The fights for media justice and racial justice have been intertwined since the 1960s Civil Rights Movement.

The Liberty of the press is the Palladium of all the civil, political and religious rights of an Englishman.

For the gay establishment, the death of right and wrong began when gaining civil rights ceased to be enough.

We've talked more about civil rights after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than we talked about it before 1964.

Baptists are very strong believers that the civil magistrate is ordained by God to punish those who do evil.

Civil marriage, like all civil rights provided by the government, must be provided equally to all Americans.

We need to introduce civil liability for companies that ship products with reckless security vulnerabilities.

'Civil War' was such a whirlwind, and I didn't really know what was going on. I was thrown into the deep end.

Abraham Lincoln went through 12 generals before he got Ulysses S. Grant. He had never done a Civil War before.

Imagine how wicked society would be if the fear of God and the fear of civil law were both completely removed.

I am a qualified civil engineer but academics never attracted me as I was a sleepoholic when I was in college.

Since the civil war in Laos was resumed in earnest in 1963, American participation has been veiled in secrecy.

There has been only a civil rights movement, whose tone of voice was adapted to an audience of liberal whites.

All great rebellions are born of private acts of civil disobedience that inspire rebel bands to plot together.

No one need think that the world can be ruled without blood. The civil sword shall and must be red and bloody.

When I wrote the song, The Way It Is, I wanted to move people to take a stand on civil rights in this country.

Civil war, now, 100 years in the future - the things that motivate human beings, they don't change emotionally.

When I came back into show business in '88 after spending 20-odd years in the civil service, it wasn't planned.

Civil war? What does that mean? Is there any foreign war? Isn't every war fought between men, between brothers?

I never praised Mr. Snowden or said his actions rise to those of Mohandas Gandhi or other civil rights leaders.

Obama's endorsement of gay marriage is hardly as consequential as Johnson's legislative success on civil rights.

He didn't even have the satisfaction of being killed for civil rights. it had to be some silly little Communist.

I, like many members of my generation, was concerned with segregation and the repeated violation of civil rights.

If the civil society is not transparent, honest, and accountable, then you cannot be a champion of social justice.

In my lifetime, we have lost a President, a Civil Rights leader and a Presidential candidate - all to gun violence.

Some of the greatest uprisings and consequent civil wars in Mexico have centered squarely on the ownership of land.

Civil rights are more important today than they ever have been in our country. There is so much divisiveness today.

Without prayer, without faith in the Almighty, the civil rights movement would have been like a bird without wings.

This country is not going to progress if we can't have decent civil conversations and be respectful to one another.

Mum and Dad met campaigning on the Spanish civil war. Both were active peace campaigners. They died in 1986 and '87.

The church is the only mechanism for mass mobilization. That's why the civil rights movement came out of the church.

It would be immoral to walk away from the consequences of our actions, leaving behind anarchy and civil war in Iraq.

Statehood for the District of Columbia is the most important civil rights and social justice issue in America today.

I don't think it's a great leap to go from civil unions to gay marriage - I may be in the minority in believing that.

Progress is possible, but it is fragile - and across our country, the battles for our most basic civil rights rage on.

Politics is the most important of the civil activities and has its own field of action, which is not that of religion.

But a multitude of people, even the two hundred million of the Chinese empire, cannot subsist without civil government.

When I was little, I wanted to be a civil engineer. Not a ballerina, not a doctor, a civil engineer. I was such a nerd.

A liberal education is at the heart of a civil society, and at the heart of a liberal education is the act of teaching.

There's no problem on the planet that can't be solved without violence. That's the lesson of the civil rights movement.

If surveillance infiltrates our homes and personal relationships, that is a gross breach of our human and civil rights.

There is a difference between civil partnerships and marriage. That difference does not mean one is better than another.

Protecting the rights of service members was an important part of my work as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights.

Civil union is less than marriage. Marriage is a sacred and valued institution and ought to be afforded equal protection.

The events of the Civil War are so odd, ferocious, and poignant that fictional characters do well simply to inhabit them.

You can't rise as a class. You have to rise individually. It's what many of the civil rights-era people don't understand.

Gay and lesbian people have families, and their families should have legal protection, whether by marriage or civil union.

The understanding of Syria's devastating civil war has been distorted by the immense danger and difficulty of covering it.

The taxpayer - that's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination.

The great object of the institution of civil government is the improvement of those who are parties to the social compact.

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