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That'll be my claim to fame: My grandmother-in-law is the oldest iPad user!
Success is a collective job, and one can't claim the credit for themselves.
If religion cannot restrain evil, it cannot claim effective power for good.
Obama's claim is that he wants to give. The GOP is saying it wants to take.
I claim Dickens as a mentor. He's my teacher. He's one of my driving forces.
Know how to effectively voice a complaint or make a claim at a retail store.
There's a lot of SEALs who hate me and claim I've broken our code of silence.
I'm not a baker, and I don't know anything about baking, and I don't claim to.
I envy other writers who claim to have a backlog of books they'd like to write.
It was a fun job but I'd never claim Busted was anything other than a pop band.
The insidiousness of science lies in its claim to be not a subject, but a method.
In my view you cannot claim to have seen something until you have photographed it.
To claim the World Bank is just an extension of U.S. foreign policy is just wrong.
I've only slept with men I've been married to. How many women can make that claim?
Government loses its claim to legitimacy when it fails to fulfill its obligations.
I just claim to do what I do, which is to sing old songs and try to make them cool.
Whether you like it or not, when you claim to be a Christian, the world takes note.
We don't claim to be infallible. I don't claim to be giving you truths from on high.
If I am not above the law, nobody in this country can then claim to be above the law.
It is the habit of every aggressor nation to claim that it is acting on the defensive.
Politicians often claim secrecy is necessary for good governance or national security.
Certainly ordinary language has no claim to be the last word, if there is such a thing.
Tolerance is giving to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself.
Don't believe those who claim that only left wing parties really care about employment.
My real big Internet claim to fame is the fact that I was first to jailbreak the iPhone.
Those who claim we buy oil from Daesh are obliged to prove it. If not, you are slanderer.
I do not know who there is among us that can claim to know God's purpose and God's intent.
There is no higher claim to journalistic integrity than going to jail to protect a source.
There are those whose sole claim to profundity is the discovery of exceptions to the rules.
I totally understand I'm an eccentric person; I'm not going to claim to be a normal person.
Waiter trainers claim that an investment in education pays off very quickly for restaurants.
The first time I was paparazzi'd, I thought I was being investigated for an insurance claim.
When I talk about the end of apartheid, I prefer not to claim the honor that I have ended it.
I don't think that any political party should claim Jesus as being a part of a political party.
To go to a World Cup is a dream come true, and I can claim to have experienced that four times.
When it applies to the Olympics and making a decision, I have to claim Australia as my country.
No movie can claim to be a work of philosophy. They fulfill a totally different need in people.
No one can come and claim ownership of my work. I am the creator of it, and it lives within me.
I don't want ever to be guilty of what my critics claim: doing formula without original elements.
Access to the Vedas is the greatest privilege this century may claim over all previous centuries.
No entrepreneur ever publicly admits to bribing, but few dare to openly claim they don't, either.
If you call failures experiments, you can put them in your resume and claim them as achievements.
Every one of the world's dictatorships can and does claim to be acting in the name of the people.
No one can claim to be called Christian who gives money for the building of warships and arsenals.
I don't claim to be a journalist. I hold myself to higher standards of transparency and disclosure.
A claim for equality of material position can be met only by a government with totalitarian powers.
My only claim to music is a good sense of rhythm, and I have been in musicals and done some singing.
His claim to his home is deep, but there are too many ghosts. He must absorb without being absorbed.
If our era is the next Industrial Revolution, as many claim, AI is surely one of its driving forces.
Skeptics question the validity of a particular claim by calling for evidence to prove or disprove it.