I think that's a bit unfair. I'm a father with a 2-year-old child and I feel pretty young, actually.
Blessed be childhood, which brings down something of heaven into the midst of our rough earthliness.
No one ever does live happily ever after, but we leave the children to find that out for themselves.
Don't let yourself become so concerned with raising a good kid that you forget you already have one.
It is my deepest conviction that the children should be seen and heard as our most treasured assets.
My dreams and aspirations when I was a child for as long as I can remember was to be an entertainer.
That's what children do - throw food. That's not fighting. We were real men. We'd have chinned them.
The world today is changing rapidly, and we are helping to make it better for our children's future.
The first thing to understand about working with children's dreams is that adults need to listen up.
If you can teach your child to be compassionate and to be ethical, you will be the greatest teacher!
Children want the same things we want. To laugh, to be challenged, to be entertained, and delighted.
'The Goonies' is the one that everyone either remembers themselves or their children are seeing now.
The advice I will give my children, if and when they have Olympic aspirations, will be to go for it.
Once more the storm is howling, and half hid Under this cradle-hood and coverlid My child sleeps on.
We all know how to be a child. It's inside all of us. For me, it's just remembering how to enjoy it.
The world could be fixed of its problems if every child understood the necessity of their existence.
I don't believe in talking down to children. I don't believe in talking down to any certain segment.
It is so important that you don't stay with someone just for the children and for the wrong reasons.
I discovered that if you find the language to talk to younger readers, children can accept anything.
Don't point your finger to the heights your children should go. Start climbing and they will follow.
There will always be some curve balls in your life. Teach your children to thrive in that adversity.
The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child's own natural desire to learn.
Among politicians and businessmen, *Pragmatism* is the current term for 'To hell with our children.'
The only way we can ever teach a child to say "I'm sorry" is for him to hear it from our lips first.
I never understand why people have children and then insist on living as though nothing has shifted.
Ordinary adults don't like children to speak of things that are denied them by their own gray minds.
Children pay little attention to their parents' teachings, but reproduce their characters faithfully
I managed to slip two children out in the middle of my career and have been lucky with all the work.
Time spent in nature decreases stress and anxiety and improves focus for adults as well as children.
I wonder if I could eat a child if I had the chance.' 'I doubt if I could cook one,' said Constance.
If there were any people safe to criticize, they'd be politicians and child molesters, doncha think?
My husband and my children inspire me on a daily basis to be the best wife, mom, and woman I can be.
In the end, it's not what you do for your children but what you've taught them to do for themselves.
The difference between poetry and rhetoric is being ready to kill yourself instead of your children.
I'm an activist for gay marriage equality and children's rights. I'm the face of Share Our Strength.
The Queen of England gave me the honor of the Order of the British Empire for working with children.
Every elected official on this planet should understand - don't play with our children, don't do it.
What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child.
I loved being blonde. It's true, they have more fun, even when they're cannibalising their children.
Adults weren’t supposed to understand their children and you were doing something wrong if they did.
When I was a child, our summer days were spent swimming; chlorine in my hair was like perfume to me.
If you treat a sick child as an adult and a sick adult as a child, it usually works out pretty well.
I mean, there needs to be a wholesale effort against racial profiling, which is illiterate children.
On GOP Tax Cuts: They'll take food out of the mouths of children to give tax cuts to the wealthiest.
I believe that this neglected, wounded, inner child of the past is the major source of human misery.
When God calls His child to live the life of a missionary, He gives him the desire with the calling.
You have to be mentally strong to withstand the ridicule of other children and the stares of adults.
They [Narnia] are, perhaps, the greatest classics of children’s literature of the twentieth century.