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I always say that I went to the College of Blossoms and the University of Ray Charles.
I don't know of a soul who packed more living into 72 years than Charles Lindbergh did.
The average American's day planner has fewer holes in it than Ray Charles's dart board.
Prince Charles has his foibles, but he is not a crook, not a bully, and not a hypocrite.
I know Charles Michael Davis. I used to play poker with him when I lived in Los Angeles.
Prince Charles is definitely my hero; he uses his position to do only good in this world.
Charles Barkley, I used to watch him growing up. Then I met him. He was a big teddy bear.
I didn't even respect singers until I heard Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra and Louis Armstrong.
Familial love can find an echo in our own hearts just as it did in that of Charles Dickens.
Give it up for Ray Charles and his beautiful legacy. And thank you, Ray Charles, for living.
What you look like, whether you're Brad Pitt or Charles Laughton, is significant for actors.
I would've given my right arm to do something on the 'Ray' film, the movie about Ray Charles.
I love Charles Baudelaire. Him and Shakespeare are the only people I think are better than me.
The first piece of music that captured my imagination was probably Ray Charles Live At Newport.
Charles Dickens left us fifteen novels, and in an ideal world, everyone would read all of them.
Little Richard was it for me, man. Later, it was Ray Charles and Bobby 'Blue' Bland, B.B. King.
My dad has always been a big Ray Charles fan, and I've grown up listening to all kinds of music.
Listen to any cantor, any good hazan, sing and you can hear a little bit of Ray Charles going on.
Jamaal Charles is one of the finest running backs that's ever put on a Kansas City Chiefs uniform.
Once upon a time, novelists of the 19th century, such as Charles Dickens, published in serial form.
I like to do really good things. But 'good' - witness Charles Dickens - doesn't mean 'not popular.'
Harry Reid is not funny; he's creepy. Nancy Pelosi is creepy. Charles Schumer is sneaky and creepy.
I'd love to work with Lena Headey, Alfie Allen, Charles Dance. I'd love to work with Peter Dinklage.
Peforming as James Brown, I didn't really have to go deep in my soul the way I do as Charles Bradley.
No. 1 career highlight? It would have to be getting the MBE from Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace.
Approaching 50, I am living a life that is less sunlit Waldman/Chabon than tattered Charles Bukowski.
Everyone felt like they knew Ray Charles and in a way they did, because he was embodied by his music.
Charles Ives was writing radically innovative music, but nobody performed it, and nobody knew about it.
While the 1980 book was being serialized in the Sunday Times, Charles attacked it through the Observer.
If Nora Roberts were a man, she'd be on the cover of big business magazines as the next Charles Dickens.
I am pleased that Prince Charles and Mrs Camilla Parker Bowles have decided to take this important step.
Stories about Diana's fashions, about possible rows between Charles and Diana, these were meat and drink.
I vividly remember Charles Bronson's face in 'Chino.' The western genre is screaming for a face like that.
For me, one of my personal inspirations was designers in the mid-20th century named Charles and Ray Eames.
I think Charles Manson was a hair's breath away from just being a terrorist. He wanted to start a war, too.
The first movie I worked was called 'The Spirit of St. Louis.' It was the story of Charles Lindberg's life.
I'd work with Charles Kelley anytime. I'd go do a 'Pancho and Lefty' record with Charles. He is class, man.
Charles Laughton signed me to my first movie contract at 17. He later asked my parents if he could adopt me.
From Jesse James to Charles Manson, the media, since their inception, have turned criminals into folk heroes.
I'd say that Ray Charles is definitely the biggest influence on my singing. Also Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder.
Prince Charles was a lot wittier than I thought he'd be, and passionate about the environment and architecture.
Ray Charles, in his own way, it's like at the beginning, Ray Charles changed American music, not once but twice.
I knelt at the altar of Ray Charles for years. I worked at a restaurant, and that's all there was on the jukebox.
People return to the same things. Charles Dickens wrote the same story a million times - and 'A Christmas Carol.'
Prince Charles is very relaxed at the table, throwing his salad around willy-nilly. I didn't find him stiff at all.
When you look at Prince Charles, don't you think that someone in the Royal family knew someone in the Royal family?
I've actually had a copilot come out of the cockpit on a trip from L.A. to New York and ask me about Charles Manson.
Charles Koch and David Koch, co-owners of Koch Industries, are U.S. citizens, taxpayers, entrepreneurs and employers.
I have no desire to go in for tyranny or to play the part of King Charles. I hate tyranny in any field of human activity.
I grew up on Charles Addams' cartoons, particularly 'The Addams Family,' and Uncle Fester was always one of my favorites.