I lead a charmed life.

I bear a charmed life.

I've had a charmed life.

I've lived a charmed life.

I was living a charmed life.

'Simon' was such a charmed experience.

They seem to be charmed by my Southern accent.

I'm very fortunate. I've led a charmed life, I think.

Faces that have charmed us the most escape us the soonest.

Nobody reads a reference book to be amused, much less charmed.

How charmed I am when I overhear a German word which I understand!

When Rush Limbaugh says I'm not a scientist, I'm charmed - I smirk.

I guess I'm a little charmed. I never thought this would happen so quick.

I've got a lot of charisma, plus women are forgiving and they can be charmed.

As a child, I was as intrigued by the Evil Queen as I was charmed by Snow White.

I used to watch 'Charmed' and 'The Secret World of Alex Mack' - she was the best.

I've had a really charmed life, you know. Things always come to me - they just do.

I didn't really get London until I read Dickens. Then I was charmed to death by it.

I had lived a charmed life, and then I lost a beautiful woman I loved with all my heart.

Sons have always a rebellious wish to be disillusioned by that which charmed their fathers.

I've led a charmed life. I've known people who have been depressed, and I've never had that.

I've had a pretty charmed life, so there's nothing that I need to take too seriously right now.

Rod and I are living a very charmed and fortunate life, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Charmed' is obviously so iconic, and to be part of an extension of that is like beyond thrilling.

There are some people who only know me for cornflakes ads, and that's fine. I have a charmed life.

I've lived a charmed life. I married the only girl I ever loved and did the only job I ever loved.

I had a very happy childhood, happy teenage years and I was famous by the time I was 22. A charmed life.

No siren did ever so charm the ear of the listener as the listening ear has charmed the soul of the siren.

When Lady Diana Spencer first visited Balmoral, aged 19, she charmed all the Royals and the Queen especially.

We are charmed by neatness: Let not your hair be out of order. [Lat., Munditiis capimur: non sine lege capilli.]

When we see a natural style, we are astonished and charmed; for we expected to see an author, and we find a person.

When I went to school at Emerson, I was completely charmed living there and loved the architecture of the Back Bay.

I am often stunned and charmed by the simple brilliance of what children say. But you have to be willing to listen.

I spent an entire evening seated between Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly, being charmed from either side. It was pure Hollywood magic.

One of the things that fascinates me most is when people are so charmed by the universe that it becomes part of their artistic output.

I have known exceptional people who have endured severe trials while others, at least on the surface, seem to have lived charmed lives.

There's a thing with genre movies and science fiction movies that number two is the charmed; two seems to be the best. I loved 'Terminator 2.'

I know I've had a charmed experience of being a parent, with healthy kids, a helpful partner, access to good day care, and great public schools.

A lot of people would think I have led this easy kind of charmed life, or maybe even a fairytale in some ways. But it has been anything but that.

I've lived a real charmed life. I'm just one of those knuckleheads who literally can't remember a season of his life that he didn't enjoy. I was a happy kid.

I'm really proud to be part of it. I think it's great that the show came back. We have another generation to fall in love with magic and the 'Charmed' sisters.

At this point, I can almost never see myself saying no to a con or a 'Charmed' reunion, because it's so important to so many people I've already met personally.

In 1969, John Iliopoulos and Luciano Maiani came to Harvard as research fellows. Together, we found the arguments that predicted the existence of charmed hadrons.

I'm excited to bring in a new fan base for 'Charmed' and to surprise and shock the old ones as well - bridge the gap between both. Maybe I'll get some superpowers!

I haven't a clue if there is life on other planets but I'd be charmed if we found a unicellular organism on Mars. It would change our whole concept of life on Earth.

You know what, I'm very attracted to someone who makes me laugh and is that charming. Really, I could be charmed by anyone. I'm just a sucker for somebody that is charming.

I had a somewhat charmed life. I was brought up at the BBC. I did meet so many people cleverer than myself in those years. Often, I was slapped down and made to feel not good enough.

I know I live a charmed, beautiful life and nobody wants to hear a celebrity whine. The last thing I want to do is complain; I love what I do and I know every job comes with a downside.

I am not a member of Fat Liberation, nor do I think that obesity is healthy. But I do believe that in many ways my life has been a more charmed and happy one because I was always large.

I think magic and fantasy are very attractive, especially in the day and age we're living in. How amazing would it be to use your powers for good? We definitely tackle that in 'Charmed.'

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