Decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves.

Whatever the parents are doing, the kids will follow suit.

We are led on, like little children, by a way we know not.

Each generation makes it's own accounting to its children.

The race of children possesses magically sagacious powers.

Christian children all must be mild, obedient, good as He.

Since I've had children I don't really like horror movies.

The children are always the chief victims of social chaos.

All children are curious, I think, but not all adults are.

To remain ignorant of history is to remain forever a child

Credulity is the man's weakness, but the child's strength.

Brigham Young had 47 children, and over 50 women as wives.

The average American is just like the child in the family.

When you raise an animal, you live it like your own child.

Children should not be used as pawns in a political fight.

It's the courage to raise a child that makes you a father.

Nothing is more shameful than attacking sleeping children.

all children blackmail their parents with their innocence.

Dear parents, teach your children to pray. Pray with them.

A man cannot become a child again, or he becomes childish.

And children know, Instinctive taught, the friend and foe.

Education is helping the child realise his potentialities.

A child's work is to create the person she/he will become.

I wanted to become a writer. I enjoyed reading as a child.

Children usually do not blame themselves for getting lost.

When I'm not working, my time is really about my children.

There's nothing stronger than a woman protecting her child

Ever since I was a child, I wanted to excel in everything.

Always take out your watch when a child asks you the time.

There's nothing worse than poisoning our children's minds.

Scripture is the manger in which we find the Christ child.

You learn more about yourself through your child, I guess.

I don't have any children; I have four middle-aged people.

It's important to have masculine energy around your child.

A teacher is a person who used to think he liked children.

One of the greatest joys in life is watching a child laugh

Pleasures are always children, pains always have wrinkles.

It is just that I don't want a wife and I don't want kids.

Children, viewed from one angle, are philosophy in motion.

Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.

Nothing is more completely the child of art than a garden.

You grow in reputation like bread in the hands of a child.

Children have but little charity for one another's defects

Our children should not be so taught as to despise labour.

A child understands fear, and the hurt and hate it brings.

All children have gifts, some open them at different times.

I work hard to show my mother that her child has a purpose.

Any kid will run any errand for you, if you ask at bedtime.

Even Christian—the poster child for "smartass"—looked grim.

The Americans are the illegitimate children of the English.

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