The European nations take climate change very seriously.

Climate change is having a dramatic effect on the ground.

You can't tackle climate change until you tackle poverty.

Scientists would rather change facts than their theories.

Meat's effect on climate change simply cannot be ignored.

There are probably already too many people on the planet.

Diseases are a threat to us all. And so is climate change.

I am a skeptic...Global warming has become a new religion.

I've grown accustomed to hotels and drastic climate change.

The evidence for human-made climate change is overwhelming.

We don't have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society.

For the economy itself will die if our ecosystems collapse.

Companies are the first to see the costs of climate change.

Climate change pries further apart the haves and have-nots.

Climate change threatens the future of life on this planet.

Renewables are critical in our fight against climate change.

Climate change is not an excuse to silence political speech.

The effects of climate change are real and must be acted on.

We will never end poverty if we don't tackle climate change.

I don't need to be lectured by the Pope about climate change.

We have to fight climate change like we actually want to win.

This notion that manmade climate change is happening is wrong.

Climate change is a huge problem, an almost insoluble problem.

Climate change is a really abstract thing in most of the world.

We are just about to cross the 400 parts per million threshold.

Clearly, climate change is an extremely important threat to us.

The reality of climate change is a stupid thing to argue about.

We have to take immediate and durable action on climate change.

We need to keep switching up the language around climate change.

Honored delegates, leaders of the world, I pretend for a living.

Climate change is new and complex. We don't have all the answers.

Climate change is real and humans do contribute to those changes.

Please eat less meat - meat is a very carbon-intensive commodity.

This is by far the most serious crisis civilisation has ever faced.

The jury is still out on whether humans are causing climate change.

We believe addressing the risk of climate change is a global issue.

I think any thinking person should be worried about climate change.

Never denied climate change. It has always changed and always will.

It's not five minutes to midnight. It's five minutes after midnight.

Isn't it time to talk not only about weather, but also about climate?

I've dedicated my life in public service to defeating climate change.

The area of climate change has a dramatic impact on national security.

You will not solve global climate change by hitting the delete button.

Climate change poses a serious, immediate and global threat to health.

Global warming can mean colder, it can mean drier, it can mean wetter.

Climate change is such a consequential crisis to everybody in the world.

I absolutely do not believe in the science of man-caused climate change.

People working on climate change should prepare for catastrophic success.

I have voted that climate change is happening and it's also caused by man.

Disadvantaged communities are among the most vulnerable to climate change.

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