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Some day the workers will take possession of your city hall, and when we do, no child will be sacrificed on the altar of profit!
New York is a passionate city. They want a winner. They deserve a winner. I think we did an outstanding job of bringing it back.
Belfast is a city which, while not forgetting its past, is living comfortably with its present and looking forward to its future.
I like Dubai because of the sheer scale on which the city is built. It is completely futuristic but with a warm, old-world ethos.
I would teach U.K. parents how to stop their children throwing litter. London is a beautiful city but its streets are disgusting.
If I had the hand strength to sign autographs for everybody in Kansas City, I would... but its just impossible to get to everyone.
Frankly, Milan kind of sucks as a restaurant city. It's so fashion-obsessed that people don't pay that much attention to the food.
When my trust fund ran out, I panicked. I have a lot of admiration for the kids who come to the big city with nothing and make it.
The two elements the traveler first captures in the big city are extra human architecture and furious rhythm. Geometry and anguish.
The '90s are really the 'Sex and the City' woman, and I think, right now, the new contemporary woman is the 'Lipstick Jungle' woman.
Venice is the perfect place for a phase of art to die. No other city on earth embraces entropy quite like this magical floating mall.
Hiroshima does not look like a bombed city. It looks as if a monster steamroller had passed over it and squashed it out of existence.
New York is a city with virtually no habitable public space - only private spaces expensively maintained within the general disaster.
I have struck a city - a real city - and they call it Chicago... I urgently desire never to see it again. It is inhabited by savages.
When I have trouble sleeping, I'll read, watch old episodes of 'Sex and the City,' or dance around my house. Music helps me wind down.
What I like about New York City is nobody cares. If they do, they don't ever approach. They just give you a 'What's up?' and that's it.
There is nothing of any consequence in education, in the economy, in city planning, in social policy that does not concern black people.
I loved growing up in Portland because I'm not from L.A. or New York or Chicago or some cool city... It was a very regular suburban life.
I grew up in New York City: Harlem, New York. I played ball for probably two of the biggest amateur basketball organizations in the city.
Your brain is built of cells called neurons and glia - hundreds of billions of them. Each one of these cells is as complicated as a city.
As for civil liberties, any one who is not vigilant may one day find himself living, if not in a police state, at least in a police city.
The great city is that which has the greatest man or woman: if it be a few ragged huts, it is still the greatest city in the whole world.
I was the cocktail waitress, and Sandra Bullock was the host, and this guy came in and persuaded me to try improv with Gotham City Improv.
Every day, in every city and town across the country, police officers are performing vital services that help make their communities safer.
Everyone in the league would say that they would love to go back home and play for their city. It's just something about representing home.
Just as we have what used to be supercomputers in our pockets, our homes now require the telecommunications infrastructure of a small city.
I grew up in a middle class English family just outside London. I wasn't surrounded by that speedy city lifestyle, it was a little mellower.
'The Devil in the White City' - the 'White City' was the nickname for the World's Fair of 1893, the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago.
I got into Kiss before I got into anybody. The first thing I heard was 'Detroit Rock City.' I heard it in the school library, where I lived.
We don't know: some little black boy or girl growing up in the inner city might grow up and cure cancer for all of us - if we let them do it.
You're perceived as being a success if you find a job in some big city and work with hundreds of other people and draw a paycheck every month.
Smart habitation is an integrated area of villages and a city working in harmony and where the rural and urban divide has reduced to thin line.
Turin is a city which entices a writer towards vigor, linearity, style. It encourages logic, and through logic it opens the way towards madness.
Not houses finely roofed or the stones of walls well builded, nay nor canals and dockyards make the city, but men able to use their opportunity.
I always had this notion of a noir novel in Galway. The city is exploding, emigration has reversed, and we are fast becoming a cosmopolitan city.
I had always thought that Gurgaon was some village, it was only when I came here that I realized that it is nothing less than a world-class city.
At the age of seventeen, I left school. I went to university, and I wrote my first attempts at poetry in a room in a flat at the edge of the city.
I come from no country, from no city, no tribe. I am the son of the road... all tongues and all prayers belong to me. But I belong to none of them.
I had always dreamed of being an Olympian, and something clicked inside of me. I knew I had to move to Salt Lake City and make this dream a reality.
Though President Grover Cleveland declared Labor Day a national holiday in 1894, the occasion was first observed on Sept. 5, 1882, in New York City.
Barcelona is a very old city in which you can feel the weight of history; it is haunted by history. You cannot walk around it without perceiving it.
Touring is very grueling. It's very taxing on the body and living out of your suitcase, going from city to city, night after night. It's a tough job.
Sydney is the most amazing city. The food and the beautiful beaches are fantastic, and all that surf and sunshine make you feel unbelievably relaxed.
Even if you live in a big city, everybody lives in a small town. We identify ourselves by our neighborhoods - 'I live in the Village, or in Chelsea.'
This is the city of dreamers and time and again it's the place where the greatest dream of all, the American dream, has been tested and has triumphed.
We should concentrate our work not only to a separated housing problem but housing involved in our daily work and all the other functions of the city.
In the city that the wolf enters, enemies will be close by. An alien force will sack a great country. Allies will cross the mountains and the borders.
If you're open to it, New Orleans will teach you about yourself, but if you want to hide from who you really are, the city will help you do that, too.
I know Lukaku quite well. We are from the same city, and I've known him since we were quite young - maybe eight or nine. My best friend is his cousin.
I believe that in a great city, or even in a small city or a village, a great theater is the outward and visible sign of an inward and probable culture.