We have many identities, and we can't be authentic to them all. The best we can do is be sincere in our efforts to earn the values we claim.

There are going to be little victories that we claim, even if it's finishing 15th and putting the car back in hauler without a scratch on it.

I'm not Charlie Chaplin and will never, ever claim to be. But when I become the 'Tramp,' I can feel the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

If you forget the words to your own song, you can always claim artistic license. Forget the words to the national anthem, and you're screwed.

So long as the global economy continues to recover, that remains Obama's No. 1 claim to successful leadership. Nothing else even comes close.

Conservatives have no understanding of modern capitalism. They have a distorted understanding of the traditional values they claim to defend.

You have to have a plan. This isn't wishing. Instead of always being in a hopeful situation - like, 'I hope one day ...' - let's claim it now.

When men talk about defense, they always claim to be protecting women and children, but they never ask the women and children what they think.

The Democrats like to claim that they are the party of women - in reality, though, no politician has done more for women than Donald J. Trump.

You can't really claim too much ownership of your character. They really do belong to the writers, and in many ways, you're just their puppet.

Nobody can legitimately claim to be a marine ecologist and conservationist while continuing to eat fish. It is the ultimate form of hypocrisy.

I enjoy talking pitching and talking baseball. And I don't have all the answers. I don't claim to, but I'm more than happy to share my beliefs.

The British claim to have a special relationship with the U.S., but if you mention this in Washington, no one knows what you are talking about.

You can't claim to be pro-life and then vote to remove the restrictions that prevented government-funded abortions in the District of Columbia.

I can't claim to 'understand' 'Byzantium,' if any dance work can be 'understood,' but whenever I see it, I sense that it's charged with meaning.

Words without deeds is an affront to the principle that guides our Nation and makes a mockery of the values we as public servants claim to love.

Businesses should no longer be allowed to depress wages by hiring illegal labor and then falsely claim that Americans don't want to do the jobs.

God isn't present in the past or future. The great 'I Am' is in the present moment. When I claim that presence, I can get through anything today.

Law builds upon and, I should like to claim, is one of the liberal arts. It uses words of persuasion and changing definitions for practical ends.

The claim that the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked because fundamentalists hate our prosperity and freedom is a ridiculous lie.

There is no struggle, rift, fight between those who claim the banner of the tea party and those who are in the Republican Party. We work together.

I don't claim to be someone that knows every verse in the Bible. I wish I did. I truly do. It just means I need to spend more time in those pages.

When I was younger, I was one of the few girls in the neighborhood who could break dance. That's kind of my local, ghetto-celebrity claim to fame.

I simply claim that what ideas I have, I have a right to express; and that any man who denies that right to me is an intellectual thief and robber.

Beneath the surface of your ego's insatiable cravings, your authentic desires are waiting patiently for you to acknowledge, claim and express them.

The new discovery of a 3.3 billion barrel oil deposit off Norway's coast cements that nation's claim to being Europe's second largest oil producer.

Part of what our problem as blacks in America is that we don't claim that. Partly, you see, because of the linguistic environment in which we live.

I certainly don't know if you could claim that every theft is wrong, but I'll prove to you that every theft is forbidden, by simply locking you up.

I am trained as a fashion designer and do not claim to be an expert architect or anything like that. I won't do something unless I know I can do it.

Coal and oil lobbyists added fossil fuels to a bill aimed at helping American manufacturers, so they too could claim 'manufacturing' tax deductions.

Some people go to the West and claim they are gays and that their lives are at risk in the Gambia, in order for them to be granted a stay in Europe.

I listen to terrible music when exercising. I mean, like, early Madonna, Boney M, the Fratellis, Shakira... I can't claim interesting musical taste.

Readers who claim a preference for short-form over long often tell me it's because they don't have time to commit to a book-length chunk of writing.

It seems in America you are stuck with the position you adopted, even when events change, in order to claim absolute consistency. That can't be good.

It's always seemed odd to me that after a group of terrorists commits a vile and odious deed they rush messages to the public to claim credit for it.

If our society was a lot wealthier, I think we'd also probably have better education systems - this is pretty intuitive, I think, to make as a claim.

Without romance, films will be boring. I doubt if people now understand romance, though they may claim it otherwise. I am very romantic in real life.

In Afghanistan, this is the problem, because everybody holds a piece of that mirror, and they all look at it and claim that they hold the entire truth.

Crafty politician that he is, Obama was smart enough to set low enough standards for his administration to claim 'victory' by the summer of 2011 or so.

I don't claim to know what it means to say that we are made in the image of God, but I profoundly and instinctively believe it and all that it implies.

I don't think anybody can claim success at any part of our lives, private or professional, if there are others that don't enjoy the same opportunities.

Republicans constantly claim to be the party that defends the Constitution. We have no legitimate right to that claim until we get right on gay rights.

What moves me is neither ethnocentric pride nor sectarian arrogance. I make no claim that Jewish culture is superior to other cultures. But it is mine.

This evolution may compromise Java's claim of being simpler than C++, but my guess is that the effort will make Java a better language than it is today.

I am both stunned and appalled that Pat Robertson would claim to know the mind of God concerning whether particular events... were the judgments of God.

In a novel, even if you put a country in the wrong hemisphere, which I've done, I can always claim it was part of the additional weirdness of the story.

We've digressed from the true meaning of life. We have replaced the Creator with money and claim Him in the name of war. We have dishonored our children.

Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled.

I wouldn't say I was a massive comic fan growing up, just because I now know people that really are, and I would never claim to be in that same category.

There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded.

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