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The real bubble in China is in US Treasuries, in US dollars.
Media Asia has great partners in China, Japan and Hollywood.
I think they will never really enjoy true democracy in China.
I love badminton, and representing China is an honour for me.
I expect more people from China and Asia to end up in the NBA.
Daoist thought is the root of science and technology in China.
I wouldn't mind seeing China if I could come back the same day.
I've been going to China every year now for more than a decade.
We all know that China is not a free trader. That's the reality.
I was born and raised in China, and my parents were missionaries.
There are 1.3 billion people in China, and they all want a Buick.
If the communist party is controlling China, they represent China.
I find it harder and harder every day to live up to my blue china.
Chinas movie industry is growing a lot faster than that of the U.S.
I would I had a thousand lives that I might give them to ... China!
China and Russia are regarded as the most formidable cyber threats.
Democracy in China is like Viagra; no such thing as free elections.
Had Tibet not fallen away from dharma China could not have invaded.
Seeing the Olympics come to China made me want to get more involved.
I never had secure, belonging feelings with this society [in China].
China can be a difficult market for IP in general and IP compliance.
I don't want people in China to have deep pockets but shallow minds.
We're all from China, and whoever wins, it's OK - I just try my best.
We can't make China a friend, but we can behave to make them an enemy.
The subject of human rights in China confounds absolute pronouncements.
China will continue to play its part as a major and responsible country.
I think it is not important to have the free trade agreement with China.
Glass, China, and Reputation, are easily cracked, and never well mended.
Global crude oil demand is increasing, particularly in places like China
History shows that anything conducive to our national stability is good.
Modern China; one also finds many things that are really quite admirable.
Global crude oil demand is increasing, particularly in places like China.
When I was in Taiwan, I was taught in school that Taiwan is part of China.
So, I think China desperately needs to legitimize some form of opposition.
There's a tremendous amount of energy in Japan and, increasingly, in China.
I liked being a teenager, but I would not go back for all the tea in China.
In China, the social network is a bit different. But I am active there too.
China is doing a lot of things right that the United States is doing wrong.
In China, when you get to the airport everyone be talking in American slang.
China's ability to deliver nuclear warheads on American cities is expanding.
We can't have jobs created in America if China is making all of our products.
I didn't say Facebook could not enter China, but nor did I say that it could.
China and India will, separately and together, unleash an explosion of demand.
I believe that if you treat China as an enemy, then it is likely to become one.
The U.S. - E.U. economic relationship dwarfs America's economic ties with China.
They have also been adopting fuel efficiency standards for automobiles in China.
China has lunged into the 21st century, while India is still lurching toward it.
At least Russia and China didn't call us names when we smiled sweetly at America.
China can and will be an invaluable trading partner to both the U.S. and the U.K.