Got no religion. Tried a bunch of different religions. The churches are divided. Can't make up their minds and neither can I.

Some of you are sitting at home saying, 'I don't need a church to love God,' and I am here telling you that you are so wrong.

These days - with the decline of the traditional churches - I'm concerned about where we obtain some form of moral direction.

Some keep the Sabbath going to church, I keep it staying at home, with a bobolink for a chorister, and an orchard for a dome.

Since the Church is to be servant to the poor, it is our fault if that wealth is not channeled to help the poor in our world.

Princess Diana was a wonderful, caring philanthropist. She would come sometimes into the church and sit at the back and pray.

Let it be a settled principle in our minds that the first and chief business of the Church of Christ is to preach the Gospel.

The same church members who yell like Comanche Indians at a ball game on Saturday sit like wooden Indians in church on Sunday.

Since people no longer attend church, theater remains as the only public service, and literature as the only private devotion.

It's like church over here. It's like church in here. First of all, give an honor to God and our Lord and Savior Barack Obama.

The prime duty of help to the poor by the Church is not to bring temporal relief to their needs, but salvation to their souls.

The very word baptizé, however, signifies to immerse; and it is certain that immersion was the practice of the ancient Church.

Church attendance may be dipping, but God can survive the Internet age. After all, He knows a thing or two about resurrection.

I was not fortunate enough to run into Obama. We were at the same church per se, but I would never be there when he was there.

How many times go we to comedies, to masques, to places of great and noble resort, nay even to church only to see the company.

The Church cannot be content to live in its stained-glass house and throw stones through the picture window of modern culture.

God literally moves his throne from heaven. When this happens the church is building a chair, a seat, a place for God to come.

When the pastor and his or her church have a vision, they will put their energy, time, money, and personnel into achieving it.

You can be committed to Church but not committed to Christ, but you cannot be committed to Christ and not committed to church.

It began to drizzle rain and he turned on the windshield wipers; they made a great clatter like two idiots clapping in church.

The great achievement of the Catholic Church lay in harmonizing, civilizing the deepest impulses of ordinary, ignorant people.

A landscape, torn by mists and clouds, in which I can see ruins of old churches, as well as of Greek temples - that is Brahms.

The union of church and state put the church under a political control... The church was thoroughly subordinated to the state.

I'm a church boy. I got whuppin's. So I'm afraid at any moment my grandmother could just swing down from heaven with a switch.

Church members are either pillars or caterpillars. The pillars hold up the church, and the caterpillars just crawl in and out.

As we consider the causes of depression, those of us in the church must face the ways we might be responsible for creating it.

Most of us spend the first six days of each week sowing wild oats; then we go to church on Sunday and pray for a crop failure.

The style of God venerated in church, mosque, and synagogue seems completely different from the style of the natural universe.

Fewer and fewer people are attracted to the church service and more and more people are attracted to the service of the church.

If the Church is not Making Disciples, then all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible, are a waste of time.

The church is not a dormitory for sleepers, it is an institution for workers; it is not a rest camp, it is a front line trench.

Many believe one can be a "good Christian" without joining (or even attending) a local church, but God would strongly disagree.

My mother was very, very Protestant. I grew up Presbyterian, and I went to church every Sunday until I was 18. I was forced to.

Church can be extremely boring. It can be very meaningful, it can be character forming, but can be have very little fizz in it.

There is this church that I go to a lot in New York. I'm not religious but I love lighting candles and stuff. I find it useful.

The all-important and crowning blessings of membership in the Church are those blessings which we receive in the temples of God

There is nothing more serious than the sacrilege of schism because there is no just cause for severing the unity of the Church.

I leave it to the faithful to burn each other's churches and mosques and synagogues, which they can be always relied upon to do

So our building of the visible Church becomes much like any natural business function, using natural means and natural motives.

It is the church's responsibility, the government's responsibility, and the personal responsibility of every one of us to love.

A preacher's life should be a commentary upon his doctrine... Heavenly doctrines should always be adorned with a heavenly life.

A church is disaffected when it is persecuted, quiet when it is tolerated, and actively loyal when it is favored and cherished.

The purpose of my life had always been to free people from concern. I dubbed it, 'The church of freedom from concern,' or 'FFC.

My mother was a minister, so I grew up in a church. My grandfather was a minister; there are a bunch of ministers in my family.

I never joined, but I used to go to church now and then. I liked it, because they always passed out plates of money at the end.

Were it not for the work of the Holy Spirit there would be no gospel, no faith, no church, no Christianity in the world at all.

Yesterday I had a Shaker visitor, and today a Catholic; and the more I see and hear, the less do I care about church doctrines.

Every American has the right to feel safe in their schools, in their churches, in their movie theaters, and in their nightclubs.

In an unconstitutional partnership with the state, the church can impose the most irresistible, if covert, controls conceivable.

Church: if the world could see a snapshot of our worship today, would they perceive that we believe our God is worthy of praise?

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