I can resist anything but the temptation to make a clever witticism.

The wicked are always surprised to find that the good can be clever.

He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.

He who knows others is clever; He who knows himself has discernment.

For sheer sexiness, a man must be beautiful. Funny. yes. Clever, no.

Men in general are quick to believe that which they wish to be true.

Finding new ways, more clever ways to interrupt people doesn't work.

Educate men without religion and you make of them but clever devils.

Nobody gets married to a clever song, let alone falls in love to one.

It is not that I am so clever; it is that everyone else is so stupid.

No, I'm not clever. I've always cared more for people than for ideas.

God was a clever idea ... The human race came up with a winner there.

Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.

The poor silly-clever Irishman takes off his hat to God's Englishman.

Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?

Dreams have only one owner at a time. That's why dreamers are lonely.

There is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy.

Half of seeming clever is keeping your mouth shut at the right times.

Conscience has no more to do with gallantry than it has with politics.

My dad is a great manager. He's not just competent - he's very clever.

Ed, I see you're out drinking again. What's the occasion? I was sober.

My dad is a great manager. He's not just competent - he's very clever.

The worst sort of clever men are those who know better than the Bible.

When you educate without the Holy Spirit, you only get a clever devil.

If we seek a positive outcome, we must begin with a positive attitude.

The desire to be thought clever often prevents a man from becoming so.

I always see my wife as the clever one, as the wise one in the family.

My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop dying.

Straight-forwardness, without the rules of propriety, becomes rudeness.

The difference between me and you is... that I don't mind what happens.

I’m actually pale blue: it takes me a week of sunbathing to turn white.

Lord Birkenhead is very clever but sometimes his brains go to his head.

Only he who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving the impossible.

O Lord, Sir - when a heroine goes mad she always goes into white satin.

Somehow it seems more clever to refer to something instead of saying it.

The more clever and cunning people are, the stranger the events will be.

Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?

A man may surely be allowed to take a glass of wine by his own fireside.

Envy is blind, and is only clever in depreciating the virtues of others.

Meadowlark Lemon is one very clever man, unique and truly one of a kind.

Cyling has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world

I think that the great presidents have always been a little more clever.

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.

I think my older sister was probably more clever, but I worked very hard.

It is a great act of cleverness to be able to conceal one's being clever.

Some fellows get credit for being conservative when they are only stupid.

I'm suspicious of people who talk about their feelings to the whole world

How you think when you lose determines how long it will be until you win.

A clever man without wisdom is like a beautiful flower without fragrance.

No Jew was ever fool enough to turn Christian unless he was a clever man.

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