Click. Boom. Amazing!

I do not click on random youtube videos.

Negativity gets attention and gets clicks.

When your mouth drops open, click the shutter.

If you don't double-click me, I can't do anything.

The first person I click on can't be the right choice.

I am now bowling 135 clicks at times, and yeah, it's good.

When it's time for the revolution, I'm a click, click, click.

ESPN puts out anything for clicks now, it kind of seems like.

If you see something you have seen before, don't click the shutter.

Sometimes, you can not click with somebody, and it can feel awkward.

We won't just automatically click our heels and follow the Americans.

I got started in 1995, working in a group called The Cash Money Click.

You just click your heels and think there's no place like being pwned.

You never know what clicks at the box office. It's very unpredictable.

There are only those certain people where things click - at least for me.

We live in the Internet age. Everyone wants clicks. Clicks are what sells.

The wealth of information now available at the click of a finger amazes me.

Why do we even use hashtags? It's just like a sub-thought. Who clicks on hashtags? Nobody.

Be mindful of clickbait - sensational stories designed to humiliate. Click with compassion.

I'm not a clicks man, I wasn't born in the clicks era. I'm a bricks man, I believe in bricks.

When that shutter clicks, anything else that can be done afterward is not worth consideration.

The wider world is a click away, but whether we mean to or not, we're usually filtering it out.

I've got a few things on YouTube and the most I've ever had is about 8,000 clicks over five years.

We can't say whether a film will be a hit or flop. There's something which just clicks with people.

It's easier to add things on to a PC than it's ever been before. It's one click, and boom, it comes down.

I believe when you meet the right person it clicks, and you both know and you start making it work, you know?

Every click of the cosmic clock brings us closer to the process for which the planet called us into existence.

But then you make eye contact with someone across the room and it clicks and you’re right there in love again.

I think every single girl has something different and special about her. You find one who clicks with your vibe.

When a person has a gun, sometimes their mind clicks that this thing will win arguments and straighten people out.

...they were exactly what the other needed; the missing piece that made everything else magically click into place.

You don't have the same experiences as all of your friends, hopefully. Instead, you meet people and something clicks.

I won't say there's a good Richard and a bad Richard, but I've got a switch, and when it clicks on, I'm somebody else.

When companies start measuring success by clicks that doesn't compute to us, the only thing that computes to us is cash.

Those are the magical songwriting moments, when you have a partner that clicks like that. That's a dream come true, man.

It's much less romantic in that you have to go to and click "Apply Now." For me it was much more clandestine.

Overnight success just doesn't happen. You've got to put your time in. You're up and down - all of a sudden, it just clicks

You see something, then it clicks with something else, and it will make a story. But you never know when it's going to happen.

Nobody reads the disclosures that roll down your computer screen. You click 'I agree' but you don't know what you're agreeing to.

How to make money from Facebook and Twitter: (1) Go to 'Account Settings' (2) Click 'Deactivate your account' (3) Go back to work!

Fighters remember that one-punch KO. Something clicks, and they lose it. They don't wanna be knocked out. It happened to Roy Jones.

I don't have any dream role. I give my 100% to every character I play, and when the film clicks, it automatically becomes a dream role.

To most Christians, the Bible is like a software license. Nobody actually reads it. They just scroll to the bottom and click 'I Agree'.

Ideally, Facebook would take all our clicks and information and would magically give us everything we want, without us even knowing we want it.

I find an apple before singing really, really helps... It's like there's something in the pectin in the apple that helps get rid of vocal clicks.

The most joyful part of writing, for me, is when I am 90% there, and suddenly the story clicks into place, and things finally start to make sense.

I look at directing as a sporting event. It's a race, a marathon. It's great when it clicks, which is why I push my crews so hard so we can excel.

You never know what's going to happen. It's kind of nice to limit your expectations so when something clicks, you go, 'Hey, that's nice. Thank you.'

You will be a failure, until you impress the subconscious with the conviction you are a success. This is done by making an affirmation which 'clicks.'

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