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With a suit, even if you're having a nervous breakdown, you still look like you're in charge.
It feels good when you come to a place like Oklahoma to charge up the batteries. I need that.
Look, rich people and business people do well whether Republicans or Democrats are in charge.
I didn't take the reins of my career until I was about 21, and I've been in charge since then.
I always delegate. If someone is very good at something, whatever it is, he will be in charge.
Every time someone downloads a picture, the photographers get paid about 30% of what we charge.
At that time, we were in charge. We didn't ask. We just did. We just did what was in our heart.
God made us. He's in charge of everything, right? If He didn't like us, why didn't he change us?
The most serious charge which can be brought against New England is not Puritanism but February.
I want to make a city that can run smoothly with anyone in charge, even without a mayor in place.
Acting... was the biggest charge I ever had. What other artist has it so good? Approval so quick?
The tocsin you hear today is not an alarm but an alert: it sounds the charge against our enemies.
I've never been big on sports coats and pants. I'm a suit guy. It makes it clear who's in charge.
It's new and different every night. The charge you get from a good audience is like nothing else.
The Republican Party is in charge. They've been charge of the Congress and spending for 10 years.
Anything I do, I spend a lot of time. I do it with passion and intensity. I want to be in charge.
I always looked at rock & roll as the voice of regular people, of an economic group not in charge.
Not many managers have been in charge for as many games as I have, that should tell you something.
If I was in charge, I'd keep doing The Go-Go's forever, but it's a band, so everyone has their say.
I want a minister to be in charge of a line department so they have clear political accountability.
The thing that annoys me is that I hate it when people charge bands to play with them. I hate that.
My take is that A.I. is taking over. A few humans might still be 'in charge,' but less and less so.
Under the Constitution, giving 'aid and comfort' to a wartime enemy can lead to a charge of treason.
Snow Tha Product was dope. She wanted me on a song, so I did it for her. I ain't charge her nothing.
The kind of work I do and the films I believe in, I had to take charge of making that kind of cinema.
Once again, no one in charge had given any thought to the possibility that a woman would be involved.
I don't want everything to be flowery perfection. I like it there to be a charge behind it, you know?
The problem with money issued by any government is that its only value is what those in charge decree.
The reason I'm scared of flying is because I'm not in charge. Being so far out of control terrifies me.
A key reason that elections are run so badly is that in most states, political partisans are in charge.
At present, it's not really clear who is in charge of protecting the nation from solar and nuclear EMP.
I can remember when I was a 17-year-old at Swansea and Terry Yorath and Tommy Hutchison were in charge.
I was in charge of the music in every team I played for, and that is a huge responsibility, believe me!
I hate Cha Cha Cha the most on 'Strictly.' If I was in charge of 'Strictly' I'd get rid of Cha Cha Cha.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without charge, under torture, which is what solitary confinement is.
Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.
It's not my job to try and alter the director's style - he's in charge, and I'll always give him my trust.
Let's go tell everyone we meet that, when the American dream is at stake, you want Barack Obama in charge.
I'm in charge of a lot of young women. They occasionally come to me for advice, and I have to wrangle them.
The cavemen are still in charge at the networks. They're all white males, and you can't get away from that.
If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand.
It is a core principle that prosecutors should charge and pursue the most serious readily provable offense.
The good thing about TV is that you can still watch the product, even if you're not in charge of it anymore.
Stripe really did come about because we were really appalled by how hard it was to charge for things online.
A federal Voters' Bill of Rights could press the states to put non-partisan managers in charge of elections.
Careers are what they are, they don't make any sense at all when you look back. We're not in charge of them.
If I am elected, God willing, to the United States Senate, I will be leading the charge for President Trump.
When I was in charge of the Christian Coalition I was available to mobilize grass roots support for somebody.
People assume that all artists make for terrible business people, but I'm in complete charge of my own career.
I've definitely gotten to the point where we get to the venue, and people know that I'm in charge of the band.