It's my job to stretch and figure out what I'm capable of, to identify with the character I have chosen to play.

By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination.

Being gay is not a terrible, tragic disease that requires prevention or treatment chosen for you by your parents.

A government must not waiver once it has chosen its course. It must not look to the left or right but go forward.

I've only chosen films that offered me something concrete, even if it is less than what I get to do in the South.

Knowing what I know now, if I could have chosen parents, I would have chosen exactly the ones God selected for me.

I've chosen not to talk about my really private life to the press - I've never invited a huge amount of attention.

The director respects what they've hired you for and chosen you for: to do the part and respect what you're doing.

I've never chosen the easy route to world titles or the easy route in fights, and I came up short against Stevenson.

If you have not chosen the Kingdom of God first, it will in the end make no difference what you have chosen instead.

I don't think I represent all things dubstep. I just like clubbing, so those are the sounds I've chosen to work with.

It seems some have chosen to ignore or have simply forgotten the big-picture vision promoted by Dr. King and his kin.

Freedom is not the absence of obligation or restraint, but the freedom of movement within healthy, chosen parameters.

Nothing generates more heat in the government than the question of who is chosen to participate in important meetings.

When you ask me why I do one film a year, it is not my fault. I've chosen what I liked from whatever work came my way.

Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.

Throughout the Old Testament, God warns his chosen people about the perils of assimilation, shiksappeal and false gods.

The iPhone was such a phenomenon that even the humble journalists chosen for an early look were thrust into a spotlight.

I just happen to love fighting and happen to be great at it. And I let my lifestyle carry over into my chosen profession.

I am extremely flattered to be chosen the 2012 Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year from such an esteemed group of nominees.

It is important that every bride feels comfortable in her chosen dress, and fabric choice has a big part to play in this.

Fear is the major cargo that American writers must stow away when the writing life calls them into carefully chosen ranks.

Ball culture saved my life, and many people don't understand that. But ballroom is where I found chosen and proven family.

I'd like to explode a few myths about what we call classical music. It's not high art for the titillation of a chosen few.

I obviously enjoy being wealthy. It's enabled me to have a career that I've chosen and not one that I've been forced into.

I am proud that generations of Jewish Americans have chosen to make this state their home; Georgia has been better for it.

If you ask me about my chosen colour palette for the clothes I wear myself, I'm usually one for more neutral, subtle shades.

I think the screen size chosen for the iPad is perfect for publishers to render content beautifully, for games to be played.

Seeing unhappiness in the marriage of friends, I was content to have chosen music and laughter as a substitute for a husband.

The desire of my heart is to be loved so fearlessly by somebody. I will not allow myself not to feel chosen every single day.

If you've chosen someone to be in your bridal party, she should be a good enough friend that she does not want to upstage you.

I was one of the people that always got chosen last, and I think I bulked up my comedy bone to make up for my lack of friends.

You have to listen to people that have chosen the nominee of our Republican Party. I think it would be foolish to ignore them.

Your clients are critical to your business. Don't lose touch with who they are and why they've chosen to do business with you.

I have chosen this job. If I didn't like it, I would have chosen something else. I can't go out and say that 'I don't like it.'

Friends are often chosen for similitude of manners, and therefore each palliates the other's failings because they are his own.

If the career you have chosen has some unexpected inconvenience, console yourself by reflecting that no career is without them.

Every state in this nation has been made better by those who have chosen to move here to escape persecution or extreme poverty.

I recall the first time my agent told me to wear clothes specifically chosen for me, I would try and find excuses not to do it.

God has always worked wonders through his prophets to increase the faith of His chosen people or to correct their disobedience.

The NBA's chosen ones think I'm setting a bad example? I think they need to look around and stop taking themselves so seriously.

I was very blessed in always knowing what I wanted to do, and by the grace of God I've been able to succeed in my chosen career.

We can understand, too, that natural species are chosen not because they are 'good to eat' but because they are 'good to think.'

I have chosen to kneel because I simply cannot stand for the kind of oppression this country is allowing against its own people.

If I have chosen the female form in particular, it is because beauty has been debased and exploited in our sensual 20th century.

A story and character are most important for me, not how I look, what clothes I wear, or what nail paint has been chosen for me.

I'm a storyline. I'm the chosen one for negative stories and controversial things. If I worried about it all, I would go insane.

As you all know, Prince is no longer with us. It is extremely difficult for me, and that is why I have chosen not to discuss it.

Holiness of life is not the privilege of a chosen few - it is the obligation, the call, and the will of God for every Christian.

Democrats, for their part, have chosen to go the way of reckless obstruction, pursuing the first partisan impeachment in history.

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