The report on climate change said that humans are very likely making the planet warmer. To which Hillary Clinton said, 'Hey, can't blame me for that one.'

We are now running out of time, and the question now is not what is happening to the climate, but how bad will it be before the world starts doing enough?

When it comes to climate, we can all make a big difference. At the most basic level, don't let denial go unchallenged and win the conversation on climate.

Bush and Inhofe will go down in history with other leaders such as Herbert Hoover and Neville Chamberlain who were blind to their nation's gravest threats.

We need to start by having a conversation about climate change. It would be irresponsible to avoid the issue just because it's uncomfortable to talk about.

We are embarking on the biggest project in human civilisation," he said. "We must ensure that the United States ... is part of such post-2012 arrangements.

The urgency for reducing climate emissions is too great. We must take our collective experience and use it toward making green design a part of all design.

The squandering of oil and gas is associated with one of the greatest tragedies, not in the least resolved, which is suffered by humankind: climate change.

Everybody talks about population growth and its disastrous effect on climate change, food security and resource depletion, but nobody does anything about it

This is exciting, it is bold and it is absolutely necessary if we are to have any chance of stopping potentially catastrophic changes to our climate system.

You know, Chevron - we don't do original research on climate change. It's the government's role to do that, and we accept the determinations that are there.

Planet Earth, creation, the world in which civilization developed, the world with climate patterns that we know and stable shorelines, is in imminent peril.

97 percent of the scientists who wrote articles in peer-reviewed journals believe that human activity is the fundamental reason we are seeing climate change.

Statements about climate trends must be based on, er, trends. Not individual events or occurrences. Weather is not climate, and anecdotes are not statistics.

I've always been interested in the fragility of things, and with special urgency now because of climate change, but also because of the accidents of reading.

Global sustainability is now the only avenue to future inclusive progress that can deliver the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris climate agreement.

The ability of big money to shape perceptions - where you have four anti-climate lobbyists for every single member of the House and Senate - is a big factor.

We have emails from donors. We got thousands and thousands of emails here that have been leaked and dumped, and I can't find any reference to climate change.

We are forward planning and strategic on what the planet will look like with climate change as we decide to go into various areas of the world if we have to.

We never have 100 percent certainty. We never have it. If you wait until you have 100 percent certainty, something bad is going to happen on the battlefield.

My feeling is that if any Republican was elected it would be almost a death knell for the species literally, just because of their attitude on climate change.

The ice caps are melting now. They're not going to refreeze next year just because we reduce our emissions. We're going to live in that world. So plan for it.

The record rainfall and storm surges that have brought flooding across the UK are a clear sign that we are already experiencing the impacts of climate change.

Today's new climate policy is like delivering the final divorce papers to the public and the world, ... And it is divorced from the reality of global warming.

When you warn people about the dangers of climate change, they call you a saint. When you explain what needs to be done to stop it, they call you a communist.

That, by the way, is perhaps the most ludicrous comment I've ever heard, that climate change is a bigger threat to our country than radical Islamic terrorism.

Justin Trudeau certainly understands climate science, as do his ministers. But they're refusing to take action on it because of short-term political concerns.

In light of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, critics are arguing that abuses of Iraqi prisoners are being produced by a climate of disregard for the laws of war.

Of all the climatologists whose careers depend on the climate changing to keep themselves publishing articles — yes, I could read that, but I don't believe it.

[Donald] Trump is going to look into the notion of prosecuting Hillary [Clinton]. CNN has a graphic up , "Trump: Some human activity linked to climate change."

When you fully focus in the match, you don't think too much about the atmosphere and the climate. Even if the temperature goes up, we will both sweat the same.

You can't just do one of the things, because it won't be enough to combat the climate change that we're already starting to experience. It will only get worse.

As difficult as it is to eliminate the risk of nuclear warfare, it requires fewer changes to the global economy than does averting or reversing climate change.

If there is an impact on climate change due to natural causes, we need to understand that, and cannot escape responsibility to deal with what we are doing now.

The climate crisis requires a bottom-up, grassroots demand for solutions because the elites in many parts of the world are under the influence of old industry.

Quite frankly, there is no answer to climate change without substantially, dramatically, increasing the amount of renewable energy in the global energy system.

I have never met a geologist or leading scientist who believes adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere will have any significant effect on climate change.

The issue for me is American competitiveness, and how do we best create a climate here that allows international capital to come to these shores to create jobs.

Sometimes when I travel from climate to climate, my skin can change very drastically because I go from hot to cold. I get dry like everybody else - from planes.

You sometimes see a woman who would have made a Joan of Arc in another century and climate, threshing herself to pieces over all the mean worry of housekeeping.

The paleoclimate record shouts to us that, far from being self-stabilizing, the Earth's climate system is an ornery beast which overreacts even to small nudges.

What no one shows the ability to defend is quickly abandoned. Rational argument does not create belief, but it maintains a climate in which belief may flourish.

I'm interested in what kind of food we're going to eat as the climate changes. I'm interested in what kind of economy we're going to have in another 1,000 years.

CO2 emissions have been increasing, but the rise in air temperature stopped around 2001. Climate change is due in large part to naturally occurring oscillations.

there are no old people in California. Nobody ever gets a chance to grow old there. The climate won't let you. The scenery won't let you. The life won't let you.

Climate change is not just about carbon dioxide levels and melting polar ice caps. It is about our public health and protecting our Earth for future generations.

The moral climate of any organization, larger than that of the individual, is created hour by hour through the multitude of choices and behaviors of its members.

God could create the world in six days because he didn't have to make it compatible with the previous version. Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company

Each and every one of us should stop playing small and license ourselves to become one of the giants of the new century. We will need champions by the truckload.

Climate changes are caused by solar radiation and other natural phenomena, so I don't worry one bit about that. Nothing we do can change anything in the climate.

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