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I don't think that just because people will pay a certain amount for a ticket that it's all right to charge it.
When I do 'Sweet Tooth,' really, whatever I want to do with the characters kind of goes. I'm sort of in charge.
Sitting still, a person produces about 100 watts of heat. What if you could use that to charge your cell phone?
You cannot take shortcuts. We've shown that we can spend more on ingredients, not less, and charge a fair price.
I gave 738 Rotary Club speeches, and it was just driving me crazy, so someone said, 'Why don't you charge money?'
Directing is a unique endeavor where you are in charge of so many people. As a writer, it is sort of the opposite.
Look what Disney's done to their animation department. There wasn't an animator in charge of their animation unit!
When the bell rings in between the ropes, I'm in charge. No one can touch me. That's my time, no one can touch me.
If you want a product that's thicker with a bigger battery, it's also heavier, more costly, takes longer to charge.
People want to be in charge of health information. They want it available the same way online banking is available.
I'm a capitalist but one who is smallist and localist, and who favours businesses where owners are still in charge.
I would be ready to become a dad if I was with the right person. I'd like a boy, though. Because they're in charge.
It is frequently a misfortune to have very brilliant men in charge of affairs. They expect too much of ordinary men.
It's up to all of us, the consumers, to take charge of our health. It's almost like voting. It's your responsibility.
I'm proud to be a Democrat, and I feel pretty strongly that the country would be better off with Democrats in charge.
Health care in Denmark is universal, free of charge and high quality. Everybody is covered as a right of citizenship.
When I was young, they used to call me 'foreman,' not because I was in charge, but because I did the work of four men.
The human wish to credit good things as miraculous and to charge bad things to another account is apparently universal.
A lot of people think that they are leaders just because they have been placed in charge of something - and you're not.
I believe the more difficult the circumstances, the more people will be inclined to trust those in charge at the moment.
Our neighborhoods are safer when there is trust between communities and the police who are in charge of protecting them.
A failure to listen to the party's grassroots was a charge regularly levelled at Theresa May - particularly over Brexit.
A strenuous effort must be made to train young people to think for themselves and take independent charge of their lives.
Professionalism in medicine has given us medial miracles for the affluent but hospitals that will charge $35 for aspirin.
In 2007 WebEx was acquired by Cisco and I became Cisco's Corporate VP of engineering, in charge of collaboration software.
Pakistan is a very emotional, cricket-loving nation and what Pakistan need is a street-fighter-type in charge of the team.
From my experience, I think that every actor has to make sure that they're in charge of their own career somehow or other.
To make the most of your money, I recommend sticking with mutual funds that don't charge a commission when you buy or sell.
I want my son to become aware that he is in charge of the choices he makes, and it's good to make thoughtful, good choices.
Two-thirds of the directors at the New York Fed are hand-picked by the same bankers that the Fed is in charge of regulating.
During most of my freelancing, I made what I would have made in charge of the cafeteria at a pretty good junior-high school.
Greg Berlanti is in charge of a lot of superhero shows on television. He is a literal superhero. He is absolutely brilliant.
I think your musical tastes are largely shaped at a young age by your parents, as they're in charge of what's on in the car.
Tension can be useful, exciting, flirtatious, strength-building, or destructive. Put yourself in charge of how you direct it.
I don't care what the religion is called; as far as I'm concerned, one God, the God I adhere to, is in charge of all of them.
I was the artsy one, and my husband took care of all our finances. It was the Latino way - the man is in charge of the money.
You're gonna have to learn to get out there in front of those cameras and hold your head up. Take charge when you're singing.
Today, January 23, 2019, I swear to formally assume the powers of the national executive as president in charge of Venezuela.
Putting Michael Gove in charge of the Department of the Environment is much like putting a wolf in charge of the chicken coop.
I was in prison for a charge in Texas, murder one. Back in the '70s in Texas, I was there. I heard the shot. I was in the car.
I took charge of the rice when I got on 'Survivor.' I said, 'I'll take charge of this and it'll last till the end.' And it did.
Waste no time with revolutions that do not remove the causes of your complaints but simply change the faces of those in charge.
I think there are a lot of men who feel they're being emasculated by having the woman be in charge; I've never had that problem.
You do hear a lot about 'player power,' but I'm one of those who believes the manager is there to take control, to be in charge.
Dynasty was the opportunity to take charge of my career rather than waiting around like a library book waiting to be loaned out.
I love to play it. I think it's funny. It's always been funny to me. Somebody who's large and in charge but totally wrong-headed.
I've been in Congress 14 years. I've been on the Appropriations Committee in which we are in charge of trying to move legislation.
There are two kinds of companies, those that work to try to charge more and those that work to charge less. We will be the second.
Today I love myself as I love my god: who could charge me with a sin today? I know only sins against my god; but who knows my god?
Football needs its roots, it needs its connection with the supporters. But those in charge seem to think they can do without them.