The more intelligent our children, the better our lives and the richer our culture will be.

Being a parent wasn't just about bearing a child. It was about bearing witness to its life.

Children learn how to make good decisions by making decisions, not by following directions.

Children when they ask you why your mama so funny say she is a poet she don't have no sense

Our President has declared that the only privileged person in our country are the children.

A great tribute, is expressing the great love for a Grandmother we share with our children.

My children, every time they ask me for something, I tell them to round their old stuff up.

Once a child is confronted with the concept of death there's a certain innocence that goes.

For parents to restrain the inclinations of their children in marriage is an usurped power.

Mothers remember a child's first words, and quote them in tones usually reserved for Byron.

Our fathers and ourselves sowed dragon's teeth. Our children know and suffer the armed men.

These airplanes we have today are no more than a perfection of a child's toy made of paper.

We write not only for children but also for their parents. They, too, are serious children.

I don't believe in collective guilt. The children of killers are not killers, but children.

Adult helplessness destroys children. Or it forces them to become tiny adults of their own.

I think marriage is a good thing for children, because it gives them a feeling of security.

. . . besides love, independence of thought is the greatest gift an adult can give a child.

If you want to know what love is, have a child. If you want to know what pain is, bury him.

I have no quarrel with people who lack the skill or temperament to care for small children.

The victimization of children is nowhere forbidden; what is forbidden is to write about it.

Says the rude child: "No, I won't do it." Says the courteous grown-up: "Yes, I won't do it.

I've met people who are baffled by children, as though they were never children themselves.

As a child, I wanted to be an athlete, a professional tennis player or something like that.

Dance, vaudeville, drama, movies - as a child I loved everything that went on in a theater.

To talk to his children about God, a person needs to first talk to God with the impossible.

I would never take a case that had to do with abusing children. They're the true innocents.

Posterity--the forlorn child of nineteenth century optimism--grows ever harder to conceive.

We need the children of Indonesia and the Philippines to manufacture our freedom of choice.

There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child CAN do, instead of what he cannot do.

Worry is the child of Fear -- if you kill out Fear, Worry will die for want of nourishment.

The value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults.

How, frequently, some murder'd man appear'd, To tell his wife and children who had done it.

Children don't run around outside as much as they did. They sit in front of computer games.

The child can find out what the object ..might be only by finding ..obstacles to its access

At the doors, people are telling me they are afraid to let their children go to the movies.

The child who dwells inside us trusts that there are wise men somewhere who know the truth.

We tell our thoughts, like our children, to put on their hats and coats before they go out.

Even though ashrams... probably still exist in India, you don't find a child widow anymore.

Some children I have met are very beautiful. Some children are imbeciles, vulgar, terrible.

Greatest gift is human life and that we have a duty to protect the life of an unborn child.

Creations, whether they are children, poems, or organizations, take on a life of their own.

40 percent of North Korean children suffer from stunted growth. 20 percent are underweight.

Women love a sick child or a healthy animal; A man who is both itches them like an incubus.

Art is a fruit that grows in man, like a fruit on a plant, or a child in its mother's womb.

I've heard it said that children born to stressful times never shake the air of woe . . . .

The child takes most of his nature of the mother, besides speech, manners, and inclination.

Nothing about human beings ever had the power to move me as a child. Black Beauty now ... !

Children don't need learning. They need access to what they want to learn outside the home.

Don't let your children take priority over your marriage and your work and everything else.

My children are 10 and three, and the longing and the need for them is incredibly powerful.

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