It is necessary from the very nature of things that power should be a check to power.

Blot out vain pomp; check impulse; quench appetite; keep reason under its own control.

It's a law of life - check it and you'll see it holds true in every situation of life.

I haven't sold to the movies. In other words, I haven't gotten any enormous checks yet.

But as I often say, terrorists wont check our party registration before they blow us up.

But I thought, I've just got to check out Hollywood, so I sent out pictures and resumes.

I'm a worthless check, a total wreck, a flop But if baby I'm the bottom, you're the top.

[My favorite scientist] Michio Kaku. He deals with wormholes. Check him out. He's great.

When we played, World Series checks meant something. Now all they do is screw your taxes.

This is definitely a reality check for us, we've just got to learn from this and move on.

This used to be a government of checks and balances. Now it's all checks and no balances.

Did you ever figure to be living in a time when your check is good, but the bank bounces?

That friend a great man's ruin strongly checks, who rails into his belief all his defects.

Love is a check, that can be forged, that can be cashed. Love is a payment that comes due.

Physical money, whether it's checks or cash or credit card, are digitizing in front of us.

I'm that dude from the ad about background checks where I put a rifle together blindfolded.

When your principles seem to be demanding suicide, clearly it's time to check your premises

You don't pay taxes; they take them from your check. That's not a payment - that's a 'jack.

That is why people have jobs and pay checks... it helps keep you from unanswerable questions.

Osteosarcoma sometimes takes a limb to check you out. The, if it like you, it takes the rest.

My resume, my career, and my legacy in this sport means more to me then collecting some checks.

If I have a roof over my head and if I'm cashing checks and choking some necks I'm always happy.

Let's be very clear, if you check the F.E.C. records you will see I am supporting George W. Bush

I spend a lot of time alone so I get a lot done. I don't do much else but work, check things out.

When she smiles niggers ask her for her hand in marriage; when I smile folks check their wallets.

Many scammers are only using personal checks for payment because they can take the money and run.

I like being able to donate my comedy to charity. I'm not a billionaire, and I can't write checks.

No, I don't autograph blank slips, checks, or stickers, and certainly no books without me in them.

I've made more than 50 records with a wide range of music. I've often veered to check something out.

If I thought the Lord was speaking to me I'd check myself into Bellevue, and I think you should too.

If there's ever been a dark moment in my life... well, I wanted to check out. Music was a big escape.

As a viewer, the minute I start getting confused, I check out of the movie. Emotionally, I'm severed.

Any general statement is like a check drawn on a bank. Its value depends on what is there to meet it.

So to make those checks better, I used to steal lollipops and sell them at school - but I got caught.

Your mission isn't a project to check off your list. It's a commitment to which to dedicate your life.

I did not think I would see the day when, you know, an AIG would not be able to have its checks clear.

We are still a nation of laws. You just have to check with Barack Obama every day to see what they are.

On form of government, there should be checks and balances, and PM should be responsible to Parliament.

College is great. It's the only time in life where you can write a check for 39 cents... and bounce it.

I want to hear Damon Lindelof complain about broadcast when he goes to the bank to cash his 'Lost' checks.

If I were a gynecologist, I'd say things like, Okay, enough of the small talk. Let's check under the hood.

We prefer paychecks to welfare checks for the American people and a robust middle class with rising wages.

I didn't make good money on 'Nightmare' until part three. I eventually got some nice merchandising checks.

To measur whether it is humility or depression, check whether you are advancing spiritually or going down.

We have to keep our eye on inflation, but so far inflation remains reasonably in check on the global stage.

I could cover the gamut. It's cool though you go in for an hour, read the script, leave and you got a check.

Characterization in a play is like a blank check which the dramatist accords to the actor for him to fill in.

If have to undergo preschool safety checks every morning, why does a random thug get to own an assault rifle?

You know, my problem is I can't say no to people, especially people who want to write me checks to do things.

I'm a gun owner; I'm a hunter, but you know what? I went through background checks myself in order to get it.

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