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I think what Calvinism may offer us is that God's in charge of his world.
Never charge a player and, above all, no pointing your finger or yelling.
When in doubt, mumble; when in trouble, delegate; when in charge, ponder.
I definitely taught my parents how to text and how to charge their phones.
It's hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse.
My family is large and in charge! That's my favorite way to describe them.
If it doesn't know what to charge you for nosebleed seats, your team sucks.
Let's put Coloradans in charge; let's put Westerners in charge of the West.
Every duty is a charge, but the charge of oneself is the root of all others.
I charge by the hour, or I am on a retainer. We try to work with the client.
At Bayern, the people in charge are football men. I always appreciated that.
It's very insulting when you're in charge and someone is talking down to you.
And I tell people I'm in charge of children, children I haven't even met yet.
It really does help everyone when there are some big bands leading the charge.
I like being in charge. I like being able to control my own destiny and ideas.
I am called here to answer before you, but I hear no things laid to my charge.
I always wanted to be in charge of my own career. I like having my own imprint.
I think that maybe if women and children were in charge we would get somewhere.
I'm taking charge of my own business because I don't trust anyone else to do it.
You must see the persons who are in charge - persons you can punish or vote for.
I believe that every WWE superstar is in charge, 100 percent, of his own destiny.
If the charge against me is that I fight to win, and I'm intense, then I'm guilty.
Let's lower costs for health care. Let's put patients in charge of their solutions.
As a kid, I was the neighbourhood baby-sitter - very responsible, always in charge.
If you're going to charge someone for something, you have to show them value for it.
I'm in charge of raising a young woman one day, to be a mother and hopefully a wife.
When Ralf Rangnick was in charge, you could see he was out to force a pressing game.
I was once in charge of the Dutch team - and then I was introduced to club football!
I think the BBC likes to have Mary Berry and me around to rebut the charge of ageism.
I'm very happy in charge at Atletico. The squad give me commitment, talent and style.
My favorites are songs that I get an emotional charge from, whatever genre they're in.
I took over from Sir Alex, and it was always going to take time, whoever was in charge.
We can let circumstances rule us, or we can take charge and rule our lives from within.
There is an intimacy about the Opry Theater that gives an entertainer a special charge.
No one can just file a charge and go directly to a jury trial. That just cannot happen.
Lawyers are like rhinoceroses: thick skinned, short-sighted, and always ready to charge.
Let's replace Obamacare with reforms that put you back in charge of your own healthcare.
I get the same charge from juxtaposition of colors as I do from juxtaposition of chords.
I feel sexy when I can be in charge of how I present my body and how I am in this world.
I have traveled a lot in the world, and wherever Islam is in charge, it's just terrible.
Let us now set forth one of the fundamental truths about marriage: the wife is in charge.
The mistake that was made was, of course, leaving Saddam in charge of affairs over there.
I'm in charge of the State Department's 60,000-plus people all over the world, 275 posts.
Directors have this mask of being in control and in charge, but underneath, I'm terrified.
We need to ensure that veterans are in charge of their health care and not the government.
Shooting is nothing. Anybody can shoot. The big charge is putting on a show for the crowd.
That's the kind of motif I bring to the books - that people take charge of their own lives.
For years it never occurred to me to question the judgment of those in charge at the studio.
I have never been afraid of being in charge, whether I have been coach, manager or caretaker.
They say the good Lord doesn't charge you for the days you hunt and fish, and I believe that.