Congress can prevent future tragedies by requiring a background check for every gun purchase in America.

In reality, I never even got to have a Hank Williams instrument. I got a tie, a fishing lure and a check.

I walked out of the Chinese restaurant with a fat check, a record deal, and a box of shrimp egg foo yung!

I like to go back over history and check out what people have written and whether I agree with it or not.

We don't want to wait on someone to hire us and give us a check. We want to create our own opportunities.

When I check in at the Encore, they're like, 'Welcome back, sir.' I'm back home, it's like my second home.

I profoundly believe that the Democratic Party is the only vehicle we have to put a check on Donald Trump.

I love dishes that feature the various shades of a single colour, making you stop to check what's in there.

If you are a journalist, check and double-check your sources. Don't just swallow what politicians tell you.

What I like about land is I can drive out and check on it. It doesn't go anywhere. It's hard to steal land.

I'm so organised. I never screw up. I've done it maybe twice before. I check my calendar seven times a day.

We're a big check mark on everybody's schedule. I told them it's just another challenge, let's go after it.

I check Trump every time he says something crazy. I told him to stop calling Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas.'

We have to keep our eye on inflation, but so far inflation remains reasonably in check on the global stage.

I'm not one to throw anybody under a bus, but check this out: I'll be the first one to step in front of it.

I've gotta check, but I think I'll be the first UFC fighter in history to have the lead role in a big movie.

I do have odd habits. I check under my bed every night for the bogeyman. That's just a little thing, though.

Well, I think the global economy is in the position for continuing good growth with inflation well in check.

Chess is a thinking person's game. But you don't have to be smart to know what's funny! Lots of check, mate!

You've got to think lucky. If you fall into a mudhole, check your back pocket - you might have caught a fish.

'World Is Our Playground' is a big room banger that makes you wanna check into a hostel and call Mike Taylor.

The 'Red and Meth' show was good, but it wasn't good to me. I just looked at it as an experience and a check.

I only photograph myself at poignant moments in my life as a check of where I am and how large my thighs are.

I fell in love with reading when I was allowed to choose whatever books I wanted to check out of the library.

If I can run, I'm not going to sit out any game. I'm here to play football, not to watch and collect a check.

I was a mailman walking in the snow six days a week, 12-hour days. Every two weeks, I'd get a check for $228.

For the most part, I hang out in my back yard with my dog, but there's no paparazzi trying to check that out.

I'm constantly having to check my conscience about what I'm writing and the responsibility of what I'm saying.

Almost half of all Latinas currently on Social Security rely exclusively on their benefit check in retirement.

The first thing you do when you get out to center field is put up your finger and check the wind chill factor.

You can so easily be dismissed as a thug or hysterical if you're a woman if you don't keep your rage in check.

I never believe anything in the world of entertainment until it actually happens and the check clears the bank.

I'd made enough made money by the time I was 12 to never work again, so it's not about a big pay check with me.

Being on daytime TV has its benefits. You can still have a life and you know you have a check coming every week.

If you cannot be on the project each day to check on things, then you should not try and be your own contractor.

As technology tries to maintain its dizzying ascent, one dead weight has kept its altitude in check: the battery.

Twitter is essential to me because I wake up and check it religiously. It's a way I communicate with my fan base.

Our humanitarian aid system is sick and needs to be fixed. It needs to get a reality check and get back humanity.

I performed in a bowling alley before while people were still bowling. Cut the check, and I will perform anywhere.

Racism is a part of human nature, and you're not going to eradicate it; all you can do is try to keep it in check.

I hate girls who complain, 'Oh, guys are looking at me!' But I love it when guys check me out. It just feels great.

When I saw Kate Moss's champagne tower from her wedding, I was like, 'Okay, check - I want that. I want fireworks.'

The normal reaction of a publisher when faced with an author with a bee in his bonnet is to grab the check and run.

I may not be wealthy; I'm living from pay check to pay check, but I get to make movies, which is what I love to do.

The kids really enjoy what they do. I check with them constantly to make sure that they're really happy to be there.

I've looked after my money. As I started working around my third birthday, my first check went straight to the bank.

Businesses large and small shouldn't have to check the expiration date of a tax provision to see if it's still good.

I'd really love to check out medieval times. I'm obsessed with that kind of stuff, like on a horseback with a sword.

As soon as I check into a hotel, I get butt naked and I watch super trash TV like 'Storage Wars' and 'The Bachelor.'

If a cream can give you confidence then you really have to check your whole confidence department in the first place.

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