I am very fond of chocolates.

Anything with chocolates tempts me.

Chocolates are a must have in my refrigerator.

I get weak-kneed when I see chocolates and dessert.

Look, there's no metaphysics on earth like chocolates.

I did get Tom Hanks to say, Life is just a box of chocolates.

I don't care about flowers or chocolates or anything like that, that's not me.

If anybody tells me to stop eating chocolates or pizzas, I won't be able to do it.

We used to wash our hair in buckets and survive on toasted sandwiches, chocolates and soup.

I work out for a few hours extra, but I can't give cakes and chocolates a miss on Christmas.

I don't go up to guys. I'm all about a guy sending me flowers, getting me chocolates and surprising me.

My favorite thing in the world is a box of fine European chocolates which is, for sure, better than sex.

I have a sweet tooth and I gorge into lots of chocolates. I just love them. I have a liking for coffee too.

My cheat food is mainly all the sweet stuff I love to eat - pastries, chocolates, cakes and besan ka ladoo.

The only way I seem to be able to keep going while I'm writing is to munch my way through boxes of chocolates.

Rob Thomas loves nothing more than for couples to go on dates, and he loves chocolates. Boxes of 20 chocolates.

'The Lunchbox' has been a blessing - all gift-wrapped and tied with a bow. Life is a lunchbox of chocolates now!

The good thing is, the season of chocolates is during the cold months. During the cold months, I can send ground.

My guiltiest pleasure is... chocolates with strawberry cream and trashy television - 'Geordie Shore,' 'Katie,' etc.

I don't find these technical things like flowers and chocolates romantic at all. I think Valentine's Day makes no sense.

God has given His children a love that is so great in Christ that the world can't touch it with chocolates, roses, or diamonds.

I have 32 sweet teeth. I love everything from chocolates of all kinds to panna cotta to Khubhani ka Meetha and Double ka Meetha.

After having babies, I went off most desserts and chocolates. I could never resist a Wispa or a Flake. I can't finish a bar now.

Ah, it's too hard to pick a favorite president. It really is. It's like picking your favorite from a box of chocolates - I love all of them.

Chocolates tempt me a lot and I love binging on them. Sometime back, I had hogged so many of them that I had to go to Bangkok for treatment.

When the doctor said I had diabetes, I conjured images of languishing on a chaise longue nibbling chocolates. I have no idea why I thought this.

By planting more, we find new hybrid of cocoa, and by doing that, we lose some quality. So the price of the very high-end chocolates rises even more.

There are good days when I am disciplined and I follow my diet plan strictly and there are lazy days when I eat chocolates, doughnuts and ice creams.

A beautiful soap left in the guest bathroom, some fresh flowers by the bed, or a small gift of chocolates in their room will make anyone feel welcome.

We always had chocolates and my mother was careful to make sure they were unwrapped in advance so the paper wouldn't rustle in the middle of a performance.

Sometimes it is okay to have some chocolates and ice-creams. We all have those days sitting in front of the TV and have those. But you have to have the balance.

At Eleven Madison Park, instead of brioche or chocolates, we give our guests a jar of breakfast granola as a gift at the end of a meal. We also make savory granolas.

People still get shocked when they see me eat a whole box of chocolates. I don't psyche myself out - I know how to balance my meals even when I am not on a strict diet.

I never have cakes or biscuits. I don't have a sweet tooth at all, and I can't stand chocolates - I find them so sickly. However, I will buy cakes if I'm expecting company.

Romance is quite an overblown word. This idea of chocolates and champagne and that's it. There's more to love than that. Romance is quite a soppy word. Love is much more important.

The practice of passing bills to find out what is in them represents a Forrest Gump-box of chocolates approach to government in which the taxpayers never know what they are going to get.

I speak onstage to try to establish some method of communication. The songs are supposed to be a way of communicating. But speech and drinks and sometimes chocolates are also a way of communicating.

When I want comfort food, I buy Maltesers. I like all chocolates, but especially those. You can eat them, and because they're so light, you can convince yourself that they are not actually that fattening.

Anything that activates the joy center in the brain makes you happy, and therefore protects you. Oddly enough, that's what they do in 'Harry Potter': The nurse gives the kids chocolates when they've been near the Dementors!

I inherited my weight problem from my mum. She was always on diets. If there was a box of chocolates in the house, she'd eat half a chocolate, then put the other half back. She loved me, but she did encourage me to diet in my teens.

Madonna did amazing songs. She had an amazing sense of style, without a stylist. And she was flawed, and sometimes she admitted it. I'll fight the fight for Madonna. I think she should send me some chocolates or something to thank me.

Children in my family really look forward to Christmas presents and I enjoy becoming their Santa, eating chocolates, playing and spending some time with them. I also meet up with some of my close friends to have good food. That's all about Christmas for me.

Teen problem novels? I can go through them like a box of chocolates. And there are fantasy books out now that need a lot more editing. Fantasy got to be so popular that people began to think 'We don't need to be as diligent with the razor blade,' but they do.

Every week, I heave open a supermarket skip and find therein a more exotic shopping list of items than I could possibly have invented - Belgian chocolates, ripe bananas, almond croissants, stone-ground raisin bread - often so much it would have fed a hundred people.

I've battled my weight since I was 12. My parents took to us to New York once, for a holiday, and there I'd buy fruit loops from a 24x7 shop and sit down with my books. I never played; I wasn't that kind of kid - I just read. I ate chocolates like peanuts. I was 86kg till I was 19.

In 2004, we opened our first store in Manhattan. I installed a big window so people could see me making the chocolates. That store cost $1.8 million. It has a 45-foot-long chocolate counter and a hot chocolate bar made in Louis XVI style because that's when chocolate arrived in Europe.

As a kid I had a very unhealthy diet. I try not to place any blame. Mum was uneducated in cooking. She left school and home at 15, had my older brother when she was 17 and me at 19. It was usually frozen meals and lots of cola, peanut butter, jam sandwiches, sweets and loads of chocolates.

We know that no algorithm can solve global poverty; no pill can cure a chronic illness; no box of chocolates can mend a broken relationship; no educational DVD can transform a child into a baby Einstein; no drone strike can end a terrorist conflict. Sadly, there is no such thing as 'One Tip to a Flat Stomach.'

It's like Forrest Gump said, 'Life is like a box of chocolates.' Your career is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get. But everything you get is going to teach you something along the way and make you the person you are today. That's the exciting part - it's an adventure in itself.

Every Valentine's Day, I pretend I don't care. Like many of us, I say I don't want the flowers or chocolates or a homemade card. How cheesy. I pretend that it's over-the-top to want the person you like to make you a ridiculously nice dinner, or do some showy gesture, ala John Cusack with the boombox in 'Say Anything.'

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