worried, but playing under a coach like J-Kidd, I felt super-prepared, just learning from him.
I don't feel I'm qualified to be a coach outside the high school level. I think I would need to do more education to really be a good coach.
You can't make a manager have a coach he doesn't want. I can't make the head of the accounting department work with someone he doesn't want.
I'm used to being coached. Something I learned long ago is that a coach is trying to make you better and to be the best version of yourself.
Talk about full circle, I never saw this coming. It wasn't like I said, 'Someday, I want to be the head coach at the University of Memphis.'
I've always referred to my father as 'my coach' because we were always able to separate our relationship into the roles of coach and parent.
Henri Hooft is the greatest striking coach on planet. He's phenomenal leader - he makes me believe in me more than I will ever believe in me.
I like to play attacking, like a winger, or an attacking midfielder, so it depends on the coach, where he's looking at me for which position.
When you coach Russ Smith, you have a nervous breakdown on every possession. He's not from a different country. He's from a different planet.
Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important.
I never worked with a dialogue coach before, but I'd hate it if an American did a British accent and didn't do it well. It would be insulting.
I think when you have strong leadership at the coaching level and you empower the coach and the coaching staff, you have a lot more stability.
My dad has always been my coach. And I've spent so much time with him. So he's one of my best friends. And I can talk to him about everything.
I go out there with whatever the coaches call, and whatever they do, I just go out there, and I'm the player. Coaches coach, and players play.
I'm an owner that tends to absolutely be supportive of a coach and his vision if it's a real sharp and smart vision. I really believe in that.
You coach your own system for so many years, that's all you ever know. To be able to step inside and see how others do it was very beneficial.
He was such a fabulous drama coach. What better person to have than Alfred Hitchcock? His work as a director was impeccable. I learned so much.
I spend around two and half hours on the track every day running and another 2 hours in the weight room lifting weights with my strength coach.
I'm the seventh chancellor at Vanderbilt; Bobby Johnson is the 25th head football coach. That shows a lack of commitment to attract and retain.
I have a lot of respect for Wenger. But a player needs playing time. And a coach has to put his faith in a player if he feels that he needs it.
When I was 8 years old, I knew nothing about martial arts. The coach told me I was talented with learning martial arts, and put me in a school.
I've been in just about every situation as a player and coach and manager. I've been in the playoffs, World Series, and I know how to get there.
If you recruit a kid, and you're promising him the world, how in the world are you going to coach him in that short a period of time to do that?
Sometimes if you have a coach or team-mates for too long, you get caught in certain routines. I think it's good to shake up things a little bit.
I know Penny Toler and coach Ross have worked hard to put together a strong team this year, and I am ready to start the season with my teammates.
I went to this vocal coach, Ron Anderson, who has worked with Axl Rose and Chris Cornell, to train my voice and learn a whole new way of singing.
I got a strength coach. My wife. She gets big chains, and at night she puts them around the refrigerator. They are so strong, I can't break them.
The three greatest people in my life were white, OK. My high school coach, my high school superintendent and my mentor in Manhasset, Long Island.
I was very fortunate to have a wonderful woman as my voice coach when I started singing professionally. I was only 19, so now it's been 60 years!
I am very happy at Milan: the coach and his staff have given me a lot of confidence, and I'm also happy with the relationship with my team-mates.
I coach a high school wrestling team and a middle school team. I consider myself a coach and an activist, so I'm really involved in the community.
It's hard to speculate, but it was tough when coach Paul Westphal drafted me and wanted me there and then got fired two weeks into my rookie year.
I played baseball in high school, and in some parallel universe, if I had not gone into filmmaking, I may have been the coach cursing at the kids.
Even though I am not going to coach in the future, if I had to pass on a recommendation, it would be to base your game on having a strong defence.
The two places that I had most imprinted in my mind and in my memory were UCLA and Indiana. To play at one and coach at the other is unbelievable.
Experience shows that those people who were selected to be a head coach in the NFL met with more success if they had had head-coaching experience.
I have been compared with Antonio Conte and it is an honour to be compared with him. I would love to enjoy the same success he has had as a coach.
Being a conductor is kind of a hybrid profession because most fundamentally, it is being someone who is a coach, a trainer, an editor, a director.
Coach Bo Pelini and coach Carl Pelini are two coaches I talk to on a regular basis, especially coach Bo. They are coaches I feel elevated my game.
If you could bring to me a majority of people to say that we're going to have $10 of spending cuts for $1 of revenue enhancement, put me in, coach.
I like to address all parts of my game, but I'm really concentrating a lot of time with my coach, David Whelan, on my short game and on the greens.
Coach Richt is a good friend of mine. I respect Coach Richt and worked for him for a year and respect the man he is and respect what he stands for.
When you have a coach who pinpoints the places you're at most of the time you're on the court, you sort of become a player that's stuck in this box.
The young Obama's lack of playing time on the high school basketball team was due more to his ability than the coach's preference for white players.
Our personalities are the not the same, Coach Saban and I. And I have the utmost respect for what he's done and what he's done for me and my family.
George Perles at Michigan State was the first coach that gave me responsibility as far as being a coordinator. I learned a lot from that experience.
I've put in 63 years now in the big leagues as a player, coach, manager. And now just being around these young guys, it keeps you going pretty good.